Sunday, February 18, 2018

Rainbow progress!

 February is purple month!  So...some purple birdies to add to the collection.
 Here are all the birds I have made so far.  Rosie the poodle was helping to arrange them.
I have just been really wanting to make something out of these bright blocks...we will see what takes place with these!  Thank you, Lori, for your recent contribution to these!!

******************A couple questions for you!************************

1.  Where and how do you store your finished quilts??

2.  Where do you hand quilt, or hand sew?  I have been sitting on the floor against the couch, but my hips doth protest!!

Have a super day!!



Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

My hand quilting is done at a PVC frame, so that I can sit in a comfy chair. I have a card table set up in the family room, that I've been doing stitching things at for the past few months. When that isn't set up, I sit in my lazy boy, with lights on both sides, and stitch. I can also hand stitch near my sewing machine, upstairs, while watching that TV. I can't sit on the floor for any length of time. Ouch to my joints.

Sherrill said...

LOVE those of these days maybe I'll start some. But maybe not. I don't hand quilt but when I'm stitching binding on, appliqueing or cross-stitching, it's on the couch in front of the TV. I could NOT sit on the floor.

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

I store my quilts folded on bookcases. They are also longarm quilting samples so they come out and get refolded a lot.

Looking forward to seeing how you tackle all those orphan blocks!

Chookyblue...... said...

Great birds......

GO STARS! said...

I have a cabinet I keep my folded quilts in. Glass doors. Wood shelves. And for handwork I sit in a recliner with my feet up. I can’t sit on the floor and need my feet up to reduce swelling at night.

GO STARS! said...

I love the birds!

dq said...

I love your bird quilt. It is a great idea to use the birds for your rainbow challenge.

Julie said...

I love your birds! I sit in a recliner to hand stitch. I rarely hand quilt anymore and only did quilting in a hoop, not a frame when I did. I store my quilts in a walk in linen closet with floor to ceiling shelves on one side. I think there is something like 250 in there, from mini to wallhanging to king!

Kleine Vingers said...

I do my quilting sitting in a comfortable chair having my hoop on a stand. The hand sewing I do sitting on the couch. Why are you sitting on the floor? I only have a few quilts and they are in a pile on a cabinet or on a bed and are used a lot.
The birds are looking great and I can't wiat to see the progres with the orphan blocks.
Warm greetings

jude's page said...

I love your birds, they are so cute, and I am amazed at how much achieve as well as your job. Hand stitching I don't do, except bindings, and quilts are folded in a cupboard, or on the bed or walls.

Mama Joan said...

Your bird quilt should be called, “Happier Than A Bird With a French Fry”. They look so cheerful. I half expect them to start running!!

Quilt storage. I have ALL sizes of quilts. My bed quilts are folded and in the closets of the rooms in which they are used. My large wall hangings (40” on down) are layered on a flat sheet and rolled up around a large cardboard tube. I store them on end in a closet. I don’t like the wrinkles that come about from folding those. i have some for most seasons and everyday ones for the same spaces. I have very small wall hangings (20” square and smaller) that I change out for seasons as well. They are stacked on a shelf in a closet. Table runners are also all rolled up together and stored in a closet on their end.

Ruth said...

I have very few quilts to store, because I don't make many and because I give them away. When I stitch on a quilt, I put it up on the dining room table so my arms and shoulders are at a decent level with my eyes. Then I can pull the part I am stitching to the edge of the table and reach it easily, and not hold up the rest of the quilt as well.
And I'm facing the small tv on the bookshelf, so I can watch good shows while I stitch.

Tired Teacher said...

Oooh, your flock of birds makes my heart swell. ❤️

I give most of my quilts away, but the ones I keep and aren't currently in use, are folded and stored in pillowcases under my cutting table.

Loris said...

My heart cheers every time I see these birds :-) The purple ones are beautiful!
Sitting on the floor would be hard for me too. I don't hand quilt but if I'm sewing on a binding, I'll sit on the couch and watch a movie. It feels like a treat.
As to quilt storage...I don't have enough to store really. I give many away each year and the ones I keep are sitting out somewhere so I can see them. I have a number of them on walls.
Those bright blocks look like fun. You are coming up with some sweet quilts :-)

Chantal said...

