Monday, January 9, 2023

Mystery quilt, part seven!!!

Good afternoon!  I am off work...hurrah!  This means laundry, and grocery shopping, and general cleaning, but also...a bit of sewing!  

I found this set of blocks as I was cleaning and organizing, so I set them together with red, and will choose a border for them.  The first UFO of the year is finally getting completed.  I made these blocks in 2015.

 I am concentrating on sewing the mystery quilt.  I have this many blocks completed and have five more to go.   I have already cut out the pieces and parts of the last clue, so I just need sewing time.  

How are you doing???  I foresee a library run today!



Sharon Kwilter said...

I like how your Chilowie quilt is coming out. I still haven't had a chance to start mine.

Robin said...

How fun to have a quilt top ready to put together. I bet it was fun to sew. Your mystery quilt looks great - so bright and colorful.

Astrid said...

Pretty Chilowie quilt. What a cute Christmas quilt, love the reindeer!

Tired Teacher 2 said...

Great job on the BH mystery! I like how she organized and presented the clues this year.

Sherrill said...

Ooo, your Chilhowie is really looking excellent!! When it was finally revealed (I saved each step) I thought hmmm, maybe this one I'd do. We'll see...

Quilter Kathy said...

I love your old Christmas UFO! Enjoy finishing that treasure!
Isn't Chilhowie fun? I've really enjoyed sewing mine and am also anxious to have some sewing time to make progress on it!

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...