Friday, February 10, 2017

A block for Cheri.

This block is for Cheri Payne, who recently was diagnosed with ovarian cancer.  It will be part of a larger quilt, for her.    I don't think she reads my here it is!!  She likes is a 6 inch finished block.

Have an amazing day, each of you!!!



Loris said...

A sweet offering, Julie. My heart goes out to her.

Janet O. said...

I lost track of Cheri since she moved away from blogging. Was very sorry to hear about her diagnosis. I'm glad to see there is a quilt going together for her. Your block looks pretty and cheery. : )

Chantal said...

Thoughts and prayers are with Cheri since Randy blogged about her. Very lovely block you've made for her. ;^)

Anonymous said...

Would you like blocks to add to your quilt?

Rebecca in AK said...

That's a great block. I was so sorry to hear about her diagnosis. I got a block mailed off yesterday. So very thoughtful of Lori and Karen to do this.

julieQ said...

Lori at Humble quilts and Katen at Log cabin quilter are both collecting blocks for her

julieQ said...

Thank you souch sweet Dotti!

Lee Prairie Designs said...

I'm working on my block and mailing it Monday. Looking forward to sewing everyone's creation in the quilt. Wonderful idea!!!! Hug's, Carolyn

Sandy said...

I can't find anything about this on Lori's blog, or on Karen's. Would you mind posting where to send the blocks?

Lori said...

I just sent Sandy the info.

julieQ said...

Thank you Lori! It will be such fun to see all the blocks!

Randy D. said...

Do you have the address still for Karen? I have someone who asked about it and wanted her address. I didn't keep it.
Love your homespun block, by the way! Did you also do a heart??

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