Sunday, February 15, 2009

Glad and some sad news.

These are pretty, don't you think? Some windblown tulips, for Valentine's day, from my DH. I just love them! Pretty, pretty, on the dining room table. I hope you had a nice Valentine's day!
This is just the beginning of a little caddy. I made it of pre-quilted fabric. I have seen some really fancy ones on some of your blogs, which I just love, and I just made my own simple version. I will make one with embroidery and fancy things later...of course it needs to be finished.
I have had some challenging patients this last week. One patient fell about 2 months ago, and has been slowly bleeding into the space between the skull and the brain ever since. He came in with mild stroke symptoms, and the CT scan showed the bleed. He was wisked off to emergency surgery, and two burr holes and a drain later, he was back to me. After one week, he has almost fully recovered!!! Yahoo! He was walking in the hall last time I saw him on Friday...he is the father of one of our nurses.
My other patient was diagnosed with cancer on Friday. When the wife was told, she fainted. The doctor and I caught her luckily before she hit the ground...poor dear lady! I hope he comes off the ventilator, he is still on it last time I saw him!
And for the sad of our nurses did not show up for work 2 days in a row. Not like her at all, we have a pretty dedicated team on our unit. We called and called and finally sent the police to her apartment, and they found her passed away in her living room. We are all just devastated at work. We do not know a cause yet, but Lori A., we are missing you so much. She leaves two sons.
Since this is a diary of sorts for me, I am going to mention things about my work periodically, so skip this part if it is not of interest at all to you.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!


Pat said...

Oh, Julie...I am so sad to hear of the loss of your colleague and also to hear of the patient just diagnosed with cancer. I HATE that "C" word. *sigh* I'm glad, though, to read about the patient who is recovering well....and, of course, the tulips are so pretty and your little organizer (in progress) is looking good. Keep your chin up...I know it's hard in your line of work as my friend is an ICU nurse (as I've told you) and I can see the toll it often takes.

Amelia said...

A tough burden to carry in your line of work about your patient. And the loss of a fellow worker leaves you with that deep sick feeling.

May this week bring nothing but many blessings!

Quilts And Pieces said...

The tulips are so happy! But what a sad week for you. That has to be such a hard job. Oh and your sewing caddy will be wonderful!

Stina Blomgren said...

So sad news...
Hope your week will be filled with a lot of happiness to easy up the hard week... Take care...

Debi said...

So sorry to hear about your co-worker. It is hard to lose someone we work with and so unexpectedly. I love your DH bought me tulips and carnations!

Darcie said...

I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your co-worker, Lori. My heart goes out to her own family, as well as her *working* family. Each day is truly a gift, isn't it!

Your tulips are absolutely lovely! How sweet of your husband. Tulips are my favorite. Their stems look so sturdy...but yet bend and flex and are truly quite fragile. Like life.

Many hugs to you, sweet Jules! I'm thinkin' 'bout you! ;-)

Libby said...

How sad for you to lose a friend and coworker. I hope things look brighter in the coming days *s*

Elaine Adair said...

LUcky you - a lovely bunch of tulips.

Not good is hearing of your friend's passing - sad, but it IS slightly offset by news of recovery for several patients.

I am STILL oogling, and slobbering over "Everthing but the kitchen sink" which I would LOVE to to, one of these days. It indeed is a keeper!

Terry said...

What beautiful tulips! So sorry to hear about your coworker though. That has to be terribly hard for you and everyone you work with.

Karen said...

I'll say you had good news and bad news. And how sad that a co-worker passed away.
I want to tell you that I really like the applique piece in your header!

*karendianne. said...

Wow Julie, that's so much to deal with. I'm sorry for you and your team. What a big huge loss. I'm glad to hear that patient with the (subarachnoid hemorrhage?) recovered. Is that what it was, Julie?

My heart goes out to the woman who fainted. I'm so thankful you were there to catch her. Bless her heart! And bless your heart!

You have the biggest heart on the whole entire planet. And you know I like to cover that whole entire planet a lot so I know. :>

Unknown said...

That is so sad! I am sorry for your loss as well as for her family. That is a tough thing for anyone. My thoughts are with you.

Teresa said...

How sad about your co-nurse and friend. Life sure has a way of making us take stock of what is important and how we should appreciate every breath God gives us.

Your flowers look just like Spring - a promise of better days ahead.

Anonymous said...

That is a tough tough day.
We here in Oz are having our touch of reality and worse in Victoria.
I am away from the fires but you cannot remain unaffected when friends die (2) even if you have not seen them in a while, and another family escapes into a dark night of smoke in the middle of the day.........and survives.

The Calico Quilter said...

It is difficult to lose a co-worker. We spend so much of our lives at work, they often become very close. I'm sure nurses become very close, working together in stressful situations as they do. May your friend rest in peace.

It must be so gratifying to see a bad case like the cranial bleed patient recover!

On to sewing subjects: The caddy is a great idea. Since I usually do my hand sewing at my desk, I was thinking about making a sewer's desk pad, with pockets to keep everything orderly (and keep kitty paws out!)

Meike The Dutchlady said...

Yes, the flowers are beautiful and I love the fabric for the caddy. Hope you find some relaxation in your sewing you need it after such a stressfull job. Sorry to hear about the loss of your co-worker.

Mad about Craft said...

I have several nightmare senorios in my head and losing a co-worker is one of them. God's Blessings to all of you affected by her death.

meggie said...

Your tulips are very beautiful!!

That is so sad about your colleague. No one wants to think of dying alone, but at least she will not suffer further.
My daughter works in Aged Care, & she loves her clients, as they are called. It is always sad, when one of them pass away. She brightens their days, & is very loved.

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Such a sad story to read of your colleague. I am sorry for all of you and particularly her family. Your tulips are gorgeous, what a sweet husband!

YankeeQuilter said...

Working ICU must be a very stressful place...glad you use your blog as a way of releasing some of it.

The quilt in your header is the green border!

Hope you staying well...

Carole said...

Lovely flowers! I love tulips! So sorry to read about a co-worker. Have a great week!

Finn said...

So very sorry to hear of the loss of a friend and a fellow nurse. We sure can't afford to lose any, certainly not the good ones. Big hugs for that owie. And I do think your little stitching project is just grand! Very cheery, just like you *VBS* Big hugs, Finnie

*karendianne. said...

I've been sending you warm, loving thoughts for days... Definitely thinking of you. *karendianne.

Susan said...

It is difficult to let go of those pieces of our heart. My prayers are with you.

Darlene said...

I am so sorry to read about your friend's passing! Ironically, I lost a dear friend the same way last Spring. Dedicated nurse, didn't go to work, police were sent and you know the rest of the story. Still makes me very sad!

Unknown said...

I sure am behind, So sorry about your fellow surse that past. What a shock for all of you. Used to this with patients but when one of your own goes, it's very hard. Hope things have settled down now for you. Love reading about your work. Maybe because DH loves to have lovely nurses like you. At least he hasn't had any serious cadiac stays lately. One day to find the need for the stint.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...