Today....today, I just did not go to work. Sometimes, I think everyone needs a re-start, a short chance to rest so that we can start producing again. I just hurt all over and do not know why...and for the first time in a very long time, I did not go into work at the hospital. I wanted to take today to be just a rest day, a chance to re-boot, restart, kind of like a computer when you open too many applications at once and it goes down for a short time. Ya' know? :) I do wonder why I feel so sore all over and so very, very tired...
Above is the stringee thingee quilt top. Not too sure if I am pleased with it or not at this point. I am going to put a thin strip of black in the first border for emphasis. Maybe rick-rack for something really different. Then again, I don't think that would be good either. Something thin and black in the first border, anyhow. Any ideas??

What do you think? Black or turquise binding? Majority rules!! This was all an experiment, no new fabric purchased, the only true cost was time. So...
My family, always and foremost. DH. DS and DDIL!
My re-boot day.
Finishing this quilt top!
Hope you are all having a wonderful Thursday!!!
Make it happy and use some of that turquoise..
I need to start cutting some strips and make one of these...
I love the turquoise. Too bad you can't use a metalic silver to wrap around the quilt like a piece of jewelery. I think black would tone the quilt down and turquoise would make it just glow.
I think I will be contrary and pick the black for the binding. I like the quilt a lot! Glad you took a day for yourself - we all need one occasionally.
I vote for the turquoise too. I think that the black would just mush into the burgundy to much and you want to have the whole quilt sing. I also think that a nice bright thread (varigated?) to quilt with in the borders may work just as well as adding the accent ric rac. Lay out a long wiggly piece and see if you like it.
I vote for the turquoise!
Here is hoping by now you are feeling recharged once more.
This heat can be very draining - so be careful.
I agree with Barbara, silver would be nice. It is so pretty!! Be proud of what you have made! I hope you are not coming down with the H 1 N 1. Good luck!!
I'm still thinking black but since so many have said turquoise, I'm second-guessing myself. I'm just thinking if the binding is turquoise, it might detract from the powerful impact of the turquoise in the string blocks themselves. Tough call on this......I do like it so far, though.
Love your string quilt! The turquoise is gorgeous! I say black binding. I think it has enough of the turquoise that makes it wonderful and it needs a little more black.
Thin black, to echo/repeat some of the strings in the blocks. I think it's smashing!!!
I pick black, or a black and white stripe?
I think one day is not enough...how about a week or two to reboot?!?!?
I like your idea of a thin black strip between the 1st and 2nd border...maybe a flat piping?
Oh I hope you'll feel better again soon! The quilt is really nice, I love how the turquoise pops out! I would probably use a black binding- but I am sure turquoise would be just as perfect :)
Hi Julie, I think black binding as the turquoise would detract from the quilt.......sometimes you need some time out....take care hugs lyn
I think black for the binding - and how about a pretty black braid for the accent on the border. Or if you really wanted to get fancy, get some thin black bias braid, and do some type of loopy pattern around the border or maybe just in two of the corners. LOL, does that make sense? Give it a kind of fancy wrought iron look, if that helps you understand what I am talking about.
I think it looks very vibrant and contemporary!
Beautiful quilt...I vote for black binding, but maybe you could take a picture of the quilt with each so we could better visualize.
Good for you, taking the time to re-charge. I hope you are feeling better for it.
The turquoise would get my vote for the binding. The quilt looks beautiful.
Enjoy it :-)
I immediately saw black as the binding. I totally dig this quilt though Julie. I really do.
...Your gratitudes were right on! I also think the day off was the right thing to do. Good for you, especially since you never allow that. *karendianne.
I will throw my thoughts into the pot too. I vote black. I think that would help frame this adorable quilt. I just love scrappy quilts!
Black is always a favorite for me. I think a skinny piece in the border would be divine . . . . but turquoise for the binding would just make the finished quilt sing *s*
Great scrappy quilt. Good for you to take a day off to take care of yourself!
I would normally say black binding but I think the turquoise would look great on this one....but definitely something black on the borders...lay out the ric rac and see.....you have probably already finished the quilt but thought I would put in my 2cents worth.....LOL
This is lovely! The turquoise strip ties it all together so beautifully, and the turqoise binding would be perfect. Julie, you KNOW you need to take care of yourself, or you won't be able to take care of your patients. Of COURSE you need to take a day off. Those 50 hour labor intensive weeks take a lot out of you, and your body was reminding you to take care of Julie. I'm glad you listened. I hope you feel better soon.
Beautiful quilt top, Julie! I would love to get back to some sewing one of these days. *sigh* Sounds like you have been really, really busy at work, and such a stressful job, Julie. Absolutely, take those reboot days when you can, girl! We need people like you, so be good to yourself. :)
I'm glad you took a day off just for you. It sounds like you needed a 'mental health' day - that's what I used to call it, anyhoo.
I love the colors in your string quilt! I agree that a thin strip of black in the first border would help connect it together. The turquoise and red together are yummy!
Now I've just read some of the other bloggers comments, and I'm wondering about the turquoise, too. How about both? I know you'll come up with the perfect solution. It's beautiful just the way it is, too!
Oh boy do I get what you are talking about. I need a reboot today! The string quilt is lovely. I really like it. I like the colors and textures and pattern they create. Good job.
Love it ... and I would go with black binding.
Julie Julie. I hope you're feeling refreshed and renewed. I think it's important for us all to realize the need or the time to re-boot...and to allow our body, soul, and mind to all become balanced again. I'm glad that you were looking out for yourself. ;-)
Happy weekend to you!
I love it! I say black binding, but turquoise will look good too! Just 2 different looks.
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