Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Some old starts, that need to be finished! and LOG CABIN LOONIES!!

 If you have been hanging out with me for a while, you recognize these quilts.  I made the tiny flowers first, but then enlarged the patterns to make the larger quilt.
 Lots more work to go!!  I do love this one, and it deserves a finish!!
This one just needs to be quilted.

Log Cabin Loonies!!

I have really enjoyed seeing all the log cabin quilts you have made...I am thinking that with the holidays coming, and flu season coming (read lots of hours of work at the hospital), that this will be the last of the Loonie posts for a while.  I have made a TON of progress on my log cabin quilts...nothing done to actually show, but lots of cutting and sewing, etc!!  Your quilts have all inspired me!! up below, and I have a fabric tower to give away, as the last gift...for now, LOL!  By the way?  I have given away a lot of fabric from my stash...which was one of the primary intentions, share with all of you.


Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Instead of Jared takes a wife...Julie makes a mess!

 I just thought, a bit smugly, really NOT thinking at all...Oh, I know how Bonnie Hunter at Quiltville makes her quilt, "Jared takes a wife."  Of COURSE I did....NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I cut out THIRTY blocks, all the wrong size...see above!!!

 Now here is an example of the correct way to make Bonnie's block.
And here they both are.  I have now two quilts, similar but not quite similar, going.

The funny thing is, I should have made a test block, but once I got sewing...everything went wrong.  The needle unthreaded multiple times...nothing fit together...the bobbin ran out...then the thread tangled terribly on the bottom on the patchwork.  When this stuff happens, I need to STOP and see why I am being stopped, LOL!!

Bonnie provided the pattern free, click above on the link.

And how is your Tuesday????

Hugs to all!


Dearest Boy update

This is my interpretation of our current block.  These are supposed to be trees, but I preferred to make circles for the trees instead.    I tried to make the trees as shown, but could not make them fit within the block very well, so...I improvised!  I very much like this block!!  I appliqued a circle in the middle in the tree trunks, instead of each individual trunk, and I really like the way it turned out. It is not trimmed yet.

Have a super day, everyone!


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Those goals, again!

 I want to make a quilt of valor this year; it is on my list!  Here is my start.  This was strip pieced, then sub cut to make the pieces.  It is kind of strange to me, to work with much big pieces...I guess I am a tiny scrapper in my soul!!  I am liking it so far.
 This is my flower for block, for Linda Brannock's quilt, Flowers.
I cut it too short!  I have done that a few times...but I will make it work, anyway!!  Have you ever done that??

Have a great day!


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Log Cabin Loonies!

Log cabin blocks with pieced center square.


I just love this block...a log cabin variation!  A super fun block.  There are endless possibilities, sewing with a few strips and scraps.

These log cabin blocks are HAND pieced by Els!!  Wow...they are so pretty!  Thank you for sending this email to me, Els!!

Here is a fun log cabin variation, emailed to me from Ella.  Such a fun variation...thank you for the fun block idea, Ella!!

This is a poor picture of a pretty group of fabrics for this weeks gift.  Link up below to be entered in this week's drawing, for Log Cabin Loonies!  Show us your stuff!

Congratulations to the Frog Quilter, who won the fabrics from last Log Cabin Loonies!!




Monday, October 22, 2018

Working on my year's goals

I have added the bottom row on the "Sweet Land of Liberty" quilt, with Lori of Humble Quilts.  This is a Cherie Payne design, but since I did not have a pattern, it has become a rogue quilt!  I had to add one more cabin on the bottom of these days, I would like to live in a log cabin in the big woods, so I just had to add it!  All the piecing is pretty much done.  I still have that big empty spot up on the left, but it will fill in soon, I am hoping.  When the elves come at night, you know...did you ever read that children's book, about the cobbler and the elves?  When the cobbler was asleep, the elves would mend his shoes that were taken in by day. 

Sounds like a good thing to me, except they can work on my quilts!!!

My most productive time is in the mornings, early, so I am really trying to use that time for sewing, along with the housework stuff.


Sunday, October 21, 2018

A quilt top finish

Forgive the streak of sunshine across this finished quilt top...but it is finished!!  Whoop!!  I added some silly things to the fabric just seemed to make it dark and off looking, so scrappy is always the answer to life's questions...maybe?  LOL!!  This one is on my list to get done, and is mostly blocks from Moda Blockheads quiltalong of last year.

