Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Log Cabin Loonies!!

Log Cabin Lunacy!!!  I found the above quilt, courtesy of Yahoo images.  Isn't it so pretty???  I continue to love the versatility of this block, and the lovely quilts that are being created.  I try really hard to find out who made each quilt, but could not find out who made this one...but I salute your creativity, dear quilter!

This is the gift from me, for this week.  So please link up below, and show us what you have been up to, Log Cabin Loonies!!!

Our winner from last week is Alycia, from Colorado.  I will send an email to you, and please send me your snail mail address.

Nurse's Notes!

I am a day late...and a dollar short, as my daddy would have said; having missed my usual Tuesday post for Log Cabin Loonies.  I worked yesterday.  It was dreadful from morning until night.  I had a very difficult confused, abusive, combative,  and mean patient, and got hit more than once.  I am sore all over and am SO glad to off today!!!  Just a day in the life of a nurse, but one I would rather not repeat any time soon...

Link up below!!!

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Caryl @ cinnamon holiday workshop said...

So sorry for your bad day of work...hopefully there won't be more like that! When I hear about things like that I am so glad to be retired from nursing.

Chantal said...

I am so in love with that quilt. Look at all that gorgeous ORANGE!! WOW! hahaha! it is a different kind of log cabin but gorgeous just the same. Thanks for sharing. So sorry that someone was mean with you. I don't understand why someone would be mean with such a sweet person as you. He/she must have been in a lot of pain and misery to be so miserable. It's all in the past now, so smile to the beautiful day ahead. ;^)

---"Love" said...

Your quilt is beautiful! I've never seen that layout before, and I really like it! Hope your next duty day will be lots better! ---"Love"

Nancy said...

One of these days I hope to pull out my quarter cabins and join your band, but for now, other things take precedence and they'll have to wait.

Your nursing notes touched my heart. I'm so sorry for your difficult day, Julie. My daughter is an ICU nurse and sometimes comes home battered, bruised, and abused. My husband and I wonder if nurses sometimes deal with PTSD from all they see and deal with. Blessings to you for your nursing care to your patients.

mkhquilts said...

That quilt you showed at the beginning of the post is gorgeous!!!
So sorry for your awful day of work. I changed from an ACU unit to an outpatient day procedure unit recently, partly because of that type of thing. It is just too hard anymore to deal with that! My new unit is very busy, but doable once I get the work flow down.

Binsa said...

Dear Sweet Julie, I am appalled at such behaviour, no excuse ,regardless of their illness.Reading your notes struck a nerve with me and sorry that happened to you.We have been friends for a long time now, and unhappy with the treatment you received today. Hugs

Loris said...

Those days with the angry, confused ones are probably distressing. Prayers for your rest and regrouping and for the patient's recovery. Do what soothes your soul best. (((Hugs)))

Lori said...

I remember my dad waking up from a long and difficult surgery in ICU and was confused and obnoxious. It was horrible to witness- he told the nurse he was going to call the police on her if she didn't let him get up and go home. I was also so thankful he wasn't a person that cursed, cause I'm sure he would have been saying a lot worse things. It was pretty traumatic for me to see him with ICU psychosis. I can't imagine seeing that on a regular basis. I'm happy you have the day off!

Love that version of a log cabin!

Lcrrkhs said...

I *covet* that log cabin. Covet.

I have a lot of pale greens in my stash. That would be the neutral. Thinking about the other pieces. Oh, what lovely thoughts here at work on a day where my system died and I'm trying to get pay out.

Cathy said...

Hope you don't have to repeat a day like that either. Bless you.

What an unusual log cabin quilt. Looks like quarter logs. I like it. I like unusual!

KaHolly said...

You are an angel.

Sherrill said...

LOVE that log cabin quilt you posted..everything about it! Bless you for your wonderful nursing. I had some difficult, unruly, mean patients during my nursing time but never experienced being struck by a pt. I probably wouldn't have taken it as well as you. Sounds like you need a few days off!!

gayle said...

That quilt is amazing! (/scribbling notes to self)
Hopefully your days will be smoother for a while!

Nann said...

That is the most unusual Log Cabin setting I have ever seen. I must remember it.
Sorry you had an uncooperative patient and that subsequent days will be better.

Nann said...

That is the most unusual Log Cabin setting I have ever seen. I must remember it.
Sorry you had an uncooperative patient and that subsequent days will be better.

Elaine Adair said...

Wow - wish it was mine, but nope - so creative and simple. Based on tradition, yet totaly modern with out being over-the-top. hmmmm another one to add to my photos. (Elaine Adair)

Holly said...

Great log cabin setting. It's quite striking.... lovely. I was a nurse for 32 years & now retired by disability... Too many concrete floors, big bed moving, too many heavy surgical patients, etc.... Nursing Is a very difficult job. I'm sorry you had a confused patient, they are so hard to deal with. I hope things have improved. Sometimes I sang to patients like that, even children, a song from their era. It usually worked. Sometimes Amazing Grace....that helped me!
Happy quilting!

Mary R. said...

I don't think I've seen this setting before. It is quite striking and works especially well with the large center squares.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I hope your week got better.

Quilter Kathy said...

So sorry you had a terrible experience like that.
It's just awful but my hospital has had an increase in abusive episodes towards staff and had to hire 2 security guards just for the ER!
I think quick sedation (if safe) is the only way to deal with these nasty characters as they have no respect and do not respond to any of the usual crisis interventions.
Take good care of yourself!

Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...