Sunday, September 20, 2020

Slow stitching...and fast stitching!!


Good morning!  I have been working the past three days, so I am glad for a catch up day for laundry, cooking, resting a bit, and cleaning.  AND QUILTING!!!

Above are my latest blocks from Lyn, my dear friend.  These are all going into the California quilt, by Laundry Basket quilts. It was a mystery quilt from this year.  All the quilt pieces were cut out by Lyn, and I am savoring sewing these blocks so much!!


I finished all the blocks for the donation quilt, with Annie!  She has her whole quilt done, done, done!  I am thinking of modifying this just a little diagonals don't show up too well, close up, due to my fabric choices...I am thinking, thinking!  Watch out world, LOL!  She is thinking again!  When mine is done, I will picture both quilts fun!
These little blocks have been lots of fun for years.  I play with them, make some more stars (4 inches finished, just perfect for using 2.5 inch square centers and using eight 1.5 inch squares.  I have used them in lots of projects!!  Just great fun to make them and play with them, in all kinds of ideas.  
My slow stitching for the day is the binding on this quilt.  I get it out to bind, them something or someone else calls for immediate action.  Today is the day!!  It was made at least 8 years ago.
Strings are so much fun!  I layered a backing fabric, a batting scrap, and then sewed the strings on top.  Using up those little pieces...I love strings just tons, as you probably have guessed over the years!!

************************Nurse's notes*************************

I had a lovely couple as my patients, this last week! From Amarillo, they are farmers, farming 3000 acres of dry land farming.  They grow sorghum and wheat.  Anyway, she was very tired...more tired...just too tired! (her only symptoms) Turns out she had heart valve problems, and traveled the 6 hours to us, to get her heart surgery.  Tricuspid and mitral valves were both repaired!  HURRAH!  She is such a darling beautiful girl...he is such a big strapping Marlboro man type guy, wearing his Stetson and boots all the time.  I just loved caring for them!!!  I called her the Prairie Princess!!

In other nursing news, I stupidly fell totally backwards yesterday, trying to sit down on a rolling stool in my patient room.   I was in a hurry, and flung myself backward, and the stool flew backward and hit the rolling table, which also fell, and I fell hard backwards, hitting a lot of very tender parts of me!  So  loud and crazy, all the staff and docs on the floor came running in the room....oh Lordie.  

I am fine...tender, but fine.  Bruised! So that was my very graceful nursing story of the glad the patient was sedated on the ventilator!!  Just call me Grace...




Loris said...

Arrhhh! So sorry to hear of your fall. Those dang stools! The good and bad of them! I hope you can rest up and feel better soon!
Your RWB quilt is wonderful! I actually love it the way it is. Those blocks look so lovely together. Great job! Enjoy that pink stitching today. Your fans are beautiful :-)
I got enamored yesterday with the new quilt from Quiltville. Pulled some fabrics but I'm going to finish up my cat quilt first so I think I'm going to get going on it again today. Enough with distractions! We have beautiful, blue (well some grey too!) skies again.

Karrin Hurd said...

Lovely projects! So glad you weren't injured badly in your fall!

Anonymous said...

So many lovely projects, Julie. I must say your Dresden plate quilt is one of the prettiest I’ve seen. I’m glad it was mostly your dignity that was hurt in that fall. Yikes!


Chantal said...

Love your blocks, Julie. I think I heard those tiny little stars calling my name but I'm not sure. Maybe it was just the wind in the branches. Lol. Sorry to hear about your fall. Thank goodness you're okay. Take care and rest for a bit. ;^)

Kim said...

Your Prairie Princess and her fellow sound sweet. I think you would make the best nurse. You must bring many a smile to the patients you care for. Those teeny stars do sound like a lot of fun to fashion.....oh-so-small. Love the Dresden pretty. Goodness me, glad you are okay after your fall. Take care.

Stephanie D said...

I can so relate! I worked in a circular 12-bed ICU once, and it was my day to be on the Code Team. The alert was sounded, and I ran over to get the defibrillator and then turned to run out of the unit, as the Code was on another floor. Except I turned my ankle and went down--hard--and I was no lightweight. Docs and staff came pouring out of the rooms and around the monitor station. I was mortified! Someone else grabbed the defibrillator from me and went to the Code as I got to my feet and hobbled to a chair. One of my top 10 Most Embarrassing Moments!

cspoonquilt said...

Yikes! take care of yourself. Indulge in some 'Self Care' whatever that means to you...a hot bath. a walk in the woods, Ice Cream?!

Barb said...

Love your block and your donation quilt...just lovely quilts.

Enjoyed your story of the farmers and well....the embarrassing moment, I think you could have done without. Hope you are not too bruised.

Louise said...

We clumsy quilters have to stick together! I have fallen right off my sewing stool and gotten wedged in the corner of the room. Lordie, lordie is right! I know you aren't happy with the diagonals, but that R/W/B piece is really gorgeous. And so is the Dresdens with the fancy-schmancy sashing and cornerstones. I love your work! :)

Jennie in GA said...

Just love that old fashioned Dresden plate quilt. What a sweet nursing story. And I am so glad you didn’t end up with some catastrophic injury.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Sorry for the fall. Glad it wasn't worse. Love that Dresden plate quilt!

Lori said...

I'm so glad I'm in good company, grace!! LOL Seriously, happy you are okay.
Lots of quilting going on in your world. I love the red, white blue and don't understand what isn't quite right with it.
I hope your binding is on and quilt is finished with your older UFO. Its darling.

Kim said...

Oh NO! Sorry about your fall. Goodness that could have been very bad, hope the bruises are feeling better. Be careful Dear one, we need all the good nurses we have.

Happy Sewing.
So after you make your strip blocks with batting and backing, how do you make them into a quilt? The old quilt as you go method with strips on both sides?

Kim said...
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Kyle said...

It's always amazing to see what you've been sewing when you have a spare day! Glad you're going to be okay after falling. Hope you get that binding done on that lovely quilt.

QuiltGranma said...

Beautiful quilt blocks, and quilts! So sorry for the fall, Gracie! I almost feel your pain!

KaHolly said...

I always stop in to visit when I need some scrapalicious inspiration, and I’m never, ever disappointed!

Binsa said...

Dear sweet Julie take care falling surely shakes you up.Enjoyed your post

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Thank goodness you are not seriously hurt - those roll around stools can be killers!

Love your blocks and projects! Hugs

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Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...