Thursday, July 16, 2020

Time to make some progress!

I have progressed from the dark blues, to the medium and light blues.  I sorted through charm squares and scraps to make this quilt.  It is a free Pat Sloan pattern, found on her website. 

Pat recently broke both of her wrists and had to have surgery, bless her heart, so it it tough for a person who makes their living sewing to be out of commission like that, not to mention so painful!

The little pieces of paper on the right side of the quilt are to keep my rows straight so the stars would align!  And the stars DID align.  LOL!
Lori D. of Humble Quilts, I used a piece of your fabric to make the border for this quilt!  Thank you!

Have a great day, everyone! I am off to work...I wish you a blessed day, full of fun and good food and exercise and relaxing and sewing!  I love those kind of days!



Julierose said...

Lovely blues with those stars...nice work
Hugs from afar julierose

Libby in TN said...

Simple and effective!

Janet O. said...

I really like that Pat Sloan design. So sorry to hear about her injury!
Your sampler is a beauty in R/W/B.

Ada Plouvier-Kopitopoulou said...

Lovely design and it looks great with your blues!!

QuiltGranma said...

You are getting sew much done! Wow!

Karen said...

You have quite a collection of pretty blues.

Quilter Kathy said...

Love it when the stars align!
Two great quilt here!
Stay well!

AnnieO said...

Beautiful stars in the blue sky! I can’t remember the last time I was out at night—this hunkering down has us shuttered so much. Thanks for sharing your quilting pics.

rosesharon said...

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Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...