Tuesday, February 7, 2017

A very generous person!

 I have a treat for you.  An anonymous donor has given some of her best creations, for the quilts for patients project!!
 Isn't this the coolest quilt, ever!!?  I love it!!
 This will be an awesome quilt for a breast cancer patient!
 Look at how tiny those pieces are!  I am in awe!!
 This is perfect quilt for a guy...it is long and so fun!  Just what someone needs to pick up their spirits, and be long enough to cover his toes!
 Some of the gorgeous blocks in the above quilt.
 This lovely creation looks like kimono fabrics to me!  A definitely Oriental feel to it...it is just gorgeous!!  Thank you to this very generous person...these will bring a lot of comfort and love to some very ill patients!
I am making progress on my 5/17 quilt...the star quilt.  I made four more scrappy blocks, and started piecing the border.  I am loving it so far...only 30 blocks to go.

Have a great day, everyone!!!



Joyful Quilter said...

Wow! All four quilts are beautiful! How very kind!

Chantal said...

Very generous indeed! And talented too. Is the donor the maker of these quilts? They are gorgeous. You can tell her (him? them?) that I really admire her patience with those tiny little pieces. Gorgeous work. And you, my friend, are making very good progress on your own gorgeous quilt. Good job. ;^)

julieQ said...

There is a fifth quilt too, but for some reason, the pictures did not turn out...equally gorgeous!

Rebecca in AK said...

Some very lovely quilts! Such a generous person to donate them. I see some happy recipients in the future. Great progress on your star quilt.

Janet O. said...

Beautiful quilts!! She is a very generous person. I am not at all surprised by her gift--and she gave them to a very generous person!! Together, the two of you will make many people happy!

Nancy said...

They are beautiful quilts, Julie. Someone is so very generous. (I just read someone else's blog post this evening saying she'd just sent some quilts to a nurse friend in Texas. It was probably these quilts but for the life of me I can't remember whose blog I was reading. I guess that's a good thing since the giver is anonymous!)

You quilt is just as beautiful as all the others you've made!

Binsa said...

What the most beautiful quilts Julie bless the person who did so

Leeanne said...

People are feeling your generous positive caring vibe...............let it spread! beautiful quilts

Carolyn said...

What a thoughtful, generous soul....seems just like you!

Needled Mom said...

The recipients will be generously blessed with those stunning quilts.

Loris said...

Beautiful quilts for you to bless someone with! Quilters are the best :-)

Tired Teacher said...

Thank you, anonymous donor for brightening the lives of the recipients of your gorgeous quilts! God bless you.

Lori said...

I knew she'd find a great recipient for the quilts she is downsizing. It's a win-win!

Kyle said...

These quilts will make wonderful gifts to some of your patients. A Quilter's generous heart will be graciously appreciated I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

Very generous.. "Bar" none. Your stars are aligning. It will be gorgeous. Thanks for all you do.

Quilter Kathy said...

Such a generous quilter to donate these gorgeous quilts!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Those are just gorgeous! Wonderful!!

Regina said...

Hi Julie, do you know anything about the pattern for the first quilt! I would love to make that for my sister.

Regina said...

Hi Julie, do you know anything about the pattern for the first quilt! I would love to make that for my sister.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...