Thursday, January 22, 2009

Everything but the kitchen sink!

Good afternoon! What do I mean, everything but the kitchen sink?? Well, there are antique, vintage, batic, reproduction, 1930's, and about every other fabric I have in this little quilt above. I have been playing with the blocks inspired by Bonnie of Quiltville's site. This is what I came up with. Each piece of fabric, except the corners, started as a 2 inch strip. I have been saving everything left over from other projects, and putting them into the appropriate drawers, like 1.5 inch, 2 inch, 2.5 inch strips. Honestly, I didn't know exactly what I was saving all those little pieces for...and NOW I think I am just in love with scrap quilts!! I get it now! I love the block, the secondary nine-patch pattern, the motion diagonally across the quilt, and the ziggy-zaggy border. All from scraps, lots of which would have been thrown away by some of my quilting friends.
My ziggy zaggy border. Looks like rick-rack to me!!

The whole thing, sandwiched and ready for quilting. Hand quilting for this one.
I got sidetracked again with this one, when I had aimed to work on the DD mystery quilt. I guess that is the way of it, I kind of like being pulled this was and that! Days off are precious and few, so I have to be a bit choosy about what to do, and balance taking care of the home and hubby and family. I am so pleased with this little top! So there is my quilty news of the week. I am wondering if anyone is interested in started a row by row quilt, using some of the 2.5 inch strips/squares?? I would like to make one this year! And it would be fun to have company along the journey...
I feel a bit burned out right now. Not about the patients, not about the families, I just love them so much. There is a big uproar at work,, with the manager mandating that the day shift work night shift to help cover. Not even a matter of asking, really; if there is not enough staff we will have to work nights. For this morning glory kind of girl who falls asleep at 9:30 at night, it would be pretty dangerous for me to handle a full load of critical patients while I am half asleep. We all feel pretty much like pieces of meat, just tossed about at will. We shall see what happens.
I am going to add just a little bit about my nursing to my blog posts, so feel free to skip this if you are not interested.
Have a wonderful day!!!


Amelia said...

Love the quilt...especially the border...yes it does look like ric rac to me also.

That does not sound like fun having to pull shifts you did not sign up for...not good for you or your patients when you are running on half steam.

Take care.

Just North of you - amelia

Pat said...

I love it Julie. Great job.

Pat said...

Sorry I wanted to comment on the nursing post too. I know how you feel. I can remember days that I was so tired and so ready to go home at three o'clock and then have someone not show up and be mandated for another eight hour shift. Some how we find a way to manage to take care of the patients that have so much trust in us. There is still such a shortage of nurses. At least in my area there is. Good luck Julie. I hope that they find some other way to resolve this problem. Sometimes it is not always the problem, but how it is presented.

Pat said...

That quilt is TERRIFIC and I love that zig-zag border, for sure! That is crummy about the shift mandate. I know there is a critical shortage of nurses that is expected to get worse. It is really scary, but to have over-tired nurses on duty doesn't make sense, either. *sigh* (I have a friend who has been an ICU nurse for more than 30 I know it is a very difficult job even under the best of circumstances. Thank goodness for people like her and you.)

Unknown said...

The quilt came out fantastic! I am impressed that you were able to put together all those scraps. I love how you chose the pattern too. Can't wait to see it quilted.

Shari said...

Love the scrap quilt. It just feels so good to use them up, doesn't it?

The nurse manager didn't handle that very well, hmmmmm? We have such a shortage of nurses here that if that happened people would just walk. We have public health and the private sector and then agency nurses (like temping or sub-contracting). Nurses are underpaid generally, but can usually negotiate reasonable hours. Night shifts attract higher pay - does that apply there too? It's so good to have dedicated nurses like yourself that put patients first and the office stuff second. Hope it works out for you.
*Hugs* Shari

*karendianne. said...

Woah! Julie. You've been turning out some amazing work lately. I was taken by the little quilt, your most recent masterpiece but this... well this is truly abundant with creativity! I love the block you came up with and the secondary patterns pull you in.

The Main Event Love, *karendianne!

Andrea said...

Now I REALLY want to make one of these - lol. I know I have enough strips for definite. Scrap quilts are the best.

Darcie said...

