Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

 Happy Easter!!  It has been a quiet, low key day.  Twice we went to the movie, to see "Heaven is Real", but both times it was sold out when we got there.  We will go later, when it is a quiet weekday afternoon.  Have you seen this movie?  any good?  So after Easter services, we napped, and I worked on the pink border on this strings quilt.
 Yahoo!!  It is done!!  At least to the flimsy stage!
 This little quilt is also done.  It is all hand quilted, and hand appliqued.  I call it "reaching for the sun".  Just scraps, but so appealing to me.  Below is the back is hand stippled around the flowers.
 More iris, a different kind than the early ones, are blooming now.
And the tulips are blooming too.  So far just this yellow one...I planted a 50 count bag of mixed tulips last fall.  I put out those stones to make a border on my flower garden last year...maybe I need to cement them in place...another day, LOL!!

I hope each of you had a blessed Easter day!  He is risen indeed!!



Helen in the UK said...

Love that pink sawtooth border, the perfect finish. Happy Easter to you :)

MuleHill said...

Best ever sashing and border on a string quilt! Love it.

Ruth said...

Love the string quilt and Reaching for the Sun is darling!

Nancy said...

Reaching for the Sun is darling! I love it.

*kd. said...

Lots of pretty things. Love the pink border and Reaching for the Sun is adorable!!!!!

Kat Scribner said...

Reaching for the Sun quilt is one of my favorite kinds to make, so forgiving and whimsical. The string quilt is gorgeous. Someone will love all those pinks.

Vicki W said...

Sounds like you had a perfect day! The little quilt is really cute and you already know that I love all of your string quilts.

Karen said...

Fine finish on the posy quilt. The green border makes it look like spring.
The movie has been advertised heavily here. I saw an inteview with one of the actresses who says she is a woman of faith and really doubted the reality of the story at first. But then she met the real family and says she became a believer.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

The string top, and the finished quilt are great.

Chantal said...

That pink sawtooth border makes your quilt ♪♫ SIIINNNNG!♫♪ !! I love it. Congrats on the finished quilt. Two very Spring-like quilts. Will you hang Reaching for the Sun as a deco or a table topper?

Quilter Kathy said...

Happy Easter Julie!
The projects you are finishing are so full of spring colours and life!

Kim said...

You've been busy! Love your finishes, both are so lovely.
Don't know about the moving being good by the book sure was. I enjoyed every minute of the good believable story.
Let us know how the movie is when you finally get to see it. Any chance you can buy the tickets online before you arrive? I think that is how so many folks get tickets so there are none available when you arrive.

Happy Spring

Rebecca in AK said...

Love your string quilt! The pink sawtooth border is just perfect for it. Reaching for the Sun!! I love that little quilt. Did you design it yourself? What size is it? Hope you get to see the movie the next time.

LuAnn said...

I always love coming here to look at the great string quilt in your blog header, but this one just sparkles with the beautiful spring colors. Happy Easter to you, too!

Julie said...

I love your projects. I have not seen the movie and want to hear what people think. My son died of a heart ailment at 22 last year and I can't decide if I should see the movie or not, in the terms of making me cry too much. I know he is in heaven.

Kyle said...

The pink sawtooth border was perfect for that quilt. And Reaching for the Sun is delightful.

Leeanne said...

Looks like you had a happy Easter. Love all that you create, always such a happy blog to visit.

joe tulips said...

The quilts say happy! I love them a lot! Watch the mail for more happy!

Lori said...

What a lovely post full of spring goodness and quilts! Not much better right now.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...