Saturday, January 14, 2023


I am unable to put pictures on my blog now. The pictures just come out as computer language. Can anyone help me? I finished the Mystery quilt, and so want to share it with you all!


Katie said...

This is a long shot and I'm no computer guru, but when you go to write a post, there is a little pencil icon that can toggle between "compose view" and "HTML view" in the left corner below the title box. The little pencil changes to pointy brackets (<>) for HTML and that is the computer gobbeldy gook language and maybe you somehow got the two switched and it needs to be manually switched back? (It's happened to me and a friend, both of us having done nothing to cause it, so far as we know.) Just click on the icon and it will pull down a little menu to choose from and choose "compose view" to go back to human language. I hope that helps! (And I also hope this makes sense...)

julieQ said...

Thank you dear Katie! It worked like a charm!

Dorothy L. Wills said...

Thank you Julie and Katie! I have just been working with the gobbledygook and wasn't sure what to do!

Good morning!

Above are some bookmarks I created for friends.  I used a Free Spirit charm pack.  These were fast and fun to make. I am working on my moder...