And a closer view. Most, if not all these plaids are gifted scraps or pieces of shirts from the thrift store. I wanted a lighter, airier look (don't know if airier is a word, LOL), so I am glad for the muslin sashings. The hand quilting shows up on muslin better also.
*******************Nurse's Notes*****************
Really darling patients lately. Lots of cancer cases, due to a surgeon practicing with us now who does mostly cancerous lung resections. And one of these patients has a daughter who is a quilter...big time!! So I have enjoyed talking with her. I am going in to do heart recovery in a few minutes, so I hope the heart is stable!!!
Have a wonderful day, each of you!
Your quilt is lovely!
Love it!!!Those geese are off!
This churn dash is one of my favorites! Love the geese border. The plaids and muslin look charming.
What a great quilt!
Julie, I think every quilt you do is the most wonderful...then you do another one and it outdoes the one before it. This is just gorgeous, and I adore the little quilt too. :) Wow, heart are one special angel, girl.
This quilt is so fantastic.
Liebe Grüße Grit
a great quilt..........I really like this one.........
I agree with everyone you really do have a tallent in picking fabrics and going with it. Love this quilt too...
I was glad to hear that you liked talking to patients family about quilting. When my dad was in ICU there was talk at the nursing station and heard the word `stash` well you know I had to go to the nsg stn and ask if she was a quilter from then on she brought projects she was working on I brought projects I was working on talked while my mom visited and it was great. I was afraid I was taking to much time up of hers but we both seemed to enjoy it. It is amazing how a hobby can bring strangers together happily.
It is beautiful Julie! Your plaid quilts always inspire me :*)
Flying geese make the best borders on a plaid style quilt.
Your quilt is just beautiful, Julie; I do love it, all the plaids combine so harmoniously. Well done!
Your quilt is just beautiful, Julie; I do love it, all the plaids combine so harmoniously. Well done!
It is so pretty! Airy, for sure. And your mini is precious, too!
I think it looks so good!! I'm glad you put the flying geese border on. Looks wonderful. And the mini? Well, I have a soft spot for those. It is fun to use up the scraps to create a small quilt. Good job!
I wouldn't normally think Pink and Plaid, but yours is wonderful! Another sure handed winner.
Two wonderful finishes!
The little quilt is darling. I didn't notice the hearts in the blocks on the larger quilt until I saw the one on the smaller quilt. Do I need my eyes checked?
Looks fantastic, Julie! You sure have a great eye for scrappy and plaids. The flying geese are a great border. Love the little mini version too!!
A gorgeous new airy quilt! Love the baby quilt...and it's quilted already!
Those flying geese are terrific as the border. Glad they are flying right! Yes, airier is a word :) The little one block quilt is too cute.
Hope that heart was in the best shape ever!
Another gorgeous quilt! And a sweet little mini, too! You're amazing!
I love this one too!
Love your quilt!
Great quilt, and those little leftovers really are cause for inspiration, aren't they? I've been falling in love with muslin lately, too.
Yummm ..... love your new pattern!
Fabulous quilt!
I love the little quilts too what do you do with them?
Happy Sewing and bless you for being a's a hard job and I think we don't get recognized like we should!
I'm really loving the plaid quilt! It looks fabulous! The little mini quilt is cute too! What a great idea!
I'm still working on the baby quilt. I need to get it finished before the baby is walking! I'm spending too much time trying to figure out what I want to do with it, as always! I want it to be fancy, but not gawdy.
Live in ICU has been busy since they opened 2nd floor up. I could pick up some extra shifts, but I'd rather be sewing!
your quilt is lovely, and I'm oooing over the little extra one you whipped up
You made another great quilt. I really love the scrappy churn dash blocks but the geese really take it to the next level. Thanks for sharing.
Looks gorgeous now it's done - and what a darling little leftover quilt - love the way the churndashes float on the big quilt
What a spectacular quilt top!! Amazing!!
Love this one! Very nice, you have great taste ;)
That is just so cute! Love how the pink has brightened up those darker plaids and the sashing and border are perfection!
Ohhhh! I love it! What a sweet quilt! Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful quilt! Love it!
Another beauty, Julie! I love all of your quilts.
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