Sunday, June 26, 2022

Patient Pillows, and a completed set of Snail Trail blocks (Storm at sea)

 I found the last Snail's Trail block, that was missing in action!!  It needed to be finished, so I finished and trimmed it today.  Hurrah!  All the blocks are completed!

I finished these patient pillows, but the credit goes to Mary G, from Idaho.  She made all these pillows, sent them flat, and I stuffed and finished them.  So, these are already going to the hospital for distribution, for any patient that needs a little color or support.  These are just perfect, and big thanks for Mary for all her work and fabric!

I am not sure of what this flower is, but it seems to like life here in the backyard!  

The tomatoes are still trying to put on little tomatoes.  It is 103 degrees right now...I have to water night and day to keep them going.  SO HOT!  How are the temperatures where you are?

 This is a pot that the neighbors sold in a yard sale.  It is huge, and I snapped it up, filled it with potting soil, and planted Zinnia seeds.  The seeds seem to approve and will be a riot of blooms in a couple of weeks.  

Hope you are staying cool...or warm...depending on where in the world you are!!!


Thursday, June 23, 2022

Churn dash progress, and circle of friends!

Good morning to all!!!  Above are my churn dash blocks.  Progress is being made!  I have other blocks cut out, but I am out of background, so I will look for something similar in my stash.  

I appliqued nine more Wagon wheel blocks.  Some of them look like the wagon wheel hit a!!!  

Throwing a wheel back in the Covered wagon days was disastrous.  Glad that my folk-art quilt is not that serious.  

I finished the applique on this tiny tumbler quilt.  Next up is the hand quilting part.  Love that!

Remember, all you log cabin lunatics?  Remember these blocks?  I made substantial progress on these blocks!  Yahoo!!!  Quite labor intensive, using 1-inch strips.  I think this is the LAST quilt I make from one-inch strips, LOL!!!  Even though I love it!  Maybe I will use them all up???


If you need a specific fabric or scrap or something for a current project...just leave a note in the comments.  I will publish your email address on a blog post...and if friends have something that would help you?  They can email you and you can arrange to get it to you!!  It is working very well!!  For example, if you need 2 inch wide green strips...or orange stripes...or brown plaids...maybe someone can help you, and we can all share what we have with others!!   Just for fun!


Have a super day!  


Friday, June 17, 2022

Circle of friends!!!

 HI all!

Debra needs some orange or orange/white string scraps; can anyone help her?  Please email to her at:

CIRCLE OF FRIENDS, helping each other!  Thanks, Debra!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Wagon wheel progress

I finished the second row on my Wagon Wheel quilt, from long ago.  It feels good to have something coming along toward a finish, Especially a quilt from long ago.  

 Dot found out about this amazing quilt, from my last post!  Thank you, Dot!

Here is the information about the quilt and it's makers.

I just thought is was a fun idea, but so often there is more to the quilt than meets the eye!

Hope each of you is having a great day!


Monday, June 13, 2022

Churn dash!!

I have started my churn dash blocks!  Chooky is having a churn dash quilt along.  I have mine all cut out, so the fun sewing is commencing.  Yahoo! Are you making churn dash blocks along with us????????  Mine are 9 inches to make!

I found this quilt on the internet.  I love those smiling people...and love their quilt.  Isn't this a fun crumb quilt?  No mention of their names was given, so if this is you...please comment so we can honor you!



Sunday, June 12, 2022

Calming the Storm at sea, and a tiny tumbler quilt!

It is slow stitching Sunday, and so this is what I am stitching away on.  A tiny tumbler quilt!  My friend Janet sent a package of tumblers, precut...what fun!!  This is what I am making from that gift.  I am loving it!

I am sewing more and more blocks for the Storm at Sea quilt.  I am making progress!  Why oh why am I missing that one block in the corner???????

Hope you are doing great!


Sunday, June 5, 2022


Hurrah!  I am on the home stretch of these blocks.  I started out with a pink, instead of blue, but there was not enough contrast to suit me.  So, I started over with blue!  

There are so many ways to arrange these blocks!  Lots of fun to be had, arranging and sewing these blocks.  I used the Creative Grids ruler square in a square, loaned to me from my friend Annie.  

I am playing with an applique border on this mini quilt...just silly stuff, making it different.

I was gifted four quilt tops, for patients!  A lady in the gift shop at the hospital received them from another lady whose mom is cleaning out her home.  

 I plan to donate two of them, and finish two for my patients.  Hurrah for that, too!!!!!!!!!!!

************************CIRCLE OF FRIENDS!!!!!!!!****************************

What do you think of this?  I sent out a box...the first CIRCLE OF FRIENDS box!  If anyone needs something specific for a current project...please comment in the comments below.  Please put your email address in the comment, so people can contact you and arrange for what you need, shipping, etc.  I was going to publish email addresses on the blog, but I would rather you do that in the comments, if you need something.  I will try and send things when I have them, but if I don't have something, others will see your need and try to fill it.  

We can all share our stashes and help each a CIRCLE OF FRIENDS!!!!!

Everyone has something different...I am a scrapper, so that is what I have, mostly.



Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...