Sunday, April 14, 2013

An eventful week...

 Good Sunday afternoon to everyone!  Above is my progress on my sister's choice quilt blocks.   I have all the blocks cut out and ready to go...just waiting for time to do it all.  I am making 42 blocks in all, and each piece came from my 2.5 inch strip drawer.  It is as full as ever...
And a Patchalot quilt!!!  Marcie at Patchalot patterns makes the cutest and most wonderful patterns!  My colors were from the stash, so they are different from hers.  Her quilt is so very cute!!  Please see her website HERE!  I do love this little birdie!  Marcie is having a buy one, get one deal going on right now...don't miss out!  What makes this quilt even more special is that these blocks in the middle were gifted to me, from my friend Joyce in Arizona.  I love them!

********************Nurse's Notes*******************************

Well, we were the recipients of hospital care, on my floor this week.  For some time, my husband has had more chest pain.  He always wrote it off as indigestion, or lifting too much, or general tiredness (does this sound familiar to any of you ladies?)...but this week, he finally agreed to come to the hospital and see just what it was.  How to do that?  A heart cath...and low and behold, he had a 90% blockage and a  70% blockage.  The interventional cardiologist was able to open the arteries up and stent them to keep them open.  My thanks to our God and to all the wonderful docs and nurses who blessed us so much this week.  My DH is home, and while he still has some chest pain, he feels better...and I am so very glad for this.  No bypass, at least for now, and we are so grateful!  He eats well, and has very few risk factors, but that genetic component is there...he eats very well, but has decided to once and for all become vegan.  In support of him, I will be eating mostly veggies too.  I will let you know how that goes!!


In light of all that has happened this couple weeks, I am woefully behind on replies and such..I ask for your forgiveness and please know that I will catch up!!  Now for the fun stuff!!


The book giveaway from a couple postings ago!!

KaHolly!!  Robert from Northern Iowa!

You have both won a book, please e-mail me your address and I will zip them out to you!

Nancy!  Leslie at Lesquilts!  Regan!  Sandy at Crazy 'bout quilts!  Deanna! A
Garden of threads!!   All these comments were randomly selected to win a pin from Jennifer.

Please e-mail me and I will send out your pins!!

Have a great day, all!!




Angie said...

Your 'Marcie' quilt is adorable, Julie, and your Sister's Choice quilt is going to be another scrappy beauty. :) So sorry to hear about your hubby (and yes, I can relate to a few of the symptoms you listed :/) but I'm so glad he came in when he did and that things came out so well for him. :) Hugs to both of you.

Me and My Stitches said...

Love both of your projects. Also love Marcie and all of her patterns - I have a ton of them and need to get started on them! So glad that your husband got to the hospital and that he is doing ok. So scary! Why is it that men will never take care of themselves?

Vicki W said...

Glad you were able to convince your hubby to go in and that all is well now!

AnnieO said...

Love your Sister's Choice blocks! And Marcie's quilt is indeed adorable with that birdie. Thank goodness your hubby finally decided to get himself checked out. Modern medicine can help a lot, but only if it is sought, lol! Glad he is feeling better and the stents are helping.

Chookyblue...... said...

so glad to hear all is well with your DH........

regan said...

Your sister's choice blocks and that little quilt are both fantastic! Sweet! And I'm so glad your hubby is doing well. What a scare! I don't know if you get the Create channel on cable, but there's a gal I've been watching lately, Christina Pirello, and her show is Christina Cooks, and its all vegan.....and wonderful! She has books out, as well. She was diagnosed with terminal cancer back in the 80's and by changing her diet, with her doctor's guidance, she is a living testimonial to healthy eating. She does whole grains and veggies, I think it's called the microbiotic diet. Maybe check her out online. Her approach is really great, and her food looks amazing! Good luck to you both!

Quilter Kathy said...

So relieved to read that DH was repaired and is feeling better. He has the best nurse to help his recovery!
Glad that you have had some time for stitching.

Ali Honey said...

Best Wishes to you both. Sounds as though Hubby got that done just in time !

Loris said...

The quilt and blocks are beautiful as ever. So glad to hear this week is behind you and with some good news. Prayers and gratitude for continued heart health.

Merilyn said...

