Monday, September 21, 2020


 A string quilt is in the works!  I have so many things going on...but these blocks are easy and fun to concentrate on.  They are already layered with batting and backing, so I will just sew them together and have a quilt, when I have enough blocks!  I sorted through the scrap bins ( which is mostly what I have, LOL!) and found more blue strings. The yellow is just for fun! Hurrah!!

Linking to Cynthia, HERE:



Sherrill said...

I love string quilts! In fact, was just cutting paper to strip piece on yesterday for 2 different string quilts (I've never had luck with quilt as you go quilts). Like your colors very much!

---"Love" said...

Such pretty blocks, and they will indeed make a very pretty quilt! I made a string quilt several years ago that I love, and rather sandwiching it as I went, I sewed the strips onto muslin, and then quilted it in the usual manner. ---"Love"

Quilting Babcia said...

Those pops of yellow are just what is needed to make this quilt sing, great blocks!

Randy D. said...

Really cute string quilt; and the yellow is perfect. Otherwise it'd be without POP!!
Nice job!!

AnnieO said...

Pretty ! I like the look of string blocks but can't be bothered to save all those skinny strips, already have bulging scrap drawers of chunks, precut strips and squares :) Glad you're having fun with them.

Susan said...

The yellow is a great accent!

Janet O. said...

This is going to be beautiful, like sapphires with a touch of gold.

Jocelyn said...

I love string quilts and yours looks great!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Loove it!! Blues and yellows are just so pretty!!

Louise said...

String blocks are just so satisfying to make, aren't they? :)

QuiltGranma said...

What a great way to go, pieced and quilted at the same time.

Flickenstichlerin said...

Lovely scrap usage

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...