Thursday, January 30, 2014

Not at work today

 Reaching for the sun...don't you think that these flowers look like they are reaching for the sun? These flowers still need their leaves, and the applique on the flowers needs to be finished too.  But I am enjoying these bright colors, and have no idea about the border, as usual.  Borders stop me in my tracks!!
My friend Lori, of Humble quilts, is having a quilt along.  I cut out all the pieces and parts, and will work on this when I have a moment. The plaidish brown remnant will be sashing strips, eventually.  The quilt is called Midwinter Blues, and you can see all about making it right HERE!!  Come on, join in!!  It is a fun and fast doll quilt to chase all those winter blues away!

**********************Nurse's Notes***************************

Warning!!  Not upbeat, but truthful!!  So skip this if quilting content is all you need today!!

I had one of the roughest days yesterday of my nursing career.  Physically hard, 'cause my feet are just killing me from running/walking, but emotionally hard too.  I taught, and taught, and taught, and instructed the patient and his family for two hours, and what did the patient do?  Just as soon as he got home, he did exactly what I had just finished teaching him not to do per the physician's instructions, and bled all over the place.  Back he came to the hospital, angry with me of course...sigh....some days are just not worth getting dressed up in scrubs for work!!!  He was fine, I was distraught, and just tired....

Sorry, sometimes it just gets to me.  I just need to get this out, so bear with me!!


Anyhow, it is all good today, because I am home, and playing in the fabric, and have a big pot of hot chicken soup with noodles cooking!  Smells good around here!!



Quilter Kathy said...

A very discouraging day indeed. So glad to hear you have today to recover your positive energy and quilt out all that nastiness from yesterday's patient.
Love your flower garden! And you do tempt me with a cute sew along!

Dasha said...

I love your flowers reaching for the sun. So cheerful. How about a border of 9 patches with snowballs in between? That is stunning, and quite easy. People are often in denial, which is probably why your patient disobeyed orders. His anger would have been at himself, but directed at you, because it is easier to lash out at someone than admit you are in the wrong.

audrey said...

Hot soup and quilting... what more could you ask for in order to de-stress properly.:)

helen said...

Poor Julie! Keep courage! I admire and respect highly every one who "works" with patients - it is not work, it is a vocation!
I agree with what Kathy and Dasha said.
Love the colors of the flowers and the MidWinter Blues.
Best wishes!

helen said...

Poor Julie! Keep courage! I admire and respect highly every one who "works" with patients - it is not work, it is a vocation!
I agree with what Kathy and Dasha said.
Love the colors of the flowers and the MidWinter Blues.
Best wishes!

Nancy said...

Very bright and uplifting flowers. As Scarlet said tomorrow is another day!

Anonymous said...

So sorry for the rotten day. But gosh...playing in fabric is great stress reliever right?

Binsa said...

Take heart Julie, enjoy your down time at home...Hugs, Lyn

Sharon said...

Thank goodness you have quilting to de stress from these type of days. Dealing with humans can be so stressful some days, my heart goes out to you as I know you only have the patients best interest at heart. Chin up!

Nancy said...

Don't beat yourself up over this patient. You went above and beyond in educating him, so the consequences are his fault NOT yours.

Love, love, love reaching for the sun!

Megan said...

I think that Dasha may be right in her interpretation of your patient's behaviour. I'm a lousy patient and could imagine myself doing something similar in the hope that the instructions that you and the doctor provided didn't really have to apply to me. Yep - utterly flawed thinking, but ...

And what you perceived as anger could also have been embarrassment, which many of us don't handle well. Hmmm, I'm beginning to wonder if I might be related to your patient. LOL

Sydney, Australia

Janet O. said...

Must be so frustrating when you do your part and the patient doesn't do his and then is angry with you.
Those bright happy flowers were a good choice after such a day. : )

Loris said...

Such cute flowers! Love the green border too.
Amazing all the effort that goes into teaching and somehow still gets ignored. I've had patients try to argue with me about the need for precautions (including my 92 year old mother). I am not the one that is going to be bleeding or having pain or a broken hip. Following the MDs instruction (or using some common sense!) will make THEIR life better, not mine! Yes, I have my own soapbox... Hang in there. You did the right thing.
Thank God for such lovely quilt projects!

Sue SA said...

Love those flowers! I say treat them like a child when he comes back, he deserved a scolding, from not following orders! Oh well perhaps his wife said "told you so"!

Nancy said...

Your flowers are too fun. Just seeing them brightened my day.

I'm sorry for the difficulty with the patient. Maybe he wasn't an aural learner? No matter, it's still hard to have something like that happen.

Kyle said...

Your cheerful flowers hopefully lifted your spirits as well.

Caron at Michigan Quilts said...

I love your cheerful flowers, and look forward to seeing them with their leaves on! So cute!

Lori said...

The flowers are so cheerful and a bit of spring this January! Thanks for the plug on the quiltalong. I adore the fabrics you have chosen.
Frustrating to say the least! He doesn't have dementia does he? I have to sort of chuckle to myself when drs tell me my mom specific things. (When I tell her things too!)

Helen in the UK said...

Sometimes no matter how hard we try someone will not learn a lesson until they make the mistake themselves. Sigh.
All you can do is do your best and take courage from those who will benefit from your knowledge and experience.
Bet those lovely flowers cheered you up :)

Loretta said...

Nursing is a tough, tough field! I'm right there with ya', Sista!

The bain of my existence in the PACU are those who are drug-addicted. Nothing I have in my arsenol is going to get them any pain relief.

Hang in there! God bless you and give you strength in this career!

Loretta said...

Julie, Have you seen this site about nursing??? I love love love the humor there!


DeAnna said...

Your flower quilt is awesome...ah...can't wait for Spring. Sorry you had a bad day. One patient can really ruin the whole day or week no matter how many good things happened. I'm surprised you had 2 hours to teach. We rarely had 20 minutes to teach. But you did all you could do. Check out this embroidery link that features some funny will be able to relate and it's surely to make you laugh.

Diane said...

I really enjoy your notes about nursing, and I think your compassion serves you (and your patients) well, likewise, when a person truly cares, there will be sad times too. I appreciate that you keep it real. Life is not all sunshine and roses, and it's okay to be honest. Bless you for the good that you do, and for the lovely quilting you share! I really enjoy reading.

Mystery quilt and more

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