Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Leader and enders coming to a close.

Hurrah!!  My 2021 leader and ender quilt is in one piece!!  Lots of 2.5-inch scraps in this quilt.  It is very busy!!! I chose the blue sashing to try and calm it down a little bit.  

I plan on a blue border, just a small one.  I am delighted to get to this point!  Old time scrappy quilts are my favorite.

 You cannot see him well, but on the crook of this tree is a squirrel taking a nap.  He as just darling.  and in big news!  We got a sprinkle of rain yesterday!  Amazing!!!



Cherie Moore said...

Your quilt is beautiful! Really like the blue borders….not sure it calms it down so much as brings it all together :)

cityquilter grace said...

simply a delightful colorful quilt...and blue is always a good choice!

Rose Marie said...

What a charming quilt!

Tired Teacher 2 said...

Praying more sprinkles are headed your way. Please tell me this heat wave will eventually break.

Anonymous said...

Love your quilt. Scrappy quilts are my favorite also. Thanks for sharing.

Chookyblue...... said...

So much colour but I love it

loulee said...

Beautiful. I love scrappy quilts too.

Anonymous said...

Your quilt looks so cozy. I too love scrappy quilts the best. Are you doing this years Leader and Ender of Bonnie’s? I am as I had a lot of 1 1/2” strips cut when you did your log cabin quilt a- long. Kathy

Joyce Carter said...

Love all the beautiful colors in your quilt Julie. And the blue borders are just perfect for it. I love scrappy quilts also. They are my favorite.

Lori said...

Oh my goodness! That squirrel is so cute!!

Love your quilt too and the blue is perfect!

sue s said...

I do like the blue sashing. It was so hot here the last few days that one of our squirrels was splayed out on our porch (in the shade) and also on the big slab stone out front. So funny to watch him as he was sleeping!

Tazzie said...

Your leader and ender project is just darling, I love it! I need to be more organised and have a leader and ender project for myself.
Have a great weekend

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Your L-E quilt is positively fabulous; what a great feeling that is to have it at the official flimsy stage! Congratulations, Julie, well done! :)

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Oh I really like that one!!!!

Quilter Kathy said...

Congrats on getting your leader ender project into a quilt top! I'm still making blocks here and there at a snail's pace.

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...