Saturday, May 27, 2023

Garden and progress!! and a FINISH!!!


Good morning!!!  Whew, it has been a barn burner around here...lots of work, and more work.  I am OFF today!  Hurrah!!!  And guess what?  I have been slowly hand quilting the above quilt!!  and IT IS COMPLETED!  A few minutes each night has done the trick. I quilted around each applique piece, then did a 3/4 cross hatch in the open areas.  Simple.  Lots of stitching, though!  I am delighted is it done.

It is on the big bed, for a picture.

I call this the "King's bed."  The quilt is square, so not bed shaped, but I put it on there anyway.  I am celebrating this long-term project being done!

I put together these plaid blocks, in red and blues.  A true UFO, completed too.

The garden just beckons!  Tomatoes and squash are going just crazy with growth.  

Tiny tomatoes are popping through the blossoms!

This tomato plant was purchased from Costco and has tomatoes on it already.  I planted a whole packet of tomato seeds back at the last of January, and the plants are big, now.

A lone zinnia, with many other to come.  The bees like them.

The little garden is really growing, too!!  I am so happy about this little project.  Radishes, swiss chard, peppers, carrots, and peas.  I also planted my last year's Halloween pumpkin seeds around the edges, hoping the vines would trail over the edges and grow pumpkins.  

Hope each of you is doing fantastic today!



cityquilter grace said...

lovely traditional quilting...and veggies look terrific!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful quilt. I can't imagine hand quilting a quilt that large. It look like you have really been busy on finishing long time projects. Thanks for sharing.

Tired Teacher 2 said...

Congratulations on a beautiful finish! I remember seeing the blocks as you appliquéd them. Enjoy all the produce your garden will provide.

Janet O. said...

Kudos to you on your hand quilted finish! It looks beautiful! And it looks grand on the King's Bed! :)
Love the red/blue plaid quilt. You know plaids sing to me.
What a neat and well-cared for garden. Wish mine looked that good.

Kyle said...

Your applique sampler is beautiful and the hand quilting is awesome. It's a treasure. Your garden looks amazing. We won't get ripe tomatoes August 😒 Enjoy a BLT for me!

Nann said...

Your season is a lot farther along than ours -- I just planted the tomatoes yesterday. (And sowed zinnias last week.) It's been very dry here. Your fabric flower garden is a beauty!! Congratulations on the finish. Hope the time off lets you catch up to yourself.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...