Monday, June 20, 2016

Do you know what day it is? Log Cabin Loonies!!!!

 It is time for the most FUN quilters on the planet to show their log cabin quilts! It is time for Log Cabin Loonies!!  Link up below and show us all what log cabin quilts you have been working on, or have strips cut, or or that you have made!  Or an idea for a log cabin quilt you love.  We can't wait to see!

Above is a log cabin variation that I just was made by the Navajo Quilter, and is a combination of pieced blocks and also log cabin blocks, of course.  Isn't it just so interesting?  Love it, and thank you for allowing us to share your work!!
I am dreaming of this quilt, tiny log cabin blocks, in brown. This was a quilt based on a quilt made by who else! The Log Cabin Quilter!  (Karen)...please click HERE to see her blog!  Karen, thank you for your daily inspiration.

Guess what!!!!???  It is not only the Full is the Summer Solstice!!  Last time was seventy years go out and look at your beautiful moon and enjoy!!

Link up below!! and have a great day!!


Cathy said...

Oh, that quilt is a beauty! And I've been out to see the moon yesterday and today on my way to work oh so early in the morning (5am).

Karen said...

I do like the log cabin quilt with the pieced blocks mixed in. Interesting to see all the different elements. Just so many ways to make a log cabin quilt.

Julierose said...

Log Cabin is my all-time favorite block; as soon as I finish my present project I will be making you always pre-cut your logs? I never have, just used the strip method...hugs, Julierose

The Calico Cat said...

Thanks for reminding me, I purchased bins, I am now going to make labels for my 1.5 x 9.5 down to 1.5 x 1.5 in lights and darks so that I can start to sort those strips that I have been cutting from my scraps.

(I'm going to do scrappy pineapples too.)

Kyle said...

Thanks for the reminder. I'll get my post ready and link up.

Lisa England said...

Wow, that quilt is really great! The combination of sampler type blocks and log cabins is a fantastic idea. Thanks for the inspiration.

Janet O. said...

That is a beautiful Log Cabin variation!
How large (or should I say small?) are the little log cabins inspired by Karen? They look very cute. : )
Not only was it solstice and a full moon, but it was our wedding anniversary and my parents' anniversary--their 64th!

Chantal said...

Gorgeous quilt! I love the tilt the log cabins bring to the quilt. Love the colours too. Enjoy logs sewing. ;^)

Tired Teacher said...

The full moon was gorgeous, and so is this quilt.

Vic in NH said...

Thank you again for my gift and for your hostessing of the Log Cabin Lunacy!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Sharing the liberated log cabin I made earlier this year - the one known as The Kitchen Door quilt.

Quilter Kathy said...

I saw the beautiful strawberry moon early this morning, driving my son to work at 5 am!
I don't have anything to share about my log cabin quilt, but did find another UFO of mini log cabins that
I have no memory of sewing!!

Leeanne said...

Really "Loonies"!!

Binsa said...

Yesterday morning I was up early for hydrotherapy and the moon was still up before the sunrise it was like a beautiful big penny shining down

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Thanks for the inspiration to try some log cabins! I love the idea of the tiny blocks, but I decided to go big, and use up lots of strings!

Randy D. said...

Sadly I don't have any log cabin quilts to share... but it's inspiring!!

liniecat said...

Just found about this loonie log cabin a'long!
Will have to take part too now lol
Mine will be wonky and scrappy - : )

Hand quilting on the plane!

Greetings!!  I have been on a journey!  I got to go visit my grand babies, and had a lovely time. I wanted to have something to sew on the p...