I love your flock. They get along so nicely. Great progress.
You probably know how I use my hoops.
For binding, I drape the quilt over the quilting frame or join hubby in the living room if the quilt is not too heavy. I can't sit on the floor anymore, though I used to love that place. The finished quilts are mostly on beds, at my home or other's homes. The rest is stored in a cabinet with glass doors and wooden shelves. They get their annual airing in March or April, depending on the weather. Those are fun questions. I enjoyed reading everyone's answer. Enjoy the orphan blocks quilt. Sounds like the most interesting puzzle in the world. ;^)

Quilting Babcia said...

Love those birds! We don't have too many quilts here since I've given most of them away. Some of ours are on beds, a couple on quilt racks, some throw quilts across the backs of chairs or folded in the living room. Stored quilts are folded and kept in clean pillowcases in an antique blanket chest. I have a couple quilting hoops, one on a stand in my sewing room and I use an office chair while quilting on that one. There is also a hand-held hoop for quilting in the recliner while watching tv. I'll be back to see everyone's answers!

cityquilter grace said...

what a cute collection of birds! i store finished quilts in a closet in a tote...i have a nice futon chair that is ideal...wide enough so my elbows don't hit the!

Sue SA said...

I store my finished quilts on beds, backs of couches, folded on quilt racks and some in cupboards. I hand sew in a reclining chair with foot rest, with my knees up, so I can sort of rest my work on them. Sometimes I use a cushion on my lap to rest my arm on.

AnnieO said...

Cute birdies! That’s a big puzzle on your floor:)
I have quilts displayed around the house. I sore big quilts folded in a repurposed TV armoire in my bedroom, and in a couple of dressers. Table runners and mini quilts are on hangers in a closet.
For handwork I like to prop up with sturdy pillows on our bed, but of course can’t do this late at night—then it’s on the couch!

Kyle said...

The flock of birds get more colorful each month! I hand quilt on the couch usually watching tv in the evening. My quilts are stored where ever they will fit,, in cabinets, closets, on shelves and I have two huge window seat benches with storage underneath. It's a great place.

KaHolly said...

Loving those birds! I’ve made four, ever. I love them, but find them kind of fiddly, and have to be in just the right mood.

Mama Joan said...

I left a few things out of my answers to your questions. I “store” throw-sized quilts on a changing table in our living room. It is a beautiful table and looks more like a piece of furniture. In fact, I’ve never had someone ask, “is that a changing table?” Maybe they’ve thought it and been too polite! My family and frequent guests often pull one of those off to cuddle with while watching a movie or whatever.

I just recently started hand quilting a lot...many evenings. I do not use a hoop. I just hold the quilt in my hands. I sit at my kitchen table. The quilt I am working on is being done in straight lines. Having the table as support makes it easy to mark the lines with a Hera marker. I have a little basket with all my thread colors, needles, and thimbles. It is easy to set out of the way if we need the table space for eating.

My husband and I have 8 children, but we are now empty nesters (yay!). We have a table set up for 6 now, but we can add leaves to make it seat 12. Even at its smallest, it’s very large.

I have had a cutting mat, rotary cutter, ripper, and scissors at one end for a month now because I am working my way through my huge stash of shirts to “debone” for quilting. I started a group I call “Sit ‘N Sew” at my house on Tuesday nights from 7-9 for any ladies I know who want to come...sit ‘n sew, or crochet, or knit, or clip coupons, or whatever, as long as they CHAT!!

JanineMarie said...

Love your birds. I hadn't thought of using that pattern for RSC. Such a fun idea! I don't store my quilts. They are either all on display or in use or given away to family, friends or organizations. I hand quilt in my La-Z-Boy recliner. It has a memory foam seat and is so comfortable. I put a puffy pillow on my lap to support my hoop.

Stoney said...

All of my quilts go out the door to complete their mission in life, which is love. A few are on my beds/couches, none on the wall. I am practical about getting them out the door to love on people who need it.

I have a rocker I sit in for hand work and a great office chair at a long butcher block table for other work.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...