Sunday, September 20, 2009

An Special Occasion...Celebration!!

Hi all! I just realized...I have been blogging TWO years! It has been so fun, meeting and sharing friendships with you all. So, it is time for a GIVEAWAY!!

Now, what does a quilter need...marbled fabric as above? Yep! That would be good...
A silly cute little dog? No, he is not for the giveaway, but isn't he a cutie? Dear husband and I spotted him at the recent car show we attended.

A lovely pattern book? Yep! That would be good!!

A little bag, handmade...sure! That would be great!

How about some tiny scissors, just right for thread trimming...Yes, that would be good too!
So, here is the deal: Please leave me a comment if you would like to be entered in the giveaway. Be sure I can contact you if you do not have a blog. I will draw a winner on October 2nd, next Friday. Good Luck and thank you for your friendship over this past two years!!


Sue H said...

A give-away -- how fun!!! I always enjoy reading your blog about quilting and what's going on in your life. Congratulations on your 2nd blogiversary!!!

Terry said...

Congratulations on two years of blogging!! Great giveaway stuff! Thank you! :0)

Khris said...

ohhhh please enter me in your give away Julie..and congrats....hugs Khris

Pat said...

Congratulations Julie.

Vicki W said...

Happy Blogiversary!!

Anya said...

Congratulations! Thanks for the chance.

momhooten said...

Glad I discovered your blog! Congratulations!

Betsy said...

Yes, Julie I would love to be included in your giveaway.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

a give away is always nice - put me in please! happy anniversary!

Jocelyn said...

Happy 2nd blogiversary! What a great generous giveaway. Thanks for entering me :-)

antique quilter said...

what a cute little puppy!
wow 2 years already?
have always enjoyed your blog
looking forward to 2 more years!!!

antique quilter said...

what a cute little puppy!
wow 2 years already?
have always enjoyed your blog
looking forward to 2 more years!!!

Trisha said...

Congratulations on two years of blogging! I enjoy your blog so much! I love to see your quilts and I enjoy the updates you give on your patients.

Ruthie said...

Congratulations on blogging for 2 years. I always enjoy reading your blog.

Danielle said...

Congrats on 2 years of blogging! Great giveaway that I'l love to win!

Quilter Kathy said...

Well, happy blogiversary! It's been a pleasure and a delight to read your blog...I wish you many more years of happy blogging!

Pat said...

Congratulations on 2 years of a very nice blog! I'm glad I discovered your blog and I'm always happy when I see you have a new post. I enjoy hearing about your nursing job as well as your quilting. Keep up the good work (in BOTH areas of your life).

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on two years! I am coming up on that milestone myself in a couple of months. I would love to be entered in your giveaway :o)

Carol said...

Have discovered your blog and added it to my Google Reader so I know when you have a new post. Always look forward to that.

Karen said...

Yep, they be good!

vonnie said...

Thank you for the give-away offer...please count me in on the fun, too!

Anita in Florida said...

Happy Blogiversary! thanks for the lovely giveaway too.

Anita in Florida said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sue said...

Well, congratulations on 2 years! I enjoy reading your blog, thanks for offering this giveaway!

Andrea said...

Wow Julie - very generous giveaway. Please count me in - congrats xx

Unknown said...

Congradulations, Julie, it's been so much fun getting to know you and reading your blog. What neat giveaways. Sure enter me.

Chookyblue...... said...

happy 2nd birthday........

Unknown said...

Congrats on 2 years! I have enjoyed reading your blog and hope you continue for another 2 years +++++.

Norma said...

Congratulations on 2 years.........I do enjoy your work posts as well as your lovely quilts.

Nancy said...

Congrats on 2 years. That sure went by fast!!
What fantastic giveaway prizes!!
Count me in...

Unknown said...

Congratulations on 2 years Julie. What a super generous giveaway, thanks so much for the opportunity and here's to more years of fun and friendships.

LindaW said...

Congratulations on two years of blogging! I always enjoy reading about your quilting and get great ideas from you. Great giveaway!

Denise in PA said...

Wow, congratulations! I do enjoy your blog. And, I do enjoy giveaways, so put my name in the hat! Thanks!

Anne Heidi said...

Happy bloggiversary! 2 years- that's great! I always love reading your blog, and I am so happy to have "met" you on line :-)

Stephanie D said...

Congrats! I haven't been reading you the entire two years, but sure am glad I found you recently.

Here's to nurses who quilt!

And please enter me in your giveaway. Thanks!

Melanie said...

I would love - the summertime quilt book! Congrats on 2 years - Throw my name in the hat!!!

May Britt said...

This is a wonderful giveaway. All those goodies. I love visiting your blog and look forward to visit you more. Pleaaaaaaaaaaaase pick me.

garden quilter said...

Congratulations on your anniversary! Thanks for always brightening my day and providing tons of inspiration! Please enter me in your fun filled drawing! Can't wait to see what you are up to in the next 2 years!

Janet said...

Congratulations! I'd love to win your lovely giveaway goodies.

Sherrill said...

