Thursday, August 12, 2021

A mystery quilt!

Hello to everyone!!!  Hope  you are doing in our neck of the woods, and cold in Australia, where my friend Lyn lives!!  There is a story behind this little angel quilt.  I finished it right before the pandemic hit, and I have had it out, kind of like a guardian angel, ever since.  Well, a couple of weeks was just GONE!   I had no idea where it was...I looked high and low, and even thought maybe it was taken!  Silly was folded up with some fabric and neatly put away, in a place I would have never though I would put it!!  Whew...I am glad it is not gone.

Anyway!!  So there was a mystery quilt that flashed across Facebook, which has been removed already.  I just happened on to it at the last days of it, so I saved the clues.  The premise was to choose a focus fabric, and have other fabrics light to dark that went with it, using the dots on the selvage of the fabric to help decide what to use.

This was hard for me, as I have very few large pieces of fabric anyway, and none with dots to help me!  SO!!!  I had to go fabric shopping.  I know...poor me.  Feel sorry for me yet?  Well don't, LOL! It was fun!!  I found several potential fabrics, but chose the daisy/blue background/yellow flowered fabric.  I loved it!  I used my coupon at Joann's and got out of there amazingly economically.

I chose fabrics I had at home to go with it...and off to the races I went!

So here is where I am.  I use these throwaway bins from the cardiac cath lab, from my work...recycling them.  It is very much like a Bonnie Hunter Quiltville mystery, but I know the ending of the quilt...and I am ignoring that fact, and just going along clue to clue.  GREAT FUN!!!!!!!!!!

I make pinwheels and other small blocks from cut off corners; do you save these??

 Quiltville is having another leaders and enders challenge, so I am making these blocks in between other ones, as leaders and ender...really trying to do it that way, instead of just sewing all the blocks at once!!

************************Nurse's Notes*****************************

It is rough at the hospital.  Rougher because now there are fights between healthcare personnel themselves...the antivaxxers versus the vaccine advocates.  We all have been mandated to get the vaccine by September 10th, or be terminated.  More nurses than you think have not been vaccinated, and they have been protesting at hospitals around the metroplex, against being forced to have the vaccine or be fired.  This is not just my hospital system, but lots of them around the country, and also other entities, too. 

In the meantime, our covid ICU is completely two whole floors are again full with covid patients, too.  55 last time I worked.  There are no pediatric ICU beds available anywhere in the dfw area.  NONE.  We are shipping kids out via helicopter.

Nurses are being exposed to more and more covid, and the vast majority of these patients are unvaccinated.  Rumors and anger abounds...gossip and anger.  It is very hard to listen to it all, so I don't, mostly.  I love all these nurses and other staff...and sure don't want to lose any over this.  It is just hard...and I refuse to be drawn in to taking a side against any other nurse, regardless of what they believe.   

It just makes it harder to deal with what we are really there for!  To take care of the patients!!!

How is the covid situation in your neck of the woods?    

I thought I was through with covid updates, but I guess I will update our situation when I blog.  



cityquilter grace said...

cases are drastically up here in frederick, md...mostly's just a horror did anyone refuse the polio vaccine? i try and ignore most of the news about it as it makes me very cranky...

Katie said...

What pretty, summery fabrics and since I don't know what this will become, it's a mystery to me, if not for you. As for the vaccine debate, I try to encourage others to get it. Having a background in microbiology, I can answer some questions that many cannot, and I do my best to help anyone understand if they want to. And then I let it go. Like you, it's not worth the mental strain to fight them. I got mine, I'm safer for it, and that's all I have control of. But I do hope that you are safe and able to continue to be healthy - physically and mentally. Your job is not an easy one in good times and these are not good times. Thank you for all you do!

---"Love" said...

You are one special brave nurse! I'll be praying for you! Love your sweet little blocks! ---"Love"

Quiltdivajulie said...

Four large hospital systems here have mandated vaccines … some parents are having public tantrums over their kids being required to mask indoors at school … ICUs are full with too many 24 hour waits in the ER/ED to even get care, 90 minute turnaround for ambulances bringing in patients, first responders dealing with record numbers of calls/runs … numbers climbing far too fast … less than 46% of our county’s population is vaccinated — needless to say I am happy to be retired so I can stay home. Nurses like you deserve better.

Anonymous said...

My daughter worked as a trauma nurse in KCMO and worked through her last pregnancy on the Covid wing. She had two small children and a husband at home, so she would strip as soon as she came in the door, then throw her clothes in the washer and put herself into the shower before she got near them. Now she has graduated from a Nurse Practitioner's program and is working in a rural glad she's not treating Covid patients all day long anymore! But, the Covid situation is once again dire here, so our governor has set up what I believe he called Rapid Response Ambulance teams, though he refuses to issue mask mandates. (Still not sure what a rapid response ambulance team is going to do, but okay.) And the state attorney general is suing our local mayor over his city mandate. I just really wish people could put politics aside here; this issue is too big for that.

