I sewed the borders on this little embroidery quilt! So Happy Fourth!! a little late...I was at work on the fourth.
I decided to make the "North, South, East,West, Home is best" quilt a little differently. I putting the letters in the center of the border pieces. Also, I will be making this the center of a medallion quilt. That will be fun!
I am sewing caps. Caps, caps! They are fun and easy to make. I know my nurses will love them! Also masks.
****************************Nurse's Notes***************************
There are now nine positive cases among the nurses and staff of my floor, of covid virus. One girl is gravely ill, only in her 30's. Quite, quite sick. The others are in various stages of sickness. The last shift I worked, we learned that a patient who had heart bypass, emergently, was positive for the virus. We have all been running around in the room without protection, no M-95, because we did not know. So we wait and see which of us will get it next. The reason we re-tested him is that the ER called and said his wife was in the ER being emergently intubated and did we have any more contact numbers for family. They are each other's contact people! She was up here earlier in the day. I was in charge that day, and had to make decisions of where to put the patients, who to assign them to, etc. STRESSFUL.
Also, we got an emergent heart attack in...a hospice worker. She had an acute heart attack, so it was all hands on deck to speed her quickly to the cath lab and save her life. She also turned out to have the virus, which probably caused her heart attack (from inflammation). Again, all of us exposed, because we did not know. We all had our little masks on, but not shields and m-95's.
I feel fine. I feel scared, though. It is horrible to be frightened to go to work. Many of us pray in our cars before going in, including docs. One doc that I know has it, quite ill. I am resolute to continue to work, but many nurses are quitting abruptly or retiring and suddenly just not coming in. It is just awful...I think the charge nurses and the managers will soon be taking patients. We cannot get help. All of us are working overtime each week. We are down about 40% on our staff.
Thanks for letting me tell you the straight skinny!
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Mystery quilt and more
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So sorry about your coworkers. Stay safe! Prayers to you- I was an X-ray tech so I am cognizant of exposure to nasty stuff.
my heart goes out to you and the staff there--
and you are all in my prayers--
luv, di
Hoping you stay safe and stay healthy!
From my heart I pray for you all Julie.
God Bless you and each one of your coworkers. Dealing with the unknown and stress everyday makes for looong shifts. I glad you have stitching and quilting to help you relax a bit at home.
Thinking of you and hoping you manage to stay well. What a horrid situation to be in.
Big hugs from NZ.
My heart is breaking for you and your colleagues! I can only imagine what you are all going through. Surrounding you with prayers for protection, Julie.
Wow, Julie, that is so hard on all of you. Exhaustion and overwork won't help, either. Prayer and faith will. Your quilting projects are probably helpful, too. I like both of them, and look forward to seeing the rest of the medallion quilt.
Oh, Julie. Please be careful and do everything you can to stay healthy.
Bless you and all those who care for the patients!
I'm sorry for all the extra stress you are going through. I hope you are all taking lots of vitamins C and D.
thoughts and prayers for you and your fellow front line workers stay safe .
Sending you prayers for strength, health, and hope. What you do is incredible, and we will never forget all of you who work so hard for us. Please try to rest and de stress when you can because we all need you.
God bless you and your team of nurses. I am so impressed with your courage and determination and thank you for that. I've just been reading about nurses whose family members don't "believe in" this pandemic, so not only do they have the stress of work but their own families don't acknowledge them. This is a very painful moment for our country. Please know that for all those doubters, there are many, many people like me, who do support you in your courageous actions to help your fellow human beings.
I’ve been seeing that little whale quilt on fb... I love it and want to make it. Stay safe; what state are you located?
Oh the days we prayed wouldn't come to you. This is heartbreaking but a call to still pray more. Our God still holds you all in His hands. Your faith and the courage of your heart is in the right place. I'm praying for your health and that of your co-workers as well as peaceful hearts in the midst of this battle. I'm also praying for leadership to stand up and stop mis-educating the public. I'm praying while I sew more caps today. Thank you so much for something to do that will help somebody!
Your embroidery and whale quilt is fun, beautiful and a classic treasure!
I like that you decided to center the directions on your cute little block. I also admire you so much for your dedication to your job as a nurse in these terrible days. I will be praying everyday for you and your co-workers. I'm asking the Lord to protect each of you as you do your best to help the patients in your care, even as others are cutting out. ---"Love"
What a very frightening time for so many people who are on the front lines of this war. Thanks for sharing. I wish more people would share so people could better understand this what can happen. I see so many people who take this lightly and it is a serious situation.
I'm so sorry. I hope no more get infected!
Sorry you are so short handed too. it is a scary time for all!
What more can I say that the others above haven't already said except to add my prayers for you to remain healthy and your co-workers to get well.
I love your summer quilt, it came out beautifully. I am lazy when it comes to piecing like that, but I will have to try some, someday.
It is shame that you have to go through so much with this virus and a shame that others are quitting. I get so angry when I go out and see most people without masks and when we are out walking, they will just walk by instead of staying clear, so I only go to places that I can move around freely. I am more afraid of giving it to my family, and we are finally able to take the boys out again, so I am super careful.
So sorry this has landed on you! Wishing safety and health for you and your coworkers.
These are such scary times.
Oh dear that sounds so stressful! Stay well Julie! It sounds like with the numbers of new cases rising that it's going to keep getting worse still for a while. My heart goes out to the Doctors and Nurses putting their lives on the line every day.
Thank you for sharing Julie. I hope it brings you some comfort to know that so many are thinking of you and your fellow nurses and all those who are working on the frontline xxx sending love from the uk
Sally x
Oh, my dear Julie, I ache for you! Such a scary situation, and you are so dedicated to do all you can, at the risk of your own health.
Sounds like Texas is now experiencing what New York did a while back. Are any reinforcements from other states planning to come help? I know when New York was so bad a bunch of doctors and nurses from Utah went to help out.
You are always in my prayers, but now doubly so!!
Working on getting more nurses educated and ready to take positions. It is a challenge with most clinical sites not letting us come. I appreciate all you are doing.
I too get up in the night to sew--calms the soul.
Wishes and blessings to you for strength, peace and continued courage. Jane
I hope this finds you healthy. A sister-in-law and brother-in-law are Botha sick. Both showing symptoms. She’s waiting for results and he has to wait til this week to get tested. I haven’t seen either of them in months. It’s such a scary time and some people still refuse to change how they live their lives. Now with schools trying to get ready to start again several family members and friends who are teachers will be in danger.
I’m so sorry that you have to worry so much about your own safety while doing a job taking care of sick people. Take care and know you’re in my thoughts and prayers. I’m staying home and away from people unless it’s necessary to be out.
I'm scared for you ..... thinking and praying for you all down there in Texas.
Thanks for sharing your reality. True commitment to your vocation. Sorry to read about your staff shortages. God Bless you and keep you safe. Gayle in NZ
I missed this post. You made the whale quilt! I love that design and plan on making it....some day!
Cute whale quilt. Sorry things are so bad at work with the virus.
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