Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Lot of stuff going on!

See the center of this fun block?  It is Annie's!!!  She designed this quilt, and chose to use this darling Llama fabric as her focus fabric...cute, cute, cute!! More about the donation quilt, Northwest by Southwest, later in the blog!!

I often make a "squishy", meaning, I save all my little trimmings from whatever quilt I am cutting out, and pile them on a backing and batting (but this time, I used a double piece of flannel.)  Spray them with starch, and SQUISH!!  them down with the hot iron.  Then I just sew back and forth over them...cut out whatever shape I want to, and bind it off.  TADA!!  A squishy hot pad, and nothing wasted!!
I finished the tiny masks for the five year olds;  hope they will do.  
Hey, my raccoons scattered some seed for me!  I discovered these cantaloupe plants outside our back fence.  I guess the coons drug the composted cantaloupe innards and seeds and took them back here to munch on, and they planted their own little garden!
Lots of cantaloupe plants!

 Here is where I am with the Northwest x Southwest quilt.  Lots of work in this little bin, LOL!!  Annie is working on hers, too, as you can see on the first picture on this post.  

We made the center of the blocks first.  A 6.5 inch square, surrounded by 3.5 inch connecter squares, making the triangles. ...so that yields the red with white print centered blocks above.  It is fun to use a focus fabric in the center of the squares!!!  I made 30 of them, and those are the center of the squares, already done!  Whoop!!!  FUN!!

************************Nurse's Notes***************************

Dare I say it?  Our covid numbers are going down!!  So we at our highest, we had numbers of over 80 patients in our hospital with covid; now the last number reported was 16, plus 4 persons of interest. (that means we are waiting on the confirmation test to come back)   That includes people who have been in the hospital for months, trying desperately to get well.  One gentleman has been in the hospital for over two months, on the ventilator.  I went to see him, because I was floated to that unit;  he is a contractor, and he is totally with it, just on the vent.  He is so sad...a big guy, wasting away on that blasted ventilator.  I tried to encourage him to keep the faith, to keep on striving to get well, but a tear leaked out and he just shook his head.  Poor baby!  He is only 43 years old.  I called his wife and he got to listen to her talk, and that helped him feel better!  He has a long road ahead of him, but I do think he will survive and get better. 


Hugs to all!



Robin said...

I really feel for the people who are suffering in so many different ways during this pandemic. Hearing about your patient is another reminder of how hard it can be to recover. I wish the patients could see your smiling faces, I'm sure it would make them feel better.

Tired Teacher 2 said...

Your blocks are going to be great! I had that blue fabric in my QOV stash and loved it. Happy to hear the COVID cases are going down in your area, but saddened to hear of the young man struggling to get well. Thank you for calling his wife and allowing him to hear her voice of encouragement.

---"Love" said...

It makes me happy just to read about all the fun you are having with your quilting! Everything you show us always looks so nice too. No doubt your patients all love you; you are such a caring person, whether with a patient, or preparing quilts or face masks for patients or co-workers! ---"Love"

Sandy said...

That’s so funny, Julie! I also have some mystery cantaloupe plants, planted by ?? There are about seven cantaloupes on them, too! I just hope they ripen and are halfway good. I feel so bad for your patient. I hope he makes it. I’m gonna have to try one of those “squishy” things.

Loris said...

Such good news to hear that the numbers are going down. Heartbreaking to hear of your patient's long struggle there. I will be praying he can successful get through his illness and back to his family and work health.
Your sewing projects are cheering :-) I love Annie's llamas!
I hope the cantaloupes produce some tasty fruit for you. I had birds plant grape tomato plants one year and there after. Amazing amount of delicious tomatoes!

Jennie in GA said...

I hate what Covid has done to our country and people. Thank you for caring for this gentleman.

Lori said...

Glad to hear the covid numbers are falling!! Great news!

Love your sweet llama block!!

Janet O. said...

What, no goats in the center of Annie's blocks? LOL The Llama looks very content there, and I think the llama outside my sewing room window would be impressed. :)
I like your flag centers, too.
Oh, your nursing stories always touch my heart. So glad your numbers are down!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...