Friday, April 25, 2014

Variations on a theme

 Good morning to everyone!  I got off work two hours early yesterday, and so I was playing around with the blocks from last post...and came up with this idea.  A variation of the block I made in last post, this is made from tiny scraps.  I just love working with my scrappy pieces!!
Here is how many blocks I have so far...they are super fast to piece, and I will applique down the melons.  That is the fun part!!

**************************Nurse's Notes**************************

I love my patients!!  I had a lady yesterday, a 79 year young lady...who told me this bit of wisdom.  "Don't question so much your decisions, about how you got here.  Know that you made the best decisions at the time; why otherwise would you have ended up in such a good place?  Be proud of your younger self!"    She was such a dear.

It always amazes me how some patients are young at 79, and some are truly ancient.  Activity is a big, big part of this...and diet.  These two things just make or break people....


Have a great day!



Karen said...

You have a good design in the works. I like the melons....the best part of the block with all those little pieces sewn together.

AnnieO said...

The new blocks are wonderful additions! Your scrappy play is so productive. Sweet nurse's notes!

Nancy said...

Pearls of wisdom from your sweet patient!

Quilter Kathy said...

Love these new blocks... like beads on a necklace!

Jane said...

Love those blocks! I think you are so right about the importance of diet and exercise. I'm into my third week of increasing my protein and veggie intake while drastically decreasing carbs and added sugar. I'm amazed at how much better I feel physically and mentally.

Rebecca in AK said...

I love your melon blocks in all their scrappiness!! What size are you blocks? Very wise words from your patient! On that diet thing, chocolate is good, right?

Loris said...

Well these are fun and original! You are a clever one :-)
And about that diet...I had a 90 yr old gentleman yesterday who told me his uncle lived to be 125 yrs old! He said it was because he lived in the Ukraine and only ate the freshest of fruit and vegetables!

Chantal said...

Thank you for sharing your nurse's note. I am glad I have received these wise words from your patient. I will blame myself less I promise. Now,those blocks, whoohoo! love it! It's like a scrappy Rose Dream. You're an original! How do you appliqué the melons by machine or by hands?

Diane said...

I haven't said it recently, but I really do love your nurse's notes. Such lovely little bits of wisdom and life. Thanks for sharing!

Leeanne said...

More cuteness!

Janet O. said...

I don't know why, but this new design reminds me of the beads that were used to hang over doorways back in the day. : )
Love your nurses notes!

Helen in the UK said...

I'm really loving the linear pattern this creates :)

Vic in NH said...

I definitely agree with Janet that your design looks like a bead curtain. And that young lady of 79 has great observations!

Caryl @ cinnamon holiday workshop said...

Love your blocks....AND your nurse's notes!

audrey said...

Love the older ladies advice. I question myself way too much.:) Great scrappy blocks! Always fun to see what you're working on next!

Lori said...

Love your scrappy melons!!
I have to agree about diet, exercise, and mental outlook! When I am 79 I hope I am a young 79!!

Diane said...

Those string blocks are so pretty! The little old lady secret to life made me smile. Thanks for sharing both!

Anonymous said...

What is this pattern? I love what you are doing as I am a scrappy girl.

Anonymous said... excite about the pattern that I messed up my email address. What is the pattern you are doing scrappy? LOVE IT

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