Wednesday, April 17, 2013


 Well, I am slowly working on my Sister's choice blocks.  I do love working with my scraps!!  Seems like I have lots of pink...LOL!!  I have been saving the connector triangles and making pinwheels from them...maybe a border for something? quilt inspires another!!
 Closer look...
 All these blocks are pretty much caught up and sewn together. I still have some stitching to do, and I am hand blanket stitching the applique pieces.  These are fun!!  And easy...just right for a portable project for me with the waiting, waiting, waiting at the hospital this last week.
And binding on this!!  This quilt just makes me smile...tiny pieces, and all scraps!  Hundreds of different fabrics...what is not to love about using these old friend fabrics in a fun quilt?!!

***************************Recent events**************************

I am so saddened by the Boston Marathon bombing.  I was working at the hospital, when my friends rushed to my patient's room and said "turn on the news!"  The patient,  nurses, doctors, aides, secretaries...we all looked on in horror at the horrible scene.  The best thing?  Because there is always a best thing in any situation...people ran TOWARD the scene to help!!  I was so lightened and touched by that...everyday heroes!!!  Thank you, each one of you, for helping, for stepping forward and running to help.  Bless you!!


Nurse's Notes!

We have a gentleman, very wrinkled and grey, who has been faithfully treading our hospital halls for two weeks now.  Of course I stopped to chat...his wife is in the hospital with heart surgery.  He shared that they have been married 56 years now, and that she is his whole world.  Love, love, love....LOVE that!!



Loris said...

Great idea using your leftover triangle pieces. The pinwheels look like a nice size for a border.
Gorgeous flower blocks and I love the jewel box. Such a great way to get some scraps showcased.
I agree with you about the people that showed their best side running to help others on Monday. There was a nursing student that ran to help people hurt on a college campus last week that also impressed me. I pray I would react in the same way. Such a startling situation.

Grit said...

Wonderful work. I love the triangels for the stars.

Grit from Germany

Lesley said...

Your quilts are the Sisters Choice and hope to mke it some ave inspired me. And yes, I agree with your summary of the Boston situation...looks like a lot of people worked together to help each other as best they could in a terrible situation...

Quilter Kathy said...

I love each of your projects and am so glad that you had handwork to keep you calm with all the waiting time you've had. Hope DH continues to improve under the quilt of your TLC!

Kyle said...

Your projects always make me wellas your stories.

Merilyn said...

Those colourful applique blocks are just wonderful, I do envy those who do beautiful applique!!!
I was quite stunned on Tuesday morning our time, to turn on the computer and see what had happened in Boston!! It took a few minutes to register what on earth had happened! I feel so sorry for those who lost loved ones, and for all those who will have to live with the aftermath of their horrendous injuries, just to awful to imagine......heart breaking.... It's been all over the news here, and I believe London will be hosting some big sporting event very soon, so I know that security will be tight there too. Hope your and DH are progressing well on your new vegan diet and that he is feeling a lot better now!

Janet O. said...

Sister's Choice looks wonderful, Julie!
That applique quilt is bright and happy and fun. How can you not smile when you work on that one?
And your finish--beautiful!

Kim said...

I am just home from taking care of my 57 year old brother post open heart surgery......only one by pass (LAD) because the other areas to be by passed were to calcified to hold a suture. Oh dear I wish I could get him to go Vegan or at least eat a vegetable once a day. Hamburgers and french fries are his favorite meal and he eats it 5 or 6 times a week!

I hope your DH recovery is smooth sailing and you both enjoy the Vegan life.

Happy Sewing on your lovely projects

Nicky said...

Gorgeous quilts as ever! Glad the news was ok about your husband - hope you both cope with the vegan diet - I'd miss the chocolate and yoghurt...

Bren said...

Oh Julie, your quilts are all gorgeous! I love how you showed such a variety of process from beginning to end! A person would never tire of looking at your finished quilt with all those different fabrics!

kmcallister said...

Love the quilts. What is the pattern of the 3rd quilt, the one you are putting binding on (the finish line!)? I love the look of that quilt.

Lori said...

You sisters choice blocks are perfect! Love your applique project!
I hope I'm still happily married after 56 years- wow!

Lois Arnold said...

Lookin' good, Julie! How's your husband doing? Even better, I hope!

Marie said...

It was neat to see your last photo. My sister Anne and I have been putting the same pattern together as a gift for a mutual friend, but in a very different palette: . I'm always intrigued by the different results based on the fabric selection. Yours is beautiful.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Mmmmmm! Love your appliqué quilt and that last one!

Mary said...

OOOOOO, Ilove that applique! So colorful and happy! It makes me smile as I look at each block!

Love the idea for the HSQ's to make a border, too kewl!

Binsa said...

Hello Julie, I enjoyed seeing your projects....and saddened when I heard of the bombings in Boston...hope DH is recovering well..hugs, lyn

hetty said...

I love, love, love your Whimsical Garden! Thanks for dropping by my blog.

Helen in the UK said...

A couple at the care home where I volunteer have been married for 68 years! They are in their mid/late 90s and are still almost inseperable. It warms the heart doesn't it :)

Carissa Winter said...

Can you tell me the name of the pattern for the last image on this post? I have a "few" scraps that would be perfect for this project! Please share! Thanks!

Nancy said...

I'm so far behind in my blog reading.... Your applique blocks are bright, fun, and gorgeous!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...