Robin said...

That angel quilt is so darling, I'm glad you were able to find it. I get so frustrated when I can't find something that I know is somewhere in my sewing room - just not where I thought it was. I bought a FQ stack of Tilda fabric and and haven't been able to find it for over a month. I found it this week, in my sewing room (where I thought it was), on the shelf with my fabric stacked according to color (where I thought it was), stuffed at the bottom of a stack in the back (where I didn't look because it wasn't supposed to be there). The mystery quilt looks like fun. I look forward to seeing the outcome. The vaccine issue is so unsettling. We have to do what makes us feel safe and take the consequences whether it be risking getting the virus or being condemned because we follow rules. Stay safe!

Loris said...

Your strength to keep going in the mess of politics is as amazing as you showing up despite Covid. I would have caved long ago in your shoes so I just keep praying for you! You are such an inspiration! The Covid numbers are doubling around me here. Had a close friend take her daughter and grandkids to Cancun all last week. She's had the Pfizer vaccine months ago. She came home with Covid symptoms like a cold, cough and fever and tested positive. So far the unvaccinated family members aren't showing symptoms. The crazy inconsistency of this virus makes a great platform for all this fighting. I can't see it ending unless everyone did vaccinate but that is too much to ask. A whole new challenge here to continue loving despite our differences and the personal cost of that.
I'm so glad you found your angels!

MissPat said...

So sorry you are dealing with such awful Covid numbers again. I just don't understand the continued vaccine resistance when it's clear the vaccine works and the Delta variant is more virulent. I especially don't understand the high rate of resistance among health professionals. Let's hope another variant doesn't come along to put all of us back in danger.
Lucky you caught those mystery clues before they disappeared. I've decided mystery quilts are not my thing and there are enough other great projects out there that I don't lack for inspiration.

Anonymous said...

I started reading your blog for the quilting. It was a bonus reading your Nurse's Notes, very informative. I remember when the Salk vaccine was introduced, so I don't really understand the issues today. I don't think it's fair that the unvaccinated are taking up beds and services while serious procedures are being postponed. So for now, I'll wear my mask anytime I go out, which isn't often. Thanks for sharing your quilting and your Nursing notes.

Tired Teacher 2 said...

COVID cases are increasing daily and no doubt will continue since the university is ready to begin Fall term. At least, UW has a mask mandate for all students and staff on campus. I’m wearing a mask when I’m out and about and declined attending a friend’s birthday party. The neighboring county is the hot spot of the state and the hospital is full. I’m not looking forward to what’s around the bend.

Your new quilt is going to be cheerful.

Silly Goose said...

Here in Australia things are a bit grim - we were as a whole pretty smug I think with our 2020 response to Covid, and now the Delta strain is slipping through the cracks. Here in my state we lockdown as soon as we get a case, which most other states also do. New South Wales is the odd man out, and we watch each day as the cases rise and a lot of us can't work out the thinking behind it. They have a strange kind of lockdown, people are confused and some are downright flouting the rules.

But despite this, our cases are so much lower than overseas, and for that I am very grateful. We have also booked for our vaccination, and in less than six weeks will be fully vaccinated (there are big waiting lists for vaccinations here - never enough stock). My immediate older family (inlaws, parents etc) are all fully vaccinated also.

I thought 2021 would be a better year, perhaps naively. I'm hoping that 2022 sorts itself out!

Ruth said...

I've often wondered where you were posting from, and today I saw dfw, our former stomping grounds. We still have dear friends there too.
Can you tell me why the angels quilt has no faces? I've tried to see closer, but can't make out any faces, and I wonder if that's part of the mystery, no faces? Thanks so much and good luck!!

Randy D. said...

Your blocks are great and of course the pinwheels are such fun. Love your leaders and enders blocks, too.

I'm so sorry you are having to deal with infighting. It's not as if the job itself isn't stressful enough. It's so disheartening to read all the stories about people not wanting to get vaccinated. And nurses? I find that so hard to believe.
I am a fierce proponent of free speech and liberties but I can't say that I disagree with the requirement that people who deal with the public must be vaccinated.
Hope you get some respite between shifts!

Anonymous said...


The Citizens of this Country are not being told the truth! CDC admitted that if a person died of something that they were going to pass anyway, if they tested positive for Chinese Virus then they were counted as C-19 deaths. Our Government is not being truthful and they are causing the problems. The increase is put square on Biden's shoulders.

Additionally, if someone has had adverse reactions to the ingredients of the vaccine they are told not to take it by CDC. I am one of those individuals.

They are running rampant here in South Texas, Atascosa County is beyond overwhelmed. My county is doing OK as far as I know, but San Antonio is having issues at a the Airport with illegals just laying around and Virus spreaders and probably millions of them running around spreading the Chinese Virus. We only go to Doctor's appts.