I cannot thank you enough, every one who commented on last post.  It really helped, because I was working through Google to fix my comments, which were not coming through to my email.  With each intervention I tried, I could see if what I was doing worked or not, based on your comments coming in.    So I really appreciate you!!  Chantal and Cheryl and many others tried to help, but finally I got it to working...I am not really sure how.  I went to comments and had to add myself to the list of contacts, and then instructed blogger to email comments to that email address.  

Goodness!  I was just about ready to throw in the proverbial towel!!!

If you read some of the comments about how long each of you has been!  What a lot of very experienced and awesome quilters we have!  I am so grateful for each of you!


Saturday, October 20, 2018

Say anything!

If you could please say a word or two, it would help me fix my comments. Tell me how long you have been quilting!!!

I appreciate you!  Thank you!!


Friday, October 19, 2018

Fall table runner

 Today, I worked on this table runner.  The binding is my fun night time treat, to hand stitch that binding to the back of the quilt.  I think it will look cute with some miniature pumpkins on the runner!
 I went to a quilter's rummage sale today.  It was named a "Fall festival",  and each person who wanted to rented a table for 25 dollars and sold whatever they wanted to.   There were treats and yummy goodies too!  Above is a pencil holder...perfect for my work.
One lady started a conversation with me, and she said...everything on my table is a dollar.  The large piece of fabric is 4 yards, for one dollar...she said she was cleaned out her sewing room and was going to buy more new things with her earnings!

Another lady, a very much older lady, was selling big bundles and kits and yardage and bolts of fabric.  We started talking, and she said that her best friend had died, and her friend's children were throwing out all her quilting supplies, and so the lady went and rescued it and was selling it for the money to help finish some of her deceased friends quilts in progress, for quilting and batting and the like.  Her eyes were so full of tears, and I just hugged her tight, and said thank you for being such a lovely friend.  She told me she loved me!!  What a sweet lady, don't you think???  She had lots of bundles of plaids, so I purchased some of those.


Monday, October 15, 2018

Dearest Boy update

I finished our latest block for the quilt along, "Dearest Boy"  I do love this block!  I tried to follow the directions, but I was not clear with them, so went out on my own and pieced it my own way.  I like it!!  Oops!  Just noticed the plaid light yellow is going two different directions in the blocks.
 I tend to organize my projects into these leftover bins from the hospital cath. lab.  Every project has a unique bin.
I thought it might be fun to see all the blocks together.  None are trimmed yet.  I love the goose block the very best!!

Please see the quilter's below to see their progress!

Cathy:  Big Lake Quilter
Julie:  Juliekquilts (me)
Carole: Wheels on the Warrandyte bus


Sunday, October 14, 2018

Fall has arrived!

 Good morning, everyone!!  I have been working on a little fall table runner.  I have five blocks planned, and here are the first four.  Love those thrift store plaid shirts, for that is what the block centers are cut from.
Just playing with the waste triangles, again.

Scraps rule!!!

Have a super day, each of you!!!  Each of you is vital and important in our world...I appreciate you!

No Log Cabin Loonies this week...but stay tuned on the following Tuesday!  Work, work, work!


Saturday, October 13, 2018


I went into my email and tried to reply to everyone's sweet comments from yesterday and not one went to my email.

What is up with that??  I thought that was all fixed??

Anyway...Thank you to everyone!!!  Have a wonderful day!!!


Friday, October 12, 2018

Strings are the best thing ever!!! Aren't they??

 I sandwiched this top today.  I am not using a batting, because the strings are piecing on muslin, so technically there ARE three I will let you know how that goes with the quilting!!
This was pieced from one bag of strings.  Anything goes in this one!  I just love working with strips of fabric; just makes me happy.  I pieced the leaves from strings, too.  How much more fun could it be!!!??  This is one I can work on in the car...quilting in zig-zags, following the string pieces.

********************Nurse's notes*****************

I thank you, each of you, for your sweetness and understanding of my last post.  I was pretty discouraged, because I have put my heart and soul into my nursing, day by day, for the last thirty years.  I really love and care for these patients!!  I think the topping of that day was when, after 12 hours of trying to "love that patient into submission!", and him hitting and kicking me and others at will....he called me a "loud-mouth bitch."  Excuse my language, but that is what really hurt my feelings.  I was shocked, because I am soft spoken and used every skill I had to take care of him.  So...that is why I posted that...

I also know that I need to be not sensitive at all to this kind of thing...but I am, after so many years.  I am still not a tough battle-axe nurse!

This is my weblog, and I will probably delete this in the future...because I don't want to remember that, LOL!!

But you know what?  Yesterday, I had the most amazing patient.  Really, really sick...I got her breathing tube out (extubated), and she was just a darling, and her family hugged me and thanked me profusely for every little ordinary thing I did for them.  

