Sunday, February 26, 2023

Many thanks!

Above is a small quilt I had made for one Monthly Mini with Wendy, the constant quilter.  I just decided to send it off to my friend to be quilted, and here is what she did.
Isn't' that sunflower quilting so awesome!!!  Thank you, Paula Sue!  (my friend from childhood)

I recently bought a Moda scrap bag, sight unseen...(1/2 price).  The above fabrics were in the bag...mostly selvages. The most I could get from the strips was 2 inches, so I trimmed all I could to 2-inch strips and came up with this baby quilt.  Hurrah!!!  I am all ready for a baby to come along now!

This is a chemo quilt, and the top was given to me before it was tossed, I think.  It is so pretty quilted!

The little tomato plants are getting bigger!!!

I wanted to tell each of you thank you so much for your sweet and caring comments about the loss of Rosie, our poodle.  Your kindness is truly appreciated.  We are slowly getting back to a new normal around here.



Julierose said...

Glad to hear that you are doing better--it is not easy!!
Your tomato plants look great!
We are still struggling with the remnants of covid--what an awful thing it is!! At least we are up and around now--napping a lot still...
Hugs, julierose

Astrid said...

That's a beautiful quilt and the quilted sunflowers are indeed awesome, so pretty. Fun scrap bag quilt, chemo quilt too. Your tomato plants are growing fast. Hugs to you, one day at a time.

Tired Teacher 2 said...

The baby quilt is precious: the love the little heart.

Lori said...

What sweet quilts! Love that quilting!
We still miss our big ole guy and it has been a couple of years. I love seeing his photo on our memories. They sure leave a big hole in our hearts.

loulee said...

Beautiful quilts, yes the sunflowers are amazing.

Janet O. said...

That is a very pretty little mini. The sunflower quilting really sparkles.
You made excellent use of those Moda scraps. Great job!
The chemo quilt has a cozy, inviting feel.
Wow--look at those tomatoes go!
I'll bet you catch yourself frequently thinking you will see Rosie around the corner. So hard to realize they aren't part of your life now, when they have kept you company for so long. Praying for your heart to receive comfort.

Anonymous said...

Those tomato plants are impressive, I'm just sorting through my seeds - March has come in very cold where I live in England, so getting them started will mean propogators indoors for a while.
The shops here have no fresh tomatoes (eggs are also in short supply) although I bottle a lot of my crop so plenty to use that way. I'm sure you're going to imagine you see Rosie all over the house, my cats were black and everytime I put black shoes, or handbags etc onto the floor, or chairs etc I used to see them out of the edge of my eye sometime later, and think one of the cats was there. It's been a few years now but it still happens on occasion. My heart is sad for you Julie, I send you hugs and comfort in your loss, Elaine in UK

Betsson said...

I am grateful for the Julie's dedication to staying up to date on current news, trends, and topics.

Stephanie D said...

Ah, Julie, I don't get notifications of your blog posts any more, and I have to try and remember to hit my bookmarks tag and looks for blogs now. I'm so sorry I missed the post about your Rosie.It makes my heart ache all over again for Tandi, who was one month shy of her 15th birthday when she died in 2019. We'd had her 12 years, and though she's been gone almost 4 years, and we have another furbaby now, Tandi was my heart and soul dog, and I still miss her so much. Being a hospice nurse just changes how we look at life and death, doesn't it? Even for our non-human friends. I'm happy Rosie had you when she passed on, that she had your scent and touch all around her, and knew she was safe, no matter what. Lots of hugs for you!

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...