Saturday, May 13, 2023

IN search of perfection

 Good day to you all!!  I have been working on a donation quilt with my friend.  We are making the top, choosing backing, sewing binding, and sending it all to a gentleman making quilts of valor for his group.  OH dear.  I thought using all the different reds and making those little blocks, using 1/2 square triangles would be more accurate. IT IS NOT!!!!!  I had such a tough time making all those points meet!  I pinned and sewed carefully and most are not accurate, anyway.      NOT PERFECT!!!  Well, the blue ones are good, anyway, LOL!

Another picture of some of the red blocks.

This, however, is perfection. Isn't that the prettiest thing?  I have no clue what it is, but the supermarket has them on sale.

A tomato!!  Hurrah!!!  I love growing things...and they smell so good.

Hope each of you is having a PERFECT day!!!

  My little garden is flourishing!


Libby in TN said...

Perfection is over-rated!

Sherrill said...

Are you sending it to Ray in FL? I sent one to him yesterday and told him I'd send one more. Yours is looking really pretty!!!

Kyle said...

Your quilt will be loved and enjoyed by some recipient. Enjoy the process and enjoy that lovely garden!

Tired Teacher 2 said...

I’ve never seen a perfect quilt - I don’t think I’d want to. It’s the small imperfections that show a quilt is made with love.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to agree with Libby. Perfection is over-rated. I try my best at all things, and some days my best is better than other days. But it is my best. Thanks for sharing.

Jannette said...

None of us are perfect, and I know that I'd ever be able to make a "perfect" quilt - and I'd rather have an imperfect quilt that I can use anytime, anywhere. If I had a "perfect" quilt, I'd never dare use it!
Also, I believe that the dainty pink flower is a mandevilla (also known as a rock trumpet)!

Lori said...

Quilting should disguise some of your seam issues. I love it and it will be terrific!

My lettuce is sprouting! yay!

Janet O. said...

I think as the quilt makers we are often concerned with our lack of perfection, because we want to give our best work. But I think the recipients are so grateful for the quilt and have no concept of what we see as its imperfections. It is going to be a wonderful quilt.
Such a pretty little flower--and it is pink! I can see why you bought it. :)
Congrats on the tomato. It is just barely getting to be gardening weather here.

Chookyblue...... said...

It's so frustrating when things aren't going right...... Goodluck

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...