Monday, October 7, 2019

Monday piecing adventures!!

 So, these are my latest "Meeting House" blocks, from a group on face book that is doing a sampler quilt along. My modus operandi for most quilt blocks is to glance at the block, ignore the directions and cut pieces out and piece it my way.  HAHAHA! Look at how that method turned out!  I ended up having to sew this seam, above...actually two seams!  It worked, only a tiny bit wonky, and it will all quilt out in the wash, and if you can't see any mistakes from a running is all good!  In my defense, the link for the directions went to an empty file, so I kind of had to make it my way.
 Today's blocks, along with some little blocks pieced from the leftovers.
And these little sweet blocks!  are multiplying...I have some cut out for leaders and enders piecing, but end up just piecing them anyway...they are super fun and fast!  Four inches finished, they take five minutes each to piece on the sewing machine. I have no idea what to do with them.

Happy Monday to all!

Julie K


---"Love" said...

Good job! I don't see anything wrong, and I'm not on a running horse. Wish I could make myself do all those little blocks you do. All of them are beautiful! ---"Love"

Libby in TN said...

You sound like me! Good save. I like the block, tho, and wonder how it was *supposed* to be constructed. I, too, have trouble with L/Es taking over my life. I'm trying to do better ... yeah, right ...

Chantal said...

EEEeeeeK! Y-seams! :^b I wouldn't have tackle such a block but Oh! what a beauty when it is done. Excellent work, Julie! Love your mini Shoo Fly blocks too. I am very tempted by that one but I try to resist. I have so many things and so little time. Enjoy! ;^)

Janet O. said...

Wow--that was brave of you. I probably would have given up if faced with that block construction. :)
Those are such cute little monkey wrench blocks!

Sharon said...

I love your left over blocks. So sweet and you will have a whole quilt one day. As for directions, I sometimes think people make things so complicated just to be different. Just look at the block, figure out the process and make it work. Great job!

Karen said...

The arrows block is different and interesting. I joined that Facebook group not too long ago but I don't visit it often. I should.

cspoonquilt said...

That's some pretty fancy piecing in that arrow block! and those little leader enders are really cute. Only 5 minutes to piece?!

Jennie in GA said...

Great job figuring that block out. I might have simply trashed it and gone for something easier. Those tiny blocks are wonderful!!

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

I love your leftovers! The colors that you've chosen for Meeting House are my favorites, it will be fantastic when it all comes together.

Kyle said...

You're pretty inventive.

Mystery quilt progress

It is pink month at Angela's blog!!!   soscrappy   This is her link.   I am playing with my pink scraps.  Pink is my favorite color, so ...