You've been in my thoughts, Julie. I've been concerned about you and your work. I hope you'll find the silver lining soon.

Your quilt is absolutely darling! It totally just WORKS! The colors and fabrics are just perfect. And yes...that border. Oh die for! Can't wait to see your little hand quilting stitches! Another heirloom.

Lots of hugs....

Libby said...

Scrap quilts are just the best *s*
Hope the issues at work smooth out soon . . . doesn't sound like fun right now.

Anonymous said...

Ohh I just love your quilt, I love the way scraps come together to make such a delightful quilt top. Hope you manage to sort things out with your work situation.

Elaine Adair said...

OH My goodness - how gorgeous!!! You have done a great job! Now, another one for me to make - thanks for the eye candy and inspiration. The zig-zag border REALLY brings it up a notch -- BAM, BAM! 8-))

Susan said...

Just as wonderful and warm and comforting as a bowl of vegetable soup made with everything in the refrigerator.........

Great Quilt

Jeanne said...

I LOVE your scrappy quilt! Congrats on busting some stash. Love the zigzag border.

Fiona said...

Great quilt - kitchen sinks are the best!

Kristie said...

Sorry to hear about your mess at work! Feel free to talk about it anytime. I am a firm believer that talking about it does help! I hope all gets better for you soon.

I LOVE your new quilt! I love scrap quilts, they are my favorite to make.

Vicki W said...

I'm very sorry to hear about the stress at work. But this quilt is awesome! I love scrap quilts anyway but this one is extra nice. The zig zag border is terrific.

Karen said...

Your scrappy quilt is wonderful! I like the zigzag border that you used.

Darlene said...

Julie, I love it! I have tons and tons of scraps left from every quilt I've ever made. I wish I could figure out how to cut and sort them for future scrap quilts. I envy that you 'get it' - wish I did. :-)

McIrish Annie said...

your quilt is gorgeous! don't know how you find the time but you sure made good use of it

Chookyblue...... said...

lovely quilt.........let me know what you decide to do on the strip front..........

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh it is wonderful! I love it!

Julia said...

Julie, I love this! The border is wonderful!!!

Teresa said...

A very nice quilt indeed. Scrappy is my favorite.

Jeni said...

what can i say your quilt is stunning

Unknown said...

Jul;ie I love your quilt. See what you can do with scraps.. That pattern looks a lot like the new mystery that Bonnie did. Is this sort of your variation? Love the zig-zag border.
Work we have to spout off about once in awhile. Asfter all isn't that what blogging is all about.?

MARCIE said...

Julie your quilt is terrific! So scrappy and wonderful. Great border as well.

Leanne said...

Your quilt is lovely. I only did a few night shifts after we were married and my husband said they didn't pay enough to cover how horrible I was after a night with no sleep.

Mad about Craft said...

You have my sympathy, I am also going to have to do nights as we haven't got enough nigh staff - not happy!! but what can you do? especially in this economic climate. Nursing jobs in the UK are beginning to be scare.

Quilter Kathy said...

Wonderful quilt Julie! I do love that ric rac border!
I know what you mean about time off being precious and you need to have several projects on the go so you have just the "right one" to work on depending on what you feel like working on!
Shift work is the worst thing about my job too. Hope things improve for you.
I'd love to make a row quilt too!

Tazzie said...

Ohhh, I love this quilt, and the border is stunning! Scrappy quilts are just my favourites - it's wonderful.

Sandi Linn Andersen said...

Julie, I have been through your entire blog. Didn't read everything but did read lots. You are a fantastic quilter. I love everyone of them and all those little quilts!!! Anyway, I have sent you a couple of e-mails to let you know that you won the fabric roses on my blog. Please check it out and send me your address so I can put them in the mail to you. :-)

Rose Marie said...

A gorgeous quilt and there is something about scraps that just draws you in!

Finn said...

The quilt is just beautiful Julie!! Welcome to the marvelous world of scrap quilts...they are just THE BEST! *VBS* Big hugs for a job well done, both nursing and the quilt making!! Hugs, Finnie

Ginger Patches said...

I LOVE that quilt!!! And the border is sooo cute. Truly a scrap quilt too, doesn't that feel good? I love using up my scraps :)

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...