Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Blues again...

I finished the blocks for this blue string quilt...I love string piecing, and this one was no exception.  It will be a lap sized quilt.     I will add a narrow inner border, and then a wider outer border.  The pattern is a modified String X from Bonnie Hunter's Quiltville site. 

*******************Nurse's notes************************

We have several towers at my hospital.  You can see from one tower to the next, sometimes, if the blinds are open.  I was in a patient's room, and happened to glance out the window and saw another nurse, dressed in blue as I was ( our uniforms are all blue)...and she smiled and waved, and so did I.  It was kind of fun, seeing another nurse in another tower, just a sweet smile from a really young nurse.  Guess you had to be there! 

Years ago, I worked in another tower...and across the way?  Was labor and delivery.  Another nurse and I were in a patient's room, and we glanced out the window...and got an eye full!  A lady was delivering her baby right then, in full view of the open window!  We called over there and told the charge nurse, and she said that the lady wanted her baby to be born in the sun, and the patient insisted on the blinds being open.  So we just cried and watched the miracle of that baby being born...a precious moment to us too!!

A sweet older, very frightened gentleman came in trouble.  91 years young, he was in the middle of a heart attack.  The problem?  A very low heart rate, very ominous sign.  As we were intervening for him, he suddenly told me, "I knew the the 91th year would be a the bad one...THE ONE!"  I wonder if he is still with us...pretty sick when I left...I think that people sometimes know things that maybe others do not know...what do you think?

Enjoy each moment, all!!



Nancy said...

I love blue, and I adore this string quilt. It is a beauty!

KaHolly said...

Julie, you never cease to amaze me!! Another beauty!

GardenOfDaisies said...

Love the color and movement in this quilt!

Nancy said...

Love your blue strings and yes, we do need to remember to enjoy each moment.

Janet O. said...

I think I prefer blue/white quilts to red/white ones. This is like the changing shades of blue in the ripples of the ocean, with little white caps interspersed.
I always enjoy your nursing stories.

Angie said...

I do think there are some people that 'know' things. I hope your patient is okay---wherever he is. Your blue strings quilt is another beauty, Julie. Happy Holidays.

Wonky Girl said...

Yes, some people know. The night before my mom went for heart surgery she told us she would go home tomorrow. No mom, you are having surgery. Mom fooled us all and did go home- to Heaven.
Your blue strings are wonderful!

Leeanne said...

Cool blue quilt!

regan said...

I hope that gentleman is ok. And I hope he can make it to 92, and have a good laugh at that!

And I totally get the connection to the nurse in the other tower. Sometimes a little wave or smile across the way to someone 'just like you' but alone, can make you feel like your a team and together doing the task. It's a definite spirit lifter! I remember waving to the other watch on duty at the far end of the compound when I was in the navy.....and it made the midnight shift not quite so lonely. Wow.....that really brought back memories....of 1980! Yikes!

regan said...

Oops....forgot to say....LOVE the quilt! :o)

Nicky said...

Great quilt! Lovely story! No princes climbing up your hair then??

Little Island Quilting said...

Fabulous string quilt

Merilyn said...

Interesting string arrangement in those blocks! I love the result though, works very well!!!
Love your nurses' storys! I hope that dear old 91 year old pulled through! I agree, I think patients often get a sense, they often know before we do.....
I've had a very busy but very fulfilling week, our unit is full, just hope some of our patients can have some day leave with friends and/or family members on Christmas, for a lot of them it is the loneliest time of the year!

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...