Monday, July 13, 2020

Even ugly quilt blocks have feelings, after all! LOL!

 I have been arranging these blocks and sewing them together.  They are still available, free of charge, at Lori Holt's blog ( Bee in my Bonnet).   If you scroll down to the bottom of the post, you can find links to all the blocks.  Lori has many quilt alongs, and writes great patterns!!
 So here is my ugly block.  Don't you just feel so sorry for it?  I I am using in my quilt anyway! 
Tomatoes are on the vine!!!

Stay tuned for a post about Caps for Caregivers!



Terry said...

I love your title! But that's not an ugly me! lol

Tired Teacher 2 said...

Fresh tomatoes?! I’d be sitting in the middle of the garden munching on them with juice running down my chin.

Marsha B said...

I don't think your little block is ugly, it is quite cute! Your quilt will look wonderful!

Mmmmmmm, fresh ripe tomatoes! ! !

---"Love" said...

That is not an ugly block! In fact, I don't recall ever seeing an ugly block on your blog! Beautiful tomato! My neighbor brought me five that look just like that, or maybe a little larger. I'm sure yours will taste as good as mine did. ---"Love"

Ada Plouvier-Kopitopoulou said...

The "ugly" block will look beautiful in the quilt.

Sherrill said...

I’ve been getting a few tomatoes for awhile, tiny ones and little ones but the tiny ones were terrible! Sour! And I guess I ate just enough to jump start the diverticulitis! Good thing I keep the medicine on hand!! No such thing as an ugly block; homely maybe. 😂

cityquilter grace said...

ugly? no the eye of the beholder of course...

Mama Joan said...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I like the block. I am curious to see how you set these!

gayle said...

Aw, the poor little block - it's not ugly at all! It looks like it will have fun playing with all the other blocks in your quilt!
Envying you your tomato! Ours are just flowering and we're a long way from fruit!

diane said...

No longer ugly with all the beauties. We all feel like we have them from time to time but in the end they usually work well with the others.
Tomatoes are delicious looking!

Quilter Kathy said...

I love making sampler quilts... they are my favourites... so many wonderful treasures, and some unfortunate ones too, but in the end they all get to look beautiful together!

Loris said...

It looks like a lot of fun variety in all those blocks. Your last one will fit right in :-)
I think the caps I sent are on the slow boat. My tracking of it seems to have stalled but hopefully they will get there tomorrow or at least soon! I made a different mask style yesterday. I think it used less fabric and was pretty fast to sew together but it has a weird pointy nose on it. LOL I put lightweight interfacing on one layer of the fabric which didn't seem to make it any more difficult to breathe through. I might do that again.
Glad to see you are sewing :-)

Janet O. said...

I don't feel sorry for that block--I see nothing wrong with it. But no you have me worried about the feelings of all the long-neglected blocks stuffed away in my sewing room.

Chookyblue...... said...

Lovely blocks.... Nothing better then real fresh tomatoes.....

Mystery quilt and more

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