Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Up all night!!

 OK!  So I had insomnia...and decided that maybe God intended for me to be up and finish this quilt!! Just to put a positive spin on this...I finished the last three blocks, and just need to figure out the sashing or how to put it all together in some fashion.
 A closer shot of the blocks, about 6AM this it is quite dark.  This was inspired by a quilt seen on Quilting by the River.
Happy Valentine's Day!  This is my offering for Valentine's Day, for this year.  NO hearts in sight...but lots of pinks!

Have a wonderful day, each of you!!!



Janet O. said...

What a fresh, Spring-like quilt you are creating! Would brighten even the middle of the night. Makes me grin. :)
There are hearts in sight at my house--and some of them were made by you.


I love both of those quilts--and if one can't sleep--one might as well be creative, is what I say--great job--
enjoy, di

Tired Teacher said...

❤️ the flower blocks! I hope you can sneak in a nap this afternoon.

Karen said...

The flowers on the string blocks is a delightful idea.
I had a case of insomnia earlier this week but did not get up and do something useful like you. I think the new medication I took is what caused it.

Roxanne said...

Oh Julie! So sorry about your insomnia! I have to do very quiet work when I can’t sleep—my family complains as our big poodle puppy (1+ year) gets excited and noisy if he hears me! Ha! Pretty, pretty flower blocks and you’ve framed them up so beautifully! Sleep well!

Leeanne said...

Making the most of your lack of sleep has put some speed in your projects!

Susan said...

Looks like you have a dozen roses for valentines day.

Debby Dodds said...

Love your creativity during insomnia - your blocks are beautiful....hope you were able to catch a nap.

Elaine Adair said...

Oh, so pretty - insomnia happens occasionally but I still cannot get out of bed to be creative! Good job! Elaine Adair

KaHolly said...

I’m so glad I don’t have trouble sleeping! It’s one of my favorite things to do! (But don’t tell anyone!)

Lori said...

Why do so many women of a certain age have insomnia? It's so annoying! I have never gotten up to sew though.
Fun blocks and what a cute little quilt for V Day.

Vic in NH said...

Sounds like you sewed your way through the night and came up with lovely blocks! The Valentine's Day quilt is sweet!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I like those flower blocks. I've never been a 'hearts' or 'pink' gal.

Barb said...

Sometimes I can't sleep either....I usually just read. Love love the flower quilt..

Kaja said...

I often can't sleep, but I've never thought to get up and sew. It is obviously a productive way for you to work and has resulted in lovely blocks.

dq said...

The way I see it, if you can't sleep you might as well get up and get something done. That is my motto. I have found that as I have aged I need less sleep.

I love this quilt!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...