Another string pieced quilt I just started...I love this!! Pretty turquoise in the middle. We shall see how it turns out.
Below is my nursing weekend...pretty intense! Skip right over if you want, but if you are interested, it is pretty fascinating.
I worked the last 3 days, 14 hours days. I was in charge, which means I am in charge of critical care, 25 employees, 20 patients. And was doing staffing for the whole hospital, deciding where to best utilize staff to maintain and care for each pt. And I had my own patients too. Of course, we were short staffed. Whewww!!! and then.....
The ER called. "You need to take a full cardiac arrest patient and place him on hypothermia protocol."
Egads!! I have been reading about this and knew we would start this, and the huge medical centers have been doing this for some time...but we just received our cooling hypothermia machine and protocol on FRIDAY! and this was Saturday, and of course I had no idea how to do this. But the patient needed it....I would give it my all.
So up came the 78 year old patient. He was eating breakfast at home, and just did not feel well, called 911, and the paramedics got there just in time to see him do a nose dive...full arrest, code blue. Shock, shock, shock, epinephrine, intubated (breathing tube placed), scoop and run for the hospital. 1 hour later, he was with me.
Sooooo, we placed huge IV's (central and arterial lines), and ran the equivalent of ice water through him. When he was about 92 degrees F, we placed the cooling machine on him, and kept him cool all weekend. This is in theory supposed to stop the cellular damage of the organs, most importantly the brain. So, temperature measured constantly, blood pressure measured constantly, whoops, low BP, started on levophed, vasopression, epinephrine drips. Too acidotic, started bicarb drip. Sugar too high, started insulin drip. Pt now waking up, had to sedate on diprivan drip. Pt shivering, had to paralyze with a nimbex drip. OH, NO!! V-tach!! Shock, Shock!! Amiodorone drip. Whoops, no urine output, start continuous dialysis. Turn, oral care, turn, careful of his flesh, remember he is super cold and circulation is poor. Foot pumps/ted hose on. I can't tell you how labor intensive this was....just incredible!! And remember, none of the nurse's had been trained on this at all. Hurry up, read and figure it out. HURRY!!
Today, he is warming up slowly. He is waking up. So we shall see if we saved his brain and other organs. I found out later...he is a hugely important person in the country, a bishop of a church. Not that it makes a bit of difference to me! Every person gets the same treatment, you know?
Thanks for nurses out there can relate for sure!
Technology, to give patients a chance to live who otherwise would have surely succumbed.
Day OFF!
Telephone, so I can check up on this patient.
Congratulations... what alovely win.. Marcies patterns are so lovely!!! :o)))
God bless all our wonderful nurses!!! Love your quilts, and esp4ecially love the strings with the turquoise. That's going to be very fun to see!
What a time you had with your job! You have to love your job to be able to do it. My daughter is a registered nurse in a nursing home. I don't know how she does it.
The turquoise is going to be very good in your new string quilt.
And lucky you on the win from Marcie. She does great patterns.
Like I have said before - I want you as my nurse should the occation arise. Julie, you are remarkable.
Love the turquoise string quilt...that color just pops when used with the other colors.
Have a great week - rest abit.
Good work. If I get sick, you can take care of me.
Congrats for the patterns and strong work for the supervising and critical care work. Makes for a very full life! Hope your pt does well. He had great care!
The turquoise string is going to be beautiful.
I'm not a medical person but think your team did an amzing job. Nurses save more lives than docters probably but never get the creadit due. Well done!
What great hand quilting you're doing there. Love it and you know, I happen to think Marcie Rocks!
Julie, what a fascinating read on this new protocol. I can't even begin to imagine the amount of work this took. I'd be interested to hear more about this though if you care to share.
Bless you for your glowing spirit.
Holy Cow! What a weekend!
This is why I now work in a small hospital. Used to work in a really crazy critical cardiac care, but I just can't do that anymore.
I really like that new string quilt you've started!
I hope you keep us up to date, I'm so curious how that all worked out.
Wow - that's quite learning curve. I'm sure the man and his family are grateful for all you've done.
Love the prize - Marcie's patterns are great *s*
I am with Pam, keep us up to date. I hope he recovers and does well. Sounds like you did a great job and were really on top of it!
Never really a dull moment when you are a nurse!
Love your quilts & projects.
The hand quilting photos make me feel very happy! And your work day description makes me feel exhausted! You are amazing!
Wow, your story gave me major goose bumps! How far we have come!
You know, I think I will just stick to working with numbers and computers that I can just turn off and walk away from. I have the utmost admiration for nurses!
I just love the quilting you are doing on your string quilt. Kind of a folksy affect. And that turquoise one you have started is going to be striking.
Wow Julie, I just read about your weekend of work. Having spent a lot of time at the hospital lately it was fascinating. You nurses are the best.
Then was surprised to see you hand quilting the strings. Looks great.
Hello Julie, congrats on your lovely win from Marcie.....gorgeous do you do it incredibly remarkable nurse.......hugs lyn
Hello Julie Q, what a busy week you have had! The quilting looks wonderful on your string quilt, look just like I would have done with utility quilting...great choices!! COngrats on the win! Now you need some time to make those patterns *VBS*
Your hospital recalled experience was awesome...and how wonderful that these new things accomplish what used to be impossible. You did great!!! Big, big hugs, Finnie
I just found your blog, and signed up to follow. I too am a quilter and an RN, but I do psych nursing. Not so much life and death but a different type of drama! I am enjoying reading your past posts. Thanks!
I love the way you are hand quilting your string quilt. That will be a beauty when it is finished!
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