Friday, February 3, 2023

Good morning!

Good morning to all!

Above is a pure squirrel.  I had no clue I would even start this, but low and behold?  I did!!!  I like it so far.  You can find the link here, with all the patterns freely given.

(4) EQP Mystery 2022 | Facebook

This is my leader and ender.  My great friend sent me some reproduction scraps, and away I go!  It is too small so far, so I am cutting more scraps, so I can continue to leader and ender away.

I made a few key ring straps...these go around your hand as you are walking, so to carry your keys in your hand.  Just fun sewing.

While my machine was out being treated to a spa and diagnosis appointment at the Bernina shop, I cut out all these star blocks.  These are 6 inches finished and are cut from scraps in a bag that was all together and seem to go together.  These are fun!!

I made some homemade lotion.  A lipid, along with sweet smelling almond lotion.  My hands are a wreck from all the hand washing at the hospital, and the lotion seems to help.  It is vitamin e cream, a bit of Vaseline, and almond lotion. I use it at night. 

I found an old piece of upholstery material and made this wristlet purse.  I find I carry less and less when I go to the store or anywhere now, so these small purses work very well for me...a lip chap, credit card, driver's license, keys and twenty bucks!

 Not a Dooney-Burke purse or the like! What kind of purse do you carry, please???

 The Bernina store advised me to use a small vacuum each time I change the bobbin or needle, to vacuum bits of lint out, or at the start a new project. 

There was a ton of lint that I could not reach or see with my cleanings of the sewing machine, they said, and also some bits of dog ears that I had cut off and did not know they got in there, too.  So this tiny vacuum is a wonderful 20-dollar investment.  There was nothing wrong with my machine!  Hurrah!  Although my sewing machine does sound different now?  The shop gentleman said it was perfect, and the sound was just different because it was cleaner.  Anyway!!!  It is louder!

I just loved making the Quiltville mystery quilt this year!!  I have chosen fabric to make another one!  Several times, I have gone through what I have, and chosen different fabrics.  Indecisive much??  LOL!!

I received this amazing towel to celebrate National Squirrel appreciation day!!!!!!  It was January 21st.  I adore it!!!  Thank you, thank you!

Rosie the poodle loves it too!

Speaking of Rosie:  She rescued us 13+ years ago.  The vet seems to think she was 2-3 years old when she came to us and she appears to be a purebred poodle.  Because of her little stretched out boobies and body, and non-docked tail, maybe she was a breeder dog?  Not sure, but we have adored her and spoiled her each day from then to now. She is at the end of her life.  So many things are wrong, and much care each day goes to her.  In return, we are blessed with the most loyal, wonderful little baby dog in the universe.  She has glaucoma, collapsing trachea, chronic cough, Cushing's disease, diabetes, blindness.  On and on.  and yet?  She takes very good care of us.  Guarding for us, outside the bathroom and we never step a foot anywhere that she is not right with us.  She will not eat now.  It takes an act of congress to get her to consume any calories. So?  We have put her on hospice care.  Pain meds, nausea meds, bp meds, insulin (cut drastically due to not eating) ...all of it, but the emphasis is on loving care and comfort, dignity and peace.  Just like my human hospice patients. You have seen Rosie on many of my quilts, and I pray for all the good in the world for her...peace and comfort.  I will ensure this.

*****************The 1940's***********************

My study of this era has started!!  The overshadowing event of the era was World War 2, of course...both the events leading up to it, and the aftermath of it.  I was surprised to find few books on it at the library...the young librarian asked why I wanted to know about that anyway, and that I could find it all online.  Ok, well I am doing that, but really wanted an old history book, just the facts, man!  I have found two.   

I loved that the ladies stepped out of the home, and onto the assembly lines.  People gave up, conserved and saved everything, for the troops and the war effort.  Victory gardens! Paper drives!  Anything to help. I love that spirit!!!

Much information is available about the holocaust, enough to make it a separate field of study.  So horrific, and there is a newer movie and book out...Sarsh's key. Actually from 2010, so not so new, LOL! New to me, I guess. 

I love history, and love reading, so on I go.  

Thanks for hanging out with me...if you would like a key fob or handmade lotion, please leave a comment, and I will have a drawing for these.

Have a lovely day, all of you!



Julierose said...

I love how your log cabin is coming together--and your "squirrel" project is really pretty...

I could use some of your hand lotion for is so cold here this noon wind chill is 13 and temps are dropping off a cliff!! Hoping power doesn't go out!!

I am sorry to hear about your baby doggy's being at the end of her lifespan--;((((
that is really so difficult for the whole family; making her last days comfortable is wonderful...
Hugs and stay warm, Julierose

Material Girl said...

