Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Log Cabin...and a mystery!!

 OK everyone!!  This is it...the last of the 1/2 inch  strip log cabin blocks are finished!!  I made four extra...don't know why I cannot count lately, LOL!!  These were so very much fun...The quilt is really not that big, due to the small size of the blocks ( 4 inches). Am I going to make more?  NOT!!  I want to quit while I still love them!!
 Here are all the blocks on the piano, where they got placed until I could lay them out.  The piano is from 1912, and was a gift from dear husband long ago.
 I could not resist a couple new books at the quilt shop...come to think of it...I need to STAY OUT OF THERE!  But it is just so much fun, isn't it??
 A couple broody hens...
 And some of the leftovers from the log cabin strips found their way into this mug rug.  Wouldn't a neutral quilt be so much fun??

 Now for the gift!  I was thinking (gasp!) of not doing Bonnie Hunter's of Quiltville's mystery quilt!  That seems kind of sacrilegious or something!  I did not have gray, or purples, or teals, having being a good girl  and using all these colors up.  My dear friend Mary, who works at the same hospital I do, gifted me with the most lovely, soft, dove gray is so beautiful!  So...I am hoarding it!  LOL!
And lookee!  These pretty fabrics too!!  I am so in love with them all...thank you Mary!  Please see her blog HERE.

So I am a spoiled lady...and now working on the mystery quilt!  Please go here for all the details, you could do it, fun!!

Have a great day,



Quilter Kathy said...

Oh my goodness Julie...I did indeed *gasp*! So glad to hear you have's not as much fun without you ! LOL No pressure!
Love the log cabin quilt and you would be amazing at how similar our pianos are!

Janet O. said...

Jaw-dropping quilt, Julie. LOVE those little logs with which you built your tiny cabins!
The hens are so cute. I've looked at patterns for those, but haven't taken the leap yet.
Aha, so you are cruisin' Easy Stret along with the rest of us (well, I will be when the holidays are over). Good to hear it!

Rosa said...

Yes,It`s absolutely wonderful!

paulette said...

Oh Julie, your wee log cabins in magnificent!! It is going to be an heirloom for sure!

Karen said...

I love, love the log cabin quilt blocks. I like log cabin quilts in general. Just about any style.
I recently purchased both of the same books you just bought. Good ones.

Kyle said...

Your tiny log cabin blocks are awesome. It was probably wise to stop while you were still having fun. It will be treasure.

regan said...

The log cabin quilt is stunning! And an all-neutrals quilt! It would be fabulous! Love the mug rug!

Vicki W said...

We should start a (small) club for people who were crazy enoug to make a quilt from small log cabin blocks. Yours went together faster than mine!

Leeanne said...

I love Kim Diehl books! Boy your log cabins look great.....happy working on the mystery, I will be sideline support only this time around

Mary said...

Love your Log Cabin! It's definitely on my bucket list! I have a Log Cabin book that has the neatest patterns. I'll have to let you see it sometime. I'm still plugging away at geese. Woohoo!

Grit said...

Your Quilt looks so great.
Liebe Grüße Grit

Helen in the UK said...

Those little log cabin blocks look wonderful. Enjoy your mystery sewing :)

Charity said...

I love those little hen's. If you don't mind me asking, where did you find the pattern for them? I could see making these into beanbag's.

Charity said...

I love those little hen's. If you don't mind me asking, where did you find the pattern for them? I could see making these into beanbag's.

Anonymous said...

log cabin blocks look great

Donna Keating said...

Your log cabins look so festive. I love this little blocks too but get tired of making so many for anything larger than a doll quilt or wall hanging so I admire your drive.

Merilyn said...

Wow! The log-cabin blocks are awesome and what a quilt they will make!!! Just love your dedication of putting this one together, I'd be surprised if log-cabin blocks don't end up in your dreams too!!!
Great work!!!!!

Nancy said...

Beautiful, simply beautiful!

Use the extra logcabin blocks on the back of the quilt.

Lori said...

Such loveliness on your blog! The little log cabin blocks are super!! It is an awesome quilt!!

Linda O said...

Wow, Julie, you are amazing how quickly you made all those darling little blocks! Beautiful, beautiful quilt. Kim Diehl's books are so good, lots of great stuff to look at. Darling little chickens and mug mat! You use every last bit! Yay! Love the goodies for Easy Street - you are blessed to have such a great friend to gift you the lovely fabrics.

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...