Thursday, October 31, 2013

Trick or Treat!

 OK, so here is the state of the union!!  All the pieces and parts are done, it is just a matter of putting them all together.  Here is is all laid out, so I can pick up the pieces in order, and get it all in one piece!
 Another view...
 And a close up!!
 Loris!!  Thank you so very much...what a treat to get a surprise in the mail!!  Fabric, strings, and a gorgeous fall time quilt...I love it all!!  Please see her blog here.
Loris sent this card something today that makes your heart sing!!!!



Ellen said...

Definitely a treat!

Helen in the UK said...

Oh wow! Hope you get some quality time to sew that beauty together :)

Nicky said...

Looks wickedly good Julie - you have cast your magic spell once more!

blauraute said...

What a beautiful top. I hope you'll get soon some time to sew it together.
Take care

Patty H. said...

Love the quilt!

Karen said...

The little circle shapes in the flying geese sashing are unique. I like!

Karen said...

This may be my favorite string quilt ever!

Jane said...

Great quilt!

Janet O. said...

I like comparing the quilt in your header with the top you are assembling. Same blocks+different sashing treatment=a whole new look. I love it!
What a wonderful bundle you received, with great advice on the card. Pretty little KT quilt. Lucky you!

Nancy said...

This post was filled with Treats - no Tricks!

Fabulous job on the quilt!

Loris said...

You really know how to make strings sing! Your quilt is looking wonderful. Love the circle appliques in the cornerstones.
Enjoy your treats today sweet friend :-)

Judy Dietrich said...

That really came out striking!!! I think this is fantastic---have fun sewing it together. I think you got treats in the mail---quilter's candy.

Lesley said...

Gorgeous quilt!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

That is going to be one great quilt!

Lori said...

My heart is singing cause I just read your blog!!! Great quilt!

*kd. said...

What a magnificent quilt - I love it!!!

AnnieO said...

Yay for you! Happy happy scrappy quilt, there :)
Nothing like surprise gifts to make a quilter squeal!

Pat said...

Your quilt is looking great. What size will that be when finished? (It's hard to tell from the photos.)

Jeanne said...

Looks like another great string quilt! You always come up with winning combinations.

Millie said...

Enjoy your trat and I hope you will get soon some time to sew. Another pretty string quilt Julie.

Mystery quilt and more

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