Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's day! (the heart quilts)

 Happy Valentine's day!!!  Earlier in my years as a quilter, I was just obsessed by hearts.  I made dozens of heart quilts, and gave most of them away.  I found a few this morning, and thought I would share them with you to celebrate the day of the "HEART"!!  Above is my attempt at a color wash heart quilt...twenty years old, or thereabouts.
 A little heart quilt, with smaller than one inch hearts on this is hanging in my bathroom, thus the ribbon hanging from it.
 A blue hearts quilt!!  I was trying to use decorative stitches to define the Walmart sewing machine had a grand total of 7 different stitches at that time...
 Another one in pink...I tried to put a little flange...pretty uneven but I thought it was purty!!!
 Then I made a big heart quilt!!  Hand quilted this one in every heart. Maybe I will have a young person in my life that would like this one, one day!!
 My precious quilt from Anne Bebbington...please see her blog here!!  A gift from her...I love it!  She lives in England, and is a wonderful quilter and mother!
 Another one...don't know what I was thinking here at all....
 Solids!!  Echo quilted on my little Walmart machine, so many years ago..
And more and more!!  So you can see, I love hearts!!  It is a good thing I am a heart all seems to fit!!

Have a great day, everyone!!  Hope you have a wonderful Valentine's day!!



Nancy said...

I love every one of them, especially the "what was I thinking" bright one!

Lee Prairie Designs said...

All are special!!!!

Happy Valentines Day!


hetty said...

I love them all! Even the ;what was I thinking' one. Happy Valentine's Day!

Monica said...

What a great collection! I love hearts too. Your colourwash one still looks quite good to me. And no, I don't know what you were thinking on that wobbly one either. But I love that you still had the courage to post the photo! None of us bat 1000, but not everyone likes to admit it. Happy Valentine's Day!

Sue SA said...

When your on a good theme stick to it! So no hearts made by strings?

Leeanne said... sure had a heart thing going on! Happy Valentine's day to you bloggy friend! It was yesterday for us down here in NZ :-)

Lori said...

Wow! You've got quite the collection there. How fun!

KaHolly said...

They are all lovely!! Happy Valentines' Day!

Kim said...

How sweet!
Happy Valentines Day!
They all look fun and I bet you learned something new on everyone of them.

Happy Sewing

Kyle said...

What an awesome collection. Happy Valentine's Day.

AnnieO said...

How fun! And I know you'll make more :). Happy valentines day!

Pat said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you! I do love all your little heart quilts.

Quilter Kathy said...

I am blessed to have a Julie heart quilt in my house... and I love it!

Lesley said...

Aren't your heart quilts adorable!

Ruth said...

How cute! Do you hang any of them by your desk or in the hallway at the hospital? They would be perfect for a heart floor.

Sylvia said...

Wow. Those are all adorable. The people that received them are lucky!

Unknown said...

What a treat to revisit the one I sent you and the others are all gorgeous - happy heart day to one of life's special heart people

Linda O said...

What a great collection of hearts! Fun to see them all together!

Mystery quilt and more

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