Monday, February 9, 2009

Thoughts for our Aussie friends!!

Above is a purse I have been working on. It is made of strips from the strip bin, I just chose the next one I pulled out. Even the big wide strip is OK. I like it, and it is all made from scraps. I machine quilted it. It will be a gift.

Long ago (maybe 5 years), 3 friends and I exchanged red work centers, and put them into stars. They have been languishing in their baggie, until I pulled them out today and sashed them together and bordered them. The center block is a "J", made for me by a dear friend. At last a top together!

The whole top on the big brown couch.

Isn't this a sweet face? This is my dear son and to-be daughter in law's dachshund. She is just precious and posed so prettily for me to take this picture.


What I really wanted to say in this post is that I am so worried about the big fires in Australia. Lyn at Bluebird quilts is very near the fires. I just pray for the safety of each person and for the firefighters and workers who are struggling to save life and property. Stay safe, all! We are all thinking of you!!


Did you know? I bet you did...but there are so many BOM's going on! has a wonderful stitichery BOM also has a marvelous stitchery BOM is designing the cutest snowmen BOM! Check her out for sure! has the cutest calender quilt going!

Bunny Hill designs has the absolutely cutest basket BOM! is hostessing a beautiful red quilt BOM. Use up those reds!

Lynette Anderson is finishing up her BOM. Precious Noah's ark stitcheries!

Capricorn quilts is doing a stitchery BOM...fairy tales! Just so cute!

Anway, what is a girl to do? Try to do them all!!! HEE!!!!

Have a wonderful day, all!! And remember our Australian friends in your thoughts and prayers...



Amelia said...

I see your have those creative juices flowing freely with all your creations.

Yes, those fires are terrible...must remember them in our prayers.

*karendianne. said...

Good day!

What a great new banner you have. Love it. I enjoyed clicking on the purse and seeing the quilting you did. WOW!!! Creative and interesting and quite fashionable if I do say so myself. Beautiful big red quilt you sashed as well. How special that is! Cute little dachshund. Name?

Happy to see all you're creative attractions. :) *karendianne.

Pat said...

Love the quilt in your header and love that bag made with strips, too. Is there a pattern you might reference for that bag??? CUTE pup!!!

Those fires are scary beyond belief and it's heartbreaking to hear about them.

Libby said...

Love your redwork star. It's going to be beautiful. I think we are all keeping the folks in Australia in our thoughts - fires are just so very awful.

Quilts And Pieces said...

Love the tote!

Unknown said...

Great bag and red work quilt! Yes I am and worried too about all of those in Australia. I hope that everyone can stay safe.

Don't you just love some of those BOM out there?

Finn said...

Hi Julie, what a great bag! You've done a wonderful job with your strips. I'm just so delighted to see you jumping in and playing with fabric and trying new ideas.
I too, have been plagued with worry and concern about our Aussie blogging quilters. There are soooo very many, and of course I'm not familiar with who is in which part of Australia. I'll keep including them in my prayers and hope others will also. Big hugs for you, Finnie
P.S. The new header looks wonderful

Darcie said...

Yes...the Aussies are definitely in our prayers. So much disasterous weather worldwide. We must count our blessings daily.

You've got some terrific projects in various stages, Jules! Love the redwork/stars. Perfect for the Valentine's *season.*

And bags. Can a girl ever have too many bags?! I think not. ;-) Yours looks great!

Chilly hands...warm heart. ;-) Hugs to you.

Mystery quilt and more

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