I thank dear Jesus for those days...still hard days of work, don't get me wrong, but so rewarding with the progress and love from my patients.

So thanks for listening!



Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Log Cabin Loonies!!

Log Cabin Lunacy!!!  I found the above quilt, courtesy of Yahoo images.  Isn't it so pretty???  I continue to love the versatility of this block, and the lovely quilts that are being created.  I try really hard to find out who made each quilt, but could not find out who made this one...but I salute your creativity, dear quilter!

This is the gift from me, for this week.  So please link up below, and show us what you have been up to, Log Cabin Loonies!!!

Our winner from last week is Alycia, from Colorado.  I will send an email to you, and please send me your snail mail address.

Nurse's Notes!

I am a day late...and a dollar short, as my daddy would have said; having missed my usual Tuesday post for Log Cabin Loonies.  I worked yesterday.  It was dreadful from morning until night.  I had a very difficult confused, abusive, combative,  and mean patient, and got hit more than once.  I am sore all over and am SO glad to off today!!!  Just a day in the life of a nurse, but one I would rather not repeat any time soon...

Link up below!!!

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Monday, October 8, 2018

Cutting and cutting and cutting!!

 This is a ton of squares, cut by me for the Rainbow quilt challenge, that Angela so nicely facilitates each year.  I have an idea, which I will show you when it comes to fruition.

Please go see what she has going on!!

 While I was cleaning today, I found a bunch of pieces and parts of blocks; more than enough for a quilt. you like this center?
 or this center?
Or just a plain center??!

I would love to know what you think!  I have a colorful sashing planned.


Sunday, October 7, 2018

Slow Sunday stitching

I hand appliqued the borders on these round blocks today, while watching TV, quietly.  It was quite relaxing, and I understand the importance of doing this I am linking to Kathy!  and to Cynthia!

Please see their blogs here:

Cynthia is at:

Kathy is at:

Have a super day, each of you!


Thursday, October 4, 2018

15minute increments work!

 I found this block, made long ago, in my red, white and blue box of fabrics.  In my quilting past, I wanted to make the most difficult and challenging blocks there were, so I did!  Not so much anymore; been there and done that, but I still like this block!

The reason that I mentioned 15 minute increments, is that I work well that way.  Run around with a movie to listen to, or music on, and clean, clean, clean for 15 minutes, making it fun!!  Then plop down and sew, sew, sew for 15 minutes!  Rinse and repeat.  It works great for me, and I get a lot done this way.

 I also found this block.  I need to finish these blocks!
 I was making flower blocks, to go in the birdie quilt, but I made them a tiny bit too small!!  OH well...I will use them somewhere, LOL!
 These are pinwheels leftover from the medallion center I made a couple of days ago.  Just can't throw anything away, I guess. m These are 5 inch finished.
 A little tiny mug rug was also made, from little bitty leftovers.
 I made these, planning another quilt...but it just didn't look right for the project I planned, so I have a bunch of these blocks now, waiting for an opportunity to be in a quilt; they will find their proper place!  Funny how large they look to me...these are made from 2.5 inch squares.
Just playing, here!

I made some banana bread, from Bonnie's' recipe.  Bonnie-cakes, to me!  Please see the recipe here!

Take a look at her free quilt patterns and she even has quick download patterns for purchase now!!  Love Quiltville!!


Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Log Cabin Loonies!!

 Squirrel!  I love this term, by the way...who came up with that; describing going off on a tangent with our quilt making?  It perfectly describes how I go along with my quilting, LOL!!  I took out this quilt, that I started about maybe a year ago...Love this one!  I can just imagine a big quilt, made from these blocks, on a wood frame bed in a cabin in the woods.  That is a dream of mine!!
 I have lots done, and lots cut out, and lots of just strips cut, also!!!
 These blocks are from 1 1/4 inch wide strips.  Here are the measurements for the logs, if anyone is interested.
Here is the prize for next week...fat quarters of these fabrics.  I think they are modern and pretty!

Congratulations to Mary R!  She is our winner from last week.

Please link up below and show us your lunacy!  (I mean...log cabin blocks....Hahahaha!)


Hugs to all,


Working on this right at the moment...

 My hospital quilt group, of which I am the only one left working at the hospital, is making the quilt below.  Here is my center block.  These quilts are to be donated to a veteran's group.
I am a little in love with this pattern!  So versatile and can make it bigger or smaller...I just love it.  I am cutting pieces out for the rest of the quilt this week.

Log Cabin loonies is coming up!


Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...