Oh SHOOT, I was only going to enter in hopes I'd win the dog but I'll take the other stuff if I win! LOL!! JK, I LOVE the 'other stuff'. Thanks for a great giveaway and your lovely blog.

Unknown said...

Mmm think the Customs and Excise might get a bit upset if you posted the dog to the winner :o))) Happy second bloggiversary, here's to many more

lesthook said...

The puppy picture makes me smile! And the give-away too!

free indeed said...

Awsome giveaway! There is so much there! Congrats on 2 years of sharing your life with us!

Finn said...

Thank you for sharing yourself with us for the past 2 years Doesn't seem possible its that long already.
I don't need to be put in for the drawing, but want to say "congrats" you've come a long way baby! And, ahhhh, is next Friday October already...oh my gosh!
Big hugs, Finnie *VBS*

kynomi said...

Great giveaway! I always enjoy seeing your quilts and hearing about your patients.

Anonymous said...

Fun little dog?! Dang he was adorable and you did make me chuckle out loud sitting here in front of the computer! I should give you a prize for that one! LOL
Congrats on two years of blogging!!

Texan said...

Congrats on your blogaversary ...count me in on your lovely give away :O)... the little doggy was really cute too :O).. even though he is not part of the give away :O)...

AnnieO said...

Wow, two years! Congratulations, and thanks for sharing with all of use. I would love to be entered in your giveaway, Julie! You're very generous :)

Anonymous said...

Hello Julie, congratulations on blogging for two years.....enjoyed our friendship.....thank you for the chance to be in the draw...Warm Regards Lyn

Unknown said...

Happy Blogiversary! I am looking forward to seeing more of your nice quilts and hear about your patients.
Send a hello to that young woman please.
Take care.

Teresa said...

Ah, that is a great give-away and I do hope you will pull my name. I have enjoyed reading your blog for awhile now and wish you a Happy Anniversary.

And WHEN you draw my name, I will give the book back to you as I just purchased a copy of it myself, so you can draw a second name AFTER you draw mine!

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Congratulations on 2 years! I have been enjoying your blog for a few weeks now. I love hearing abt your patients as I used to be an RN too.
Thank you for the great giveaway!

Annelise Pedersen said...

Congratulations on your 2nd year celebration!

Please enter me in your great giveaway.

Hugs from Denmark.

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

Happy blogiversary!

Kim said...

WOW! Two years has flown by! All things quilty are wonderful, always enjoy a new book! That is one very cute dog, fantastic! Glad you enjoyed your time blogging and thanks for offering a great giveaway to celebrate. :o)

Patty in Ca said...

Hmmmm, those scissors look suspiciously like the ones in the disposable packs we use at our facility. My frugal nature doesn't allow me to throw away perfectly good scissors when they haven't even been used (for you non-medical folks - once the package is opened, everything gets tossed even if the items weren't used) so I have several. Love them for snipping threads. I really enjoy your blog and nursing stories. Hope to win some scissors (grin), the pattern book would be ok too.

Angie said...

Congratulations on two years, and thank you for sharing your quilting life with us! I've drooled over your plaid quilt as you shared it's growth with us, and it makes me want to clean out my stash so I can buy some plaids myself! Thank you also for having the giveaway - they are so much fun!

Floss said...

Congratulations on two years of blogging.

Patty said...

Congratulations on your 2 years of blogging. I love the little bag you made (especially since it's wonderland fabric!)

Jean said...

What nice giveaway gifts!!!! Congrats on 2 years blogging.

Jan said...

Congrats on 2 years! Isn't this fun?!!!! Your give-away is great!

Unknown said...

Blog candy - my favourite! Please enter me in the give-away and happy blogaversary!

Amelia said...

Wonderful prizes...enter my name. Always enjoy reading about the quilting - but really interested in the nursing side.

Joyce said...

Happy Blogaversary. Please count me in on your wonderful draw.

Béa said...

Congratulations and big kiss from France !

YankeeQuilter said...

Two years! Congratulations! BTW Loved reading your post on Hershey...

Melissa ;-) said...

Happy Blogiversary! And thank you for the wonderful giveaway!

Carole said...

Wow! Am I glad I'm doing a bit of catch-up on blog land! ;o) Happy blog anniversary! Cheers!

Darcie said...

Time flies, doesn't it! Happy 2 years of blogging, girlfriend!

LOVE that scissors fabric in the little quilted bag. Q-ute! ;-)

Did you know? I have a *thing* for little hand scissors. Just love them. ;-)

Hope you're having a wonderful Sunday, Jules. ;-)

~Bren~ said...

2 years! Congratulations. I love reading your blog and also your patient stories.
Here's to another 2 years of JulieQ!

MARCIE said...

What a nice giveaway you have going! Can I throw my name in the hat?

Jeanne Turner McBrayer said...

Lovely give-away prizes! Congrats on the two year blogiversary!

Hand quilting

Good morning to you!!!  My 4-H friend from years ago made a layer cake out of some of her fabrics and challenged me to make something.  This...