Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Mystery quilt is complete, and sewing machine drama

The mystery quilt is complete!  Yahoo!!!  I ended up putting a border on it, at my husband's request.  I am delighted with it!!!  

 There is a free quilt along going on via Facebook, and I made this block yesterday, quilting along.  It makes a great center block for a quilt.

My sewing machine is malfunctioning, so it goes to the Bernina store today for a diagnosis and spa treatment.  Hope this patient (machine) will live, and it is nothing serious!!


Saturday, January 14, 2023

Huge thanks to Katie, who helped me get pictures on the blog again...however dark they may be!

I am this point in the mystery.  I have one more border to go!!  

 I may put an outer border as well.  

Hope you are doing fantastic!


I am unable to put pictures on my blog now. The pictures just come out as computer language. Can anyone help me? I finished the Mystery quilt, and so want to share it with you all!

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Some finished tops, and mystery quilt step seven progress

I am starting to put rows together on the mystery quilt.  That funny triangle in the middle of the squares is just pinned to each one, so I do not lose it!!  On we go...seems like I only make progress on this in the middle of the night.  I wake up early, and in the quiet...I sew!  Takes a bit of concentration!

Ok, I just added another red border, and I am calling it good.  I have a backing all ready.

The binding is cut, so I can just add it when done.  This bit of prep really helps later on in the process.

I added this border to the Christmas quilt.  I am changing Rudolph's nose to RED!  of course...

Have a lovely day, each of you!



Monday, January 9, 2023

Mystery quilt, part seven!!!

Good afternoon!  I am off work...hurrah!  This means laundry, and grocery shopping, and general cleaning, but also...a bit of sewing!  

I found this set of blocks as I was cleaning and organizing, so I set them together with red, and will choose a border for them.  The first UFO of the year is finally getting completed.  I made these blocks in 2015.

 I am concentrating on sewing the mystery quilt.  I have this many blocks completed and have five more to go.   I have already cut out the pieces and parts of the last clue, so I just need sewing time.  

How are you doing???  I foresee a library run today!


Monday, January 2, 2023

Happy New Year, and mystery quilt, part six!


First of all, Happy New Year to each of you!  I hope this one is the best year yet!

  I have completed my rainbow bowtie blocks.  Hurrah!!  Now to sew them altogether.  Lots of bright colors are delightful for my soul!

I found an old pair of plaid pajamas for the border for this quilt.  Instead of matching the plaids, due to my limited fabric, I put little random spacers in-between the little pieces of plaid pajama pants.  This will all be trimmed prior to the last border, which I am still thinking about.  I think it adds a little more "folk" to the project. That is my story, and I am sticking to it!

My amaryllis bloomed yesterday, on New Year's day!  It is a harbinger of a lovely year to come.

This is my first Mystery quilt block, for step six.  

And I have four of the centers of the blocks completed.  More coming today!

**************Nurse's notes**********************

In addition to my beloved open-heart patients, I have now been trained in the ICU, oncology and hospice.  Training was kind of hilarious, because from day one I took all the patients and my "preceptor" just signed papers that I was competent.  After decades of doing this, I just need to know where things are, mostly.  The charting is ridiculous...I feel like I take great care of the computer, and no time for patients!!  But I speed through the charting junk so I can be with the patients.    Becoming a more versatile nurse is challenging, but fun!  I worked as a "task nurse", the other day.  I gave meds, hung IV's and IV antibiotics, started IV's, hung blood, bathed patients, took patients to the car after treatments, turned patients and did oral care, and ran one code!! Anything to help out the nurses. I did not sit once all shift.  Honestly, it was great fun!!  Super busy, but I just did thinking involved.  I loved it!

ICU is for the sickest of the sick...nurses teasingly call it the "Icky Care Unit", because of all the infectious diseases there. We try and keep the Cardiac Intensive Care unit infection free.   Last time I worked there, I had a covid patient on max vent support and a cancer patient with cancer everywhere, that moved on to hospice.  It was challenging and amazing to see the baby nurses there...most 21-25 years old.  I was the float there and they frequently asked me for advice.... but I don't work there!  I can help with the nursing stuff...but I didn't know where anything is. I did have a brain surgery patient, and wow!  That is intense.  I loved that too.  He had a ventriculostomy.  

Hospice is reverent, and sad, and a release of so much emotion.  It is exhausting for me.  Lots of sitting and waiting.  I find stuff to do...I dust and clean and disinfect and such in-between patient care. There are few meds except comfort meds.  Little charting, unlike the at least every hour vitals/drip management/vent management, balloon pump and dialysis management for ICU/CCU.  Lots of patients are just alone, with the phone calls checking on them. I focus on these people, and read to them, and sing to them, until they tell me to stop please!  LOL!  Not really!   One lady was a huge bible reader, and I read a bunch of the Psalms to her, as she slumbered.  I found that very meditative, and very calming for me, and I pray she benefitted too.  Some have family in the room non-stop, and I support them with love, hot coffee and blankets, information and care of the patient.  

So my nursing life is different now.  I am glad I made the change!


Continuing my history exploration of the twentieth century, I am going to read about the 1940's this year.  This is a fascinating, horrific decade for America and much of the world, and I look forward to knowing more history about this, which my parents lived through, and maybe some of you, too.  Library, here I come, and internet searches too, and the best thing...interviews with folks from WW2.  They are few and far between, but I am privileged to meet some in the hospital


Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...