Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Another log cabin quilt...

 In the big quilt closet, I had these blocks already made, and since they are Log Cabin quilt blocks, I wanted to share them with you all.   Lori, of Humble Quilts, made a doll quilt with a similar pattern, and I took the idea and ran with it, to make a bigger quilt.
 It is not put together yet, but Rosie says it will do!
 In the process of laying out the blocks.
And big news!  I almost finished my pillow!  I just need to hand stitch the binding, and it will be done!  I am so excited!!

I was thinking...you know what?  We  (at least me), are so excited to get to the next project, that I think we don't celebrate our finishes enough.  So...I am going to be really excited about finishes, and maybe go out to dinner or something to celebrate, when I finish one!!

*******************Nurse's Notes**************************

It was a rough few days, the last few days I worked.  Two deaths, and many really, really sick patients.  I am so hoping for good news, this next few days I work...so I am praying for that!!  Very busy for the summer time...usually, in the hospital, summer is a bit quieter.  Not this summer!!  Looking forward to some great patient care days, for the next few.


Have a great day!!



Quilter Kathy said...

Yes we should celebrate our efforts and our finishes more... at work and at quilting!

Leeanne said...

you do amazing work, quilts and your paid work!

Millie said...

Beautiful blocks and the pillow is stunning. 2 deaths in a week is so sad...hoping the rest of the week will be good.

Lilac Joan said...

Listening to the Morman Choir singing "Til we meet again." and saying a prayer for you and the wonderful work you do for other people.

Janet O. said...

Hooray for finishes! Let's party!! : )
Love the "Mountain Trails" super quilt you made. I just did the little version.
And your pillow is a fresh, happy creation.

So hoping for better experiences for you at the hospital. Don't know how you deal with all of the sadness. Well, maybe I do--quilting.

Randy D. said...

EGAD... I don't know how nurses deal with the death and sickness. I guess that's why I wasn't a nurse! Good for you. I'll bet you're great at it!

I LOVE the little pillow. When I went into my LQS this week, I they were selling patterns for different bench pillows, depending on the season! Yours is adorable.

And the log cabin is great. I should cut my left-over French General fabrics into strips and just make a log cabin... great way to use up the fabrics. Thanks for the ideas!

Vic in NH said...

Pretty pillow and so summery! The log cabin is gorgeous and hope you can get the Mojo to complete it, maybe later this year? Sorry that the nursing business is so very taxing right now, stay cool and stay well, we all love you!

Chantal said...

Yes, let's celebrate. Any excuse is good for a celebration and a finish is a BIG accomplishment that needs to be celebrated. When I finish a quilt, I just sit in front of it for awhile, just to enjoy it before putting it away. Maybe I should do a blog about that? You have a great log cabin quilt in the making there. So beautiful. The pillow is adorable. I noticed that it has the same flowers are your minis. It makes a great ensemble. Enjoy the slow stitching. ;^)

gayle said...

Ah, finishing... what does that feel like exactly?
Congrats to you for finishes and near finishes. Celebrate away!

Rebecca in AK said...

Wonderful log cabin quilt! Love your pillow, so cheerful! I am hoping you have better days at work, you have a rewarding but difficult profession.

Kyle said...

You did expand on the mini mountain trail quilt Lori inspired us to do a few years ago. It's lovely. You're so close to having it done. Almost time to celebrate a quilt top and a finished pillow.

Karen said...

The pillow is so very pretty. What a good use of strips creating the sky and grass.

LuAnn said...

The log cabin is great. The red just makes it pop. Love the pillow.

Sewing right along!

Hello!!  I made a few zipper bags for the guild sales table, to raise money for the guild scholarships.  I bought zippers on Amazon for penn...