Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Bits and pieces of the DD Mystery!

Good morning! I have emerged from the work-fog into the light! Yahoo! I have FOUR days off in a row. Above is my first block of the cutest BOM, you just have to check it out! Go to This is the January block. The February block is also ready for download. Just cute, cute, cute!!! Of course, I need to press it well. The blocks are 8.5 inches square.

This is my progress on the DD Mystery quilt by Bonnie from Quiltville. Lots of fun little pieces, and I as you can see used different colors than she, because that is what I had in the stash. I am loving this! I still need to trim more of the squares, maybe I can get around to that today.

This is my most recent pie, just a memory now. YUM! My mom's recipe, which I personally think is the very best. Apple...mmmm....

This was how high the pie was full off apples before it was baked, and of course they all cooked down. Speaking of food (one of my favorite subjects)....I am on a new course in life! I know, I know, you have heard it before, but I have been eating healthy for 8 days! I was counting in hours, but now am up to days...and I have lost (drum-roll please)....5 pounds! Yeah for me! I may be able to fit into that mother of the groom dress after all! I cut out sugar. I am hopelessly addicted to sweet things and sugar, and after the pie was gone...that was it ladies!!!! Hope I can keep it up! NO! I am keeping it up!!!
I am also working on the hand-quilting of my scrappy quilt from last post. That is the most pleasure, just fun, fun , fun!!!!
Gratitude's: Fabric, friends, hand-quilting, renewed health, and of course my precious family.
Work: I have not been forced to work a night shift yet...we shall see!!! Stubborn old lady, aren't I???


Norma said...

juI am diabetic but still love dessert. So make your pie with Splenda instead of sugar and just have a small piece. It is not what you eat, but HOW MUCH!

I have the little snowman too, need to get him ready to go, and the hearts as well. He is so sweet.

Norma said...

Not sure how the "ju" got there but it is supposed to say I am.....yikes!

Unknown said...

Nice to have some time off from work and do the things that you love! Congrats on the weight loss. I know it is hard when you love certain things. But in the end it is just good for you. Bottom line, your health is worth it! Love the fabrics for the mystery.

Stina Blomgren said...

Oh that pie sure looks yummy!!! :o)
And I love the fabrics you have chosed for your DD... good luck!! :o)

Betsy said...

Bonnie'smystery is looking good. I too am finally up to the nine patches but I need to make 85 more.

Finn said...

Great job on the weight loss, especially combined with the healthy eating. I have that sugar addiction also, it's awful!
Love the snowman! Mine is, as yet, undone...: ( Hugs, Finnie

KC Quilter said...

Love how you have your mystery blocks all organized!

Amelia said...

So glad you have the 4 days off..and not having to work any nights...good for pie looks like it was sitting on my counter top...I have same style/color/

Weight loss - a definite plus!

Shari said...

Enjoy your time off - think of it like a mini-holiday and try not to do too much housework! Hope you are re-freshed!

Darcie said...

Love your new header! Fabulous!!!

Good for you! I think my husband read once that it takes 2 weeks of repeating something for it to become a habit. Sounds fairly logical, doesn't it? You're almost there!!! There are so many health-related bloggers out there. Perhaps a support system would be refreshing for you? ;-)

You're not stubborn. You just know what you want and need from life...and you're determined to get it!!!

Hugs to you, Jules!

Darcie said...

Oh...and good heavens! That pie!!! Sheesh...I'll be thinking about it all day long.... ;-)

Libby said...

What fun projects you have in the works. Hand quilting is pretty high on my list of relaxation techniques *s* Good news on the work front - hope it continues.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Julie...cute snowman, your blocks look great and as for the pie...yummo..

Nicole said...

Love your need little block units all ready to be assembled! And that pie....

Kristie said...

First off....that pie looks so yummy!!! I just love homemade apple pie! Way to go on losing weight! 5lbs in 8 days! Amazing!!!

Love your new BOM! Such a cute little snowman. I do wish that I had started the Mystery quilt but I just had so many other things going on. Can't wait to see you of yours!

antique quilter said...

cute snowman,
LOVe your fabric choices for the mystery quilt

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh the snowman BOM is so cute! But I"m really loving your pieces for for DD! And the pie looked wonderful - mmm, there is nothing like apple pie!

Unknown said...

Love the way you have the DD pieces in the box. I so like that quilt but have been holding off as I have way to many to get quilted already and I'm afraid not enough time. Apple pie looks delicious.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...