Thursday, September 3, 2020

A lot of hand work!

At long last, I have finished the binding on this quilt!  I saw a quilt at the Dallas Quilt Show, long ago, maybe 10 years ago, and I came home and drafted my own pattern for it, and made it.  And got it professionally quilted!  And it lingered.....
But now it is finished!!  I am grateful for some hand sewing!!  I sure hope those creases come out; the quilt is relaxing on the guest bed as we speak.  So glad for a finish!
I finished the hand quilting on this summer quilt.  Lots of work in this one...plaid fabric from an old shirt is on the backside.  
I finished sewing this vine down, and prepped more leaves for the vine, too.  Hurrah!

 I hand quilted all the black block borders (say that three times fast!), for this quilt.  So my fingers are sore from all that hand work!!

Hope each of you has a wonderful day today!



Rose Marie said...

You ARE getting lots done! Bravo! Your old/new quilt is lovely and it is finally finished. Such a good feeling, eh!

Kyle said...

All that hand stitching! Getting your lovely applique quilt finished is a great accomplishment. You've been very busy in a productive way!

Cathy said...

What a lovely finish. You have lots of great projects going. Hugs

Quilter Kathy said...

Amazing job with all that hand stitching! Way to go!

Tired Teacher 2 said...

Hand stitching makes a quilt even more special. The summer quilt with the whale is one of my favorites.

Julierose said...

WOW you are on a roll--nice works all...I especially like the whimsy of that piece with the adorable...but they are all great...hugs, Julierose

---"Love" said...

Your hands surely must be sore from all that hand-quilting! All of those projects are very special, but I think my favorite is the first one. I am currently working on a throw that has those same sashings and cornerstones, but mine are black and white. Glad you are finding time to do your beautiful quilting. Also hope you are staying safe from all that's out there. ---"Love"


Love that peach tulip quilt--and I am glad that you got it finished and now can enjoy it!
some day I am going to make me a tulip quilt!!!
the other quilts are all lovely and will be nice quilts when they are finished too--
always need to have some hand quilting projects at the ready!!
enjoy and stay safe, luv, di

Robin said...

You've certainly been busy. The tulip quilt is just as sweet as candy. I love it!

Binsa said...

Loved seeing your handwork Julie especially the apricot quilt

Shelina said...

Oh so many beautiful quilts - most of them are already on the to-do list, but alas, I haven't started a single one.

Karen said...

You have been oh so busy with quilt projects. My favorite is the one with the applique border. And I like the whale piece very much too. I saved the pattern for it.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

They are all lovely projects and Cudo's to you for all that hand work!

QuiltGranma said...

Isn't it a wonderful feeling to day, "DONE"? Sew very happy for you!

Nancy said...

I am always amazed at how much you accomplish, Julie. You've always got new quilts and blocks to share and I think you must be a powerhouse of energy!

So glad your covid patients are fewer. So sad about the contractor. I hope he gets well. It seems that so many of the covid patients that have been in the hospital for a while have a lot of recovery to do even after they test negative for covid. Such an awful virus.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Great quilts. Salonpas is great for achy hands from hand work. I've been using it lots lately, since I've been hand quilting, too.

Mystery quilt and more

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