Love your squirrel- we have those at my house too. So sorry about your dog, I have done the same with many pets. They are such loyal,wonderful friends. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear of your doggy. Sounds like you and her have had a great life together. I have read Sarah's Key, at least 3 times. A really good book. Barb

Robin said...

I use a much smaller purse like you. No need to carry around a small suitcase full of stuff any more. You are so ambitious . . . making another mystery quilt. So sorry to hear about your dogs waning health. Dogs are such special companions.

Anonymous said...

Animals just become members of the family. At the end is the loss of a loved one. She has certainly rescued you. You have some wonderful projects going. Is there a recipe for the lotion? Dotti in CT

Amy said...

If you enjoy listening to podcasts, Sharon McMahon has an ongoing series about the the role women played in WWII.
It's really facinating so far!

Sherrill said...

I'm so sorry to hear of Rosie's decline. She's received as much love and care from you as you've received from her. Good memories for all.

Astrid said...

You've been busy! The 'squirrel' is beautiful and I love your log cabin. Pretty wristlet too. In my shopping bag I usually have wallet, and umbrella. Here, umbrellas are used for protection from rain and sun. So very sorry about Rosie. (((Hugs))) Our Chico is 13, still does short walks (max 30 min) once a day.

Janet O. said...

So many fun and wonderful things here, Julie--from the beautiful squirrel project, to the fun squirrel towel, and everything in between. You amaze me over and over.
Your lovely Rosie is so blessed to have such a caring, experienced hospice nurse. May you feel peace as you help your sweet friend through the end of life.

Tired Teacher 2 said...

Sweet Rosie! I remember when she came into your home: has it really been that long ago?

Ronda said...

Is the pattern for the key ring straps a free pattern somewhere? Where did you find the end clasp thingys? Also, does your little portable vacuum work good? I can't quite make out the brand name on the box. I've been looking for one, but am skeptical as to whether they really have enough power.

Loris said...

I remember you telling us of Rosie coming to join your family so many years ago. I was blessed with a couple of pups like that and they brought such love with them. My heart goes out to you as you help Rosie with this part of her life. She has been living her best life with you and you continue to love her well. Hugs and love from Cambria

Vicki W said...

What a great collection of projects! No time for boredom at your house. I need to find the hardware to make some of those key ring straps. Like you I carry a small purse. I shopped for a long time until I found a DB purse that's been my one and only purse for at least 5 years and it's still going strong.

Joyce Carter said...

Hi Julie
I have a question for you but first I want to tell you how sorry I am to hear about Rosie. It is very hard when we love a furbaby and see them in such a bad way. I know she is in very good hands and is getting the best care and comfort.
I love your projects, but your leader/ender project really caught my eye. I am a scrappy girl and I love this one so much. It is so gorgeous.
Now the question. I have a Bernina also. Even though we both are aging she is working fine---no problems except sometimes she wants to sew crooked. Ummm maybe that is me. LOL I try to remember to clean her every Sat. but sometimes I forget. I don't have a vacuum so I use my grandsons' Shop Vac. That thing is really strong. It sucked the bobbin/bobbin holder right out of the machine. LOl After I finished, I shined a flash light inside and it looked very clean. But the motor and whatever is enclosed. So I was wondering if they said anything about cleaning that area. If so, how do you do it? Any advice is very welcomed. TIA Have a wonderful weekend!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I love your squirrel and your leader and ender. I carry a huge purse, but sometimes I take my tiny zipper purse out of it (just credit cards, coins & cash) and only take that in my back pocket. I have a fluffy makeup brush that I use every time I change bobbins on my machines. Every couple of projects I do a deep clean of all the lint. Do NOT use canned air as it can jam little bits of lint in the machine instead of cleaning it out. Sorry about Rosie. We lost my beloved Katie 1.5 years ago. I still miss her (even though I did get a new puppy several months later). The puppy is cute, but it isn't Katie (my little velcro dog). Just love on Rosie as long as you can. I have a very large collection of Holocaust books, along with several novels about WWII and some biographies of the era.

Jane Dallmeyer said...

I am so glad you made a entry on your wonderful blog! I look everyday and just have to wait until their is one. You are a SPECIAL nurse and the world needs more of you!!!

Nann said...

You've given Rosie a long and happy life. I know you'll keep her comfortable now. You have so many interesting projects! Thanks for the link to the mystery quilt. I've signed up. There is a LOT about the 40's -- dozens and dozens of novels, set in the U.S. and Britain.

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...