Thursday, October 11, 2012

Jazzed up for plaids!

 Good morning!  I went through all my strings, and pulled out all the plaids, separating them out.  I had a few strings as big as 2.5 inches wide.  I just started making plaid churn dash blocks...and am having a blast with them!!  Remember those hearts I cut out a few posts ago...they wiggled their way onto a couple blocks.  I am so excited about this quilt!  hearts, plaids, scraps...what is not to love??
 I sewed together my version of Lori's newest doll quilt. Red binding is cut...I just need to take time and hand quilt this one, and it will be together.  I also am planning a bigger version of Lori's quilt too, and am in the cutting out phase.
 Remember the nine patches from last post?  A few leftovers became this...hmmm, the jury is still out on this one!
And another reason I am all jazzed up this morning?  This book!!  If I bought one book this year...this would be way up at the top of the stack.  I love each and every quilt in here!!  The author is Linda Koenig.  It is available I am sure everywhere, but the Lone Star House of Quilts has it...that is where I got mine.

Everyone, have a great day!  I have been called in to "take a heart"...that means recover a heart patient fresh from surgery.  It is challenging sometimes, but great fun and a great opportunity to connect with families at their most frightened...when their loved one is having open heart surgery.  Nursing is good!!

Hugs to all from Julie


~Joan said...

How are you going to set the churn dash blocks? What size are the pieces? I'm itching to start a new plaid quilt, too.

The 9-patches are adorable. So is the LC with a chain!

regan said...

Those churn dashes are super cute! And Lori's doll quilt turned out so nice. I was thinking to do a larger version, too, but have yet to do the doll one! lol I'm loving your little 9 patch quilt.....will you bind it in the black of the nornerstones? I always love that look, kindof like adding a frame. Am I'm going to look for that book now. Thanks!

Jean said...

Love the churn dash blocks and the dolly quilt! So pretty and such a good feeling to use up scraps!

Wonky Girl said...

I just had to comment on your churn dash blocks. Churn dash is my favorite so I look forward to seeing more in plaids.
Also I really enjoy reading the snippets of your nursing experiences.

Cheri said...

Your plaids inspire me to do more. I like the 9P I can see using up my leader/ender blocks in baby quilts made like that. Thanks so much!

AnnieO said...

Churn dash is a favorite block of mine and your plaid ones are yummy! I like the little 9 patch and your version of Lori's quiltalong. Have a great day!

Kyle said...

Reading your blog today, got me jazzed up too...Plaids, new projects and an exciting looking new book. That's a great combo.

Quilter Kathy said...

have a wonderful day facilitating a new life! Love your version of Lori's quilt...wasn't it fun to sew?!?

Anonymous said...

I like the little nine patch. Have a good day at work.

Janet O. said...

Oh, Julie, I always love everything in your posts, and this is no exception. Churn Dash are a favorite of mine! The hearts are a fun added touch.
Your "Mountain Trail" looks great--and makes me want to get going on mine!!
Why is the jury out on the 9-patches? I love it! If it needs a home where it will be loved, I'm offering!! : )
Looks like a good book to have. I'll keep an eye out for it.
Nurses are the best!

*karendianne. said...

You have the best east stash of plaids on the planet ever. I'm loving you Churn Dash cuties and how about that great Mountain Trail?! Dig it totally. Julie, friend, I really like that little nine patch. It's a fav. I think your Sashing and cornerstones really are a great choice. Über cool book. I haven't heard of it. Good day, friend.

Leeanne said...

No surprises I love all I see & read on your blog!

Heartsdesire said...

Your churn-dash blocks are very appealing. I never think to just sit down and make some blocks. I always seem to need a pattern. But now I'm inspired, I'm going to get out my plaids, cut some strips and go to it. I love your cute little nine-patch. It's one of my favourite blocks. I'm also going to start on Lori's doll quilt, and maybe a larger version. If I keep my basket of strips out in plain site, who knows what I might come up with.

Nancy said...

Jury or no jury, I think the small quilt with the 9-patches is cute. ;oD

Mary said...

That plaid churn dash is going to be great! I love that 9 patch too!

I'm working on another twister, this time with th Lil'Twister ruler and 5 inch blocks. It's a baby quilt for Deb the RT.

Finally caught up on Grandmother's Choice BOW. That sunflower block really stumped me, and I'm not going to include it in my quilts.
Hope you had a good day with the fresh heart.

Barb said...

what cute little quilts. I love your quilt along.
The churn dash blocks are great

Angie said...

Love those plaid churn dash blocks, girl. :) And Lori's little quilt is darling---it will be a gorgeous big quilt. Your nine-patch is darling, Julie. And I need another book like I need a hole in my head, but I have to go look at this one. :) If I were having surgery, I would hope they would call you in for me. :D

Lori said...

Love plaids, love church dash blocks! A perfect combo!!
Adore your mountain trail quilt and the fabrics you chose.
What's not to love about any 9 patch quilt? Your post is full of beauties this Friday morning. I hope your heart patient is doing well.

Linda O said...

More great projects! The little hearts in the churn dashes are so cute! Lovely little 9P, and your version of the log cabin is just wonderful. Looks like a great book too! Lucky patient to have you there as they recovered!

Loris said...

the churn dash seems to be my favorite block of the week :-)
plaid anything is always the winner in my book.
Hope your patient did well!

Stephanie D said...

Jazz on, girl! Love the little hearts in the churn dashes!

Binsa said...

Hello Julie, I enjoyed catching up with your posts....and seeing the projects you are working on.....Hugs, O'faigh

Unknown said...

Lovely churn dash blocks - the little hearts dotted here and there add just a little spice - and what's not to love about plaids eh?

Mystery quilt and more

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