We are staying home on our little 5 acres and only go to local store and have Walmart deliver. I am loving the peace and quiet.

It will be something to see those Nurses quit or wait to be fired. I see where School Teachers are quitting jobs because of the Critical Race Theory. We have lost America!

I have one question - if the Vaccine is so wonderful - why are people getting COVID? I think it is only good for 6 months or did not work for some because they are getting sick with "Virus".

Also. Did anyone learn that the CDC's wonderful COVID test does not DIFFERENTIATE FROM THE FLU? NOW they are developing a test for the Flu - wonder how many who have had the Vaccine are having the Flu?

I am sure that no one will agree with me. I always wear a mask, wash my hands with sanitizer, and do not touch my face when I am out among people, which is not very often. I do not understand why it is a problem to go to the store and wear a mask.

I am not for making our children wear masks all day - what about all their Carbon Dioxide that they are breathing in. We will have a generation of people with High Anxiety Disorders. Think beyond the current situation.

Thank you for caring for the ill - I could not do your job at all. You are a special person who cares for the patients and ignores the politics or why we are in this situation. Hugs -

If someone disagrees with me you need to wake up and smell the Swamp!

julieQ said...

Dear Anonymous;

I am delighted for your comments. America is an amazing place because of our freedom to say want we feel. Every point of view deserves to be heard. We are all free to make our own choices, and it makes me so sad that I am losing these nurse; my friends. Many blessings to you.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

I like the Angel Quilt and hand to laugh at the story of the "lost Angels"! I had a "lost" pattern for A Quilter's Dream quilt I made in 2007-2008 timeframe (or earlier) about 2 weeks ago. After finding a pattern for it on Ebay at a price that I should not have paid, I started looking in my Studio (2 rooms). After 5 days of deep DEEP cleaning (mostly dusting and going through 37 drawers in my Elfa set up), I found my copy! But the best part of losing something - I have a very clean Studio and sore back and shoulders, but not a bad price to pay to now know where everything is in my Quilting Drawers!

I also gifted a lot of fabric and things to my Cousin who is loving it.

Thank you for your words to Anonymous, who BTW is me - Nanette! The highly Opinionated Woman from a Yankee Mother and Cajun French (mostly French/Swiss Father). Take care Julie K and you keep on keeping on and stay safe.

Susan said...

I don't agree with forcing vaccines, and it's a shame it's become such a vicious issue. I hope you and your hospitals survive this because the shortage in nurses will be horrible if this is taken to the extremes, and patients will suffer. Are you having a lot of RSV - I think that's the flu letters mentioned here on the radio. Lots of children get it normally, but this year with immune systems compromised through lack of growth with lockdowns, it's really bad here.

I'm glad you found your angel quilt. Looks like you need all the angels you can find. The leader enders are great and I do them all the time, too. Sometimes it's hard to remember which is the pattern block and which the leader ender! I like the colors of your flash pattern, too.

Lori said...

Your little angels are great and they protected you this past year and I suspect they will continue to protect you.
I think staying out of taking sides is very wise. Everybody has their own motivation to get the shot or not. You take care and continue to love them regardless of vaccination status!

Lynn Dykstra said...

This record in real time of your experiences is very important. Our stories are important. I had an honors student collect stories last spring. So much changes, some of it quickly, some of it incrementally, and we need to save these thoughts and experiences to see these changes.

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Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I like the Angel quilt. I tend to put things in 'safe' places all the time, and lose them. Glad you found it. I like the colors/fabrics you chose for the mystery quilt. Our Governor (Illinois) re-instated the mask mandate today along with mandating that all school staff and medical staff get vaccinated by Sept 5th (not possible, since it takes 3 weeks to get the 2nd shot). I'm home health care, and my company has never even mentioned getting a vaccine. I got the vaccine since my client is working to get a bone marrow transplant, and his bone marrow doctor wanted his family and me to get vaccinated. Other than my mother and my inlaws (and me) no one else in our family have been vaccinated. Looking at the numbers in our hometown (San Angelo, TX) it worries me. I can't convince hubby or either of our sons to get vaccinated. Meanwhile, one of our friends son's finance' is near death with Covid (the doctors said that they have done all they can do and didn't expect her to survive).

Chookyblue...... said...

I like the projects your working on......
such a terrible state some places are in with Delta virus hitting it straps........I think all workers who are in a health setting should be do not expect to go to hospital and get covid and die which has happened here......while our numbers are nothing like yours they are madly trying to get everyone vaccinated so we can all get out of lockdown......thankfully ours is not as political an arguement here in Australia as it is in the USA...... :( its bothering me to much so have now blocked all media re, radio, social media updates.........
Take care and stay safe....hugs

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...