Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Strings and scraps!

 Working a lot again, so not much progress on the quilting front.  Above is my latest string thing quilt.  I have had to construct a lot more flying geese to put this one together, but at last have them all done, so the rest of the quilt should go faster.
 My cornerstones are four patches, trimmed to a circle, and appliqued on.  I had a whole bunch of these ready to go, but I guess they are lost forever, so I had to make a second batch.   Now you just know I will find the first batch this afternoon!!

 Another view.  This quilt will be six blocks wide and eight blocks long.  6x8 inch blocks.
 Of course some of the little pieces found their way into a secondary project.
 This heart was in a box of scraps I am using up, so I made another little cup mat from it, and hand quilted it.
And last but not least, a pie...yum!!  It is all gone....

*****************Nurse's Notes****************Warning!!  Sad and glad stuff both ahead!!!!!  Not about quilting!!**********************************

In our hospital, we had two prominent people fall ill a day apart from each other.  From the same department in the same university.  What a horrible loss for that department, and for our community! I was one of the nurses taking care of these people.  What an amazing thing to see provosts, university presidents, PH D's by the dozens and students by the hundreds all coming to the hospital to honor these people.  I think maybe a university is its own little city, kind of like a hospital, with a unique family-like hierarchy.  Such love rolled out of these learned people; it was amazing and wonderful and affirming to see.  In the face of such loss, there is so much good too...I love to find it!!  to witness it...

The news has so much negative stuff in it, but there is so much good too in this world amongst the loss...




audrey said...

Love your string quilt! So bright and fun with the cornerstones esp.

Quilter Kathy said...

OH my can I love each quilt that you make MORE than the one I loved before??!?! This is amazing!
Enjoyed hearing about the blessings you enjoyed watching a community appreciate those who are sick.
It renews hope for us all!

Kim said...

YOur string quilt is so the round 4 patches....what a cute idea.

Yes meeting interesting people from all walks of life is the what I miss about nursing. Every person has a story and I use to love to listen to them all.

Happy Sewing

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

You have found the best of all therapies to piece things back together, in such a vibrant and cheerful way, when the outside world is falling apart and out of our control. Thanks for this heart-warming perspective. That pie looks delicious too! :)

Maree said...

Your string quilt is stunning. Love the corner stones.

Donna Keating said...

Blessings to you and your patients who are lucky to have you.

KaHolly said...

Your scrappy string quilts are always such an inspiration for me. This one is no exception.

sue said...

I love this string quilt with the flying geese and the circles. So much color! Great job

Nancy said...

You have a talent of seeing potential and goodness in the smallest of scraps and in the clutches of death - that is what makes you such a special nurse and your quilts so very beautiful. Keep sewing these lovelies and caring for those in your charge - you certainly make a difference.

Leeanne said...

As usual, yum, yum & YUM!!! That goes for the pie too!

Helen in the UK said...

Loving that geese sashing :)

*kd. said...

Super quilt!!! Sashing is really superb and the cornerstones are fetching. Love that you did that. Clever you!!!!

Kyle said...

Your string quilt is wonderful. The flying geese are a delightful contrast to the strings and the corner stones are a terrific idea. Both pie and quilt are yummy!

Deb said...

I can't believe you are doing another string quilt and it looks just as fabulous!! maybe I can request a little tut on how you do it only cause it keeps your interest and I have sooooo many scarps that I could do it too..

Rose Marie said...

My word .... your new string quilt will be stunning!

Lois Arnold said...

Absolutely adore your string quilt with the flying geese! It's now on my list of must make quilts!

Also appreciate that you see good in everything. What a blessing to have a nurse like you caring for people!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Loving that string quilt! My father in law had bypass surgery last fall. He's a retired physics prof. Almost everyone that he used to work with came by during the surgery to support my mother in law. I knew most of these people from when we used to live in the same town, and I took classes from some, too. Special people create special bonds.

Mystery quilt and more

Hi to everyone!!!  This is month is the month for using blue scraps, in Rainbow quilts.  I have been using a few of mine.  Great fun! This q...