This weekend is father's day, and I wish a wonderful day to each father and family out there.
******************************Nursing update**************************************
The patient on the hypothermia protocol I posted about in my last post is getting better! He woke up and winked at his wife, and squeezed her hand on command. All sign of neurological recovery. Just working on getting him off the ventilator for now.
Other nursing stuff: We, at our hospital, are limited on how much overtime we can work, to a total of 100 hours in two weeks, total time. But the hospital calls every single day for me to come to work. Now, I will get written up if I go over 100 hours, no way around it...yet they still keep calling! Mmmmm, there is a communcation mismatch problem here....I always have 99.6 hours at least! I just think if they need me to work, they need to get rid of that rule...they really do need the help.
Tomatoes fresh from the garden
Warm weather
My patient is getting better!
Delicious. Delicious strings and yummy tomato. Turquoise is fantastic with scrappy, don't you think? Oh I delight in that. This is really rock the socks off!
I loved reading about the wink and the healing. "just" working to get him off the Vent. Is that a lengthy process in this sort of situation?
Gratitude: The cute little quilt I won from you. I moved it yesterday to a new spot. With the new sofa and end table it desired closer interaction. :) I'll be sending a photo in the next couple days.
Wow, ripe tomatoes. I can only hope for ripe ones by the end of July! I think you may have hornworms eating your tomato plants. They are hard to spot so look for their black droppings on the ground. They will strip a plant in one day!
Your strings are so bright & cheery. I love them.
When growing tomatoes you have to check for worms and other insect, everyday. Really morning and night.
Because the worm you miss has eaten your plant by night. We use to have a big garden and ate from it almost exclusively. It takes a lot of work. But the food is soooo good!
It is definitely a tomatoe worm (as we call them) eating your leaves. They have the horn on their head and are fat and maybe as big as your pinky or index finger. They are so camoflauged the same color of the plant. Full of green stuff.... uuuuuh! Squash them. Love tomatoes, just waiting for mine to ripen also.
The turquoise is just great with the strings. It is bright but really draws everything together.
I don't know how you can get any quilting done with all the hours you work!
Oh I love the turquoise! And those tomatoes look yummy!
Have a great weekend!
I'm so glad to hear the patient is responding to the new treatment form. The turqouise looks really nice and it looks like each turquoise strip is bordered by a black strip...which adds to the effect!
Julie, the turquoise really looks beautiful. The strings are looking great!
Happy to hear cold guy is doing so well. Sometimes the lungs take awhile but it sure looks promising. Blessings to the nurses and family around him!
Time to unplug your phone though...that is way too many hours! Hope you get to play some.
Love your stringee quilt blocks. The turquoise is a gorgeous color. I can't believe that you have tomatoes already. Unbelievable! I have flowers that are just starting to bloom. I am so glad to hear that your patient is doing better. But wow 100 hours in 2 weeks, do they every give you time to sleep?
Tomatoes already? I am so jealous. I like your string piecing too...the turquoise is perfect.
Julie, Sorry about your tomato plant...those worms (which are very hard to spot) can kill a plant before you can say likedty split...don't send them north of the Red River as I don't want them eating our tomato plants.
Love the turquoise in the stringy quilt...
Wonderful news about your patient.
I think the turquoise is wonderful in the quilt. Seeing those red tomatoes in the next pictures made me wonder how some red would look with that turquoise. Its going to be a great quilt.
How exciting to have ripe tomatoes already. Wish I knew what the leaf culprit was.
So glad to hear about your patient. Sounds like really good news *s*
My tomato plants are still protected with their Wall 'o Waters (mainly to protect them from the hail). It is time to remove them today and put the cages around them. That turquoise strip in the stringee-thingee just makes those blocks sizzle!
Wow, 100 hours? that's amazing. It is a wonder you have any time for gardening or quilting at all! Glad to hear your very ill patient is coming around. Hope he gets weaned from the ventilator soon. Thank goodness for ventilators!
I really like the turquoise in your string blocks. It really makes them pop! I'm glad your patient is doing better too!
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