My goodness Julie! Just in the nick of time my girl.....go glad you convinced your DH to go in for a check, just too close a call. Cardiac issues can really sneak up on you. I bet he will start to feel a lot better now that the stents are insitu, and I think the vegan diet thing is such a great idea, certainly will cut out anything remotely harmful. I wish you both all the very best with this new commitment, you doing it together is a great idea!!!

Vic in NH said...

How wonderful that your hubster is doing better now. This is the perfect time to go vegan as the aparagus is in!

A mom said...

My husband had the same thing happen in February. We went on the McDougall diet, which is vegan. I hope all goes well for you. It's a big diet change but it has been good. It's the only diet I have seen that reverses heart disease. My husband also doesn't have many indications of heard disease, just a STRONG family history. God bless you both!

Jo Anna

PamKittyMorning said...

YIKES! Glad to hear he's home and recovering well!

Mary said...

OOOOO, Love your sister's choice and Marcie's quilt! I've finished 35 blocks for Addi's quilt. I have tomorrow off, so I'll might have time to get the blocks together. Jury is still out on the border though. I used up most of my 2 1/2 inch scrappy blocks though. Now I have a bunch of 2 inch half st blocks. I have a bunch of scrappy 2 inch squares too. Fun!

I'm glad Milt is better! Hugs! Hey, I have a bunch of vegatarian cookbooks if your interested. (I tried, let's face it...I'm a carnivore!) They're yours for the asking. I loves you so much and want you and your hubby to be happy!

Nancy said...

Men can sometimes be very stubborn. I'm glad you were able to convince yours to get tests before it was too late. I hope he continues to adjust and feel better.

I don't know if I'm a winner or not. There were two Nancys who entered the giveaway. If you respond to this comment directly from your email, it will come to my email. If it's the other Nancy who won, not a problem. Congratulations to her and the other winners!

Janet O. said...

Oh, what a scary thing. Glad DH was willing to get checked out!

Love the Sister's Choice. On my short list!
The Patchalot pattern is very cute. I need to check out her patterns!

Helen in the UK said...

Gosh Julie, I'm so glad your DH agreed to get checked out and that led to early intervention. Don't worry about being behind on replies ... concentrate your energies at home whilst you need to. Sending big hugs across the ocean to you both :)

Binsa said...

Hello Julie, glad all is well with DH..take care both of you...Hugs, Lyn

jirons42 said...

I love the Sisters Choice blocks. I have made one quilt from them a few years ago and gave it away. Your blocks have given me the itch to make another Sisters Choice quilt. I am so happy that things went well for your husband - scary times.

Nancy said...

I'm glad your husband followed your urging to get his heart checked out and that the intervention was an easy one.

Denise in PA said...

Oh,Julie, so glad your hubby is okay! Sounds so similar to our story last year - hubby had chest pain for over a month - wound up finally going to hospital and had a heart attack right in the ER. Five stents later and he's okay now - whew!

Joyce said...

Love your sister's choice blocks. I finished mine in Feb after Bonnie's class in Jan. It will be a gift for our grand daughter's graduation.
I really like what you did with my left over blocks. Like I've always said, you are SO talented. I never would have thought to put them together with a border around them with the applique. It's perfect!

I'm so glad DH is doing better. He's very lucky you know what to look out for. Hope he's feeling better!

Unknown said...

Oh Julie - all good wishes to your husband and yourself - aren't they just the limit these men pretending all is ok - thank goodness he went to be checked and could get the treatment he needed - hope his recovery continues apace - love the little bird quilt too xxx

MARCIE said...

I am so glad your husband got the help he needed. Going vegan is a big step. Good luck to you both. And your little Feather Friends is adorable! How great to already have the quarter square blocks ready to go! Thanks for plugging my website too dear girl!

Lois Arnold said...

So glad your hubby didn't have to have bypass surgery and that he is doing better!

Both the sister's choice blocks and the little Patchalot quilt are great. You are amazing!


Sharon said...

So glad to hear your DH is doing well. What a scare, I'm glad you were able to convince him to go in and get checked out!

Millie said...

pretty Sister's Choice blogs, Julie. Glad to hear all is well. Hubby is married to the best nurse.

Lori said...

So happy to hear your hubby went in for tests and is now hopefully on the road to living a long and healthy life.
How's that veggie eating going?

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...