Saturday, April 22, 2023

Chunks of sewing time

Good morning to you!!!  I have been working on UFO's.  All these blocks were completed, and laid out in perfect sequence, ready to sew. Why didn't I do this long ago!!!??   Some concentrated time with them, and I have this top together (minus borders) all done.  Hurrah!!!  This is a small quilt, because the blocks are quite tiny.  A border is in order.  I adore it, because it is all scraps.

I finished the next round on the Squirrel Star quilt, so named...because it is a squirrel!!!  I love the pastels, chosen to match the center star colors, which are cut off triangles, saved and now used up.  I tried to choose star colors based on what I had, and also on the inner triangles...something to go with those bright Easter colors.    On to the next border.  My dear friend and I are working on similar quilts, and Annie's are in reproduction colors.

This quilt also had all the blocks all made, and laid out, ready to sewn. Putting the pedal to the metal did the trick, and this is a larger quilt top.  Scraps, every strip!! A true UFO.


 I took out this little quilt, and hand blanket stitched the lettering, which took around five hours.  Geesh!!!  I love to do that, but it took a small forever.  Next round is coming up!



How are you doing on your UFO's?  Any to speak of?  I feel like I have made a great dent in finishing mine up, and that feels wonderful. After all, what is the purpose of all this sewing?  To give to other people...geturdun, self!



Have a super day!




Loris said...

Lovely progress on all of these! I love that first setting you did with the small blocks. It really pulls them all together.

Vicki W said...

You've had some large chunks of time! They are all going to make very pretty quilts. The pastel one is really speaking to me today.

Robin said...

I just finished a long time UFO this morning. It is a table topper,
Feels so good to have it done.

loulee said...

Great progress on your UFOs.

Janet O. said...

Each of you UFO quilts here is a winner!
Last October I put a "No New Starts" sign on my sewing room door. So other than a brief break after 6 months to make a doll quilt for Lori's swap, I have only worked on current projects. It feels so good to move some of those closet cloggers on to be finished quilts!

Nancy said...

You have some beautiful UFO finishes, Julie. I especially like the sampler in the first photo. You said the blocks are small. Are they 6" blocks?
But then I also love the star surrounded by stars, and the log cabin quilt. Gorgeous!

MissPat said...

Boy, you've been busy. That pastel star quilt would make an adorable baby quilt. Keep up the good work. You'll be starting new projects in no time.

Astrid said...

Fabulous progress on UFOs Julie! All pretty quilts and they'll be done before you know!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Lots of fun projects you've been working on. That border of stars on the pastel quilt is great.

Lori said...

Look at you go! I love them all!

Jannette said...

In 2016, I signed up to make a quilt block every day for the entire (leap) year. I found a cute 6.5" block pattern - and then I put all 366 blocks away... I pulled the blocks out last week, and have already stitched together 2 charity quilt tops, and have enough blocks left over to make at least one more top. They'll all be donated to a charity that creates quilts for patients going through cancer treatment.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...