Monday, June 27, 2016

A Few little finishes!

 These little quilties are completed.  I hand quilted them, and hand appliqued the woolie flowers in place.  Hurrah for finishes!  These were kind of an experiment, and I find that I like the more formal one on the left, but the scrappy one on the right is appealing too...
Speaking of scraps...I had a lot of trimmings from cutting for my log cabin blocks, so I made another hot pad...just pile your slivers on a piece of backing fabric and batting, SQUISH! with a hot iron and starch, then just sew over the whole thing.  WALA!!  A bit of re-purposed fabric, not in the bin, but rather being used...Hurrah!!!

Happy Monday!!



Karen said...

I like how the mitered corners on the stripe form a design on the corners of the more formal flower piece you made.

Tired Teacher said...

Both flower blocks are lovely, but the scrappy one drew my eye at first glance.

Clever way to use snippets of fabric!

Julierose said...

Really cute little quilties--I love your hot pad idea...thanks for the suggestion hugs, Julierose

Nancy said...

I like the little one on the left best, too, Julie, but it's because of that little yellow/gold border between the center and the outer border. Both look great, though!
--Nancy. (ndmessier @,

Janet O. said...

Love both little flower quiltlets--each has its own personality. : )
What a fun way to use up scraps. Looks like a very freeing experience to make that kind of hot pad.

Loris said...

The framed flowers are lovely. I like both border choices. The inner gold border was a nice idea for the blue flowers.

Chantal said...

Congrats on finishes Julie. I love your little woolly flowers. They are both adorable. Great work on the hotpad too. Enjoy the day! ;^)

Kyle said...

Your little flowered quilts really compliment each other. What a crazy hot pad. It just makes you smile.

Ada Plouvier-Kopitopoulou said...

Nice flowers, I like the scrappy border a little bit more. Great idea for hotpad!

Binsa said...

Lovely little quilts Julie

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Cute little wall quilts, and I like the other one, too. It could be used as a mug rug.

Rebecca in AK said...

I love your little flower quilts! Congrats on 2 finishes. The pot holder is such a great idea for scraps!

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...