Friday, April 10, 2009

Giveaway results...and another giveaway!

FIRST OF ALL: Happy Easter! I will be hard at work at the hospital that day, so this is my chance to wish a happy holiday for everyone.

Drum roll please! The random book drawing has been done...and congratulations to Anne Heidi at This was so much fun...thank you so much to everyone who commented! It is so much fun to connect with bloggers who may not have time to comment each time. I loved it! In fact...this post is my 150th post. So...I am having another giveaway! Below is that pretty honeybun I showed last time, a pre-cut yummy roll of strips from Moda. I hope you like it enough to comment, or be a follower, or connect somehow. Drawing for the honeybun is on April 15th.

Pretty, huh??

See that empty spool of Guterman quilting thread by the rabbit? It represents a lot, lot of work. Below is the "Kitchen sink quilt" inspired by Bonnie Hunter's quilt. The entire spool of thread is hand-quilted into this quilt.

I washed it, and it is shrunk and warm and cuddly. I am so glad to have it done!

Have a wonderful day!



Winona said...

Julie, your quilt is beautiful! I am a hand quilter, so I know how much work you have in this. I just finished a spool of Guterman too. JoAnn's is having a sale of 50% off all thread starting April 19, I believe. I hope to be able to stock up. LOL Congratulations to Anne. Enjoy your book. Please enter me in your honeybun giveaway. Have a good Easter. Winona

Pat said...

It's beautiful Julie!

lesthook said...

So pretty! I have done a lot of hand quilting too. I follow your blog through google reader.

Sherri said...

Hi...giveaways are fun...aren't they?! I'm having one now too! Anyway...I love "Wonderland"...and I just started following your blog...have a great Easter weekend!

Amelia said...

So pretty...lots of hand quilting on that one...I have never done any meandering like that...something new to try.

Enjoy this Easter weekend!

Pat said...

Congratulations to Anne for her win. And...GOOD job on your part for hitting your 150th post. I love the quilt you showed here, too. Happy Easter to you and your family. OH...and, of course, enter me in this new giveaway, too! :)

AnnieO said...

OOOh, pretty pretty. I love scrap quilts--they go with every decor, don't they? Congratulations on your beautiful handwork and also your 150th post. Yes, I would like to be entered in your drawing. I enjoy your blog so much (and thanks for visiting mine!)

Nancy said...

The quilt is BEATIFUL!! What great colors....I don't hand quilt, so I really appreciate all the hard work.
Would love to use that Honey Bun in my next project...

acecraig100 said...

I absolutely love the colors and pattern of your quilt. Nice job! Congratulations on your 150th post!

Shari said...

What a beautiful quilt! I love the 'kitchen sink' approach - and it certainly worked well! Lots of hand quilting but so worth it.

Another giveaway? You certainly must be in a great 'spring is here' mood.

I hope you and your family are well and enjoying a lovely Easter break...

Hugs - Shari

Sue said...

That's a great quilt for using up the scraps, very pretty! Thanks for offering another giveaway!

Quilts And Pieces said...

I love Honey Buns! I"m in. Your kitchen sink quilt is awesome!

Michaela said...

Congrats to winners of the giveaway. Beautiful quilt!

quiltmom anna said...

What a nice accomplishment to complete your quilt- a whole spool of thread- It represents a large number of stitches.
Congratulations for making 150 posts- that is quite an accomplishment.
Please enter my in your giveaway of a jellyroll. What a fun thing to giveaway.
Regards from a Western Canadian quilter,

Kami said...

What a beautiful quilt. I am so impressed that you used a whole spool of thread hand quilting. I give up so soon doing that. Way to go! Please enter me in the moda give-away. I saw polka dot fabric. Always one of my downfalls.

Happy Easter!

Christina D said...

I am inspired by your "Kitchen Sink"
quilt. It's beautiful! I rarely have time to hand quilt now but it is so rewarding to see the stitches. Please enter me in the giveaway. Thanks
Christina D

antique quilter said...

Love your quilt and all that quilting makes the quilt even better!!!!
Congrats to Anne, its a great book and she is the perfect person to win that book, she will love it!
OH I love this honeybun , ah yes it would have no problem being part of one of my quilts, or maybe even a little quilt all by itself.
Thanks for the chance to win this

Sew Create It - Jane said...

Well done getting that quilt finished...such a lot of thread! It's gorgeous.

Please count me in for your giveaway...congrats on 150 posts!

Khris said...

I wish we could get these gorgeous Mod Honeybuns and Jellyrolls as easily as you girls do...I would love to win them..hugs Khris in Oz

*karendianne. said...

Oh Julie, what a pretty, pretty finished quilt. Very happy you shared with us. I love this one.

Unknown said...

Congrats to Anne Heidi! Wow, I am so impressed with your hand quilting such a large quilt! I love the quilt and remember commenting before about that particular quilt. I just love the colors and the design. It really appeals to me. You did a fantastic job! And I can't believe you are at 150! Thanks for another opportunity to win some yummy fabrics! Happy Easter to you!

Sue Cahill said...

Another wonderful milestone, 150 posts!!

I just became a follower, I am so glad I found your blog. Your work is lovely.

Thanks for offering such a sweet giveaway.

Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)

Anonymous said...

Your quilt looks wonderful Julie, I'm not a hand quilter, but I sure do apprecaite all the work that goes into it.

Ruth said...

The quilt is lovely! I love Bonnie's site. She has so many good ideas. Please add me to the drawing - would love to win!

Sherry said...

Congrats to Anne! Your Kitchen Sink quilt is gorgeous, congrats on getting it finished. Thanks for offering the honey bun giveaway. Happy Easter.

Denise in PA said...

The quilt is beautiful! I'd love to win that honeybun - it's beautiful too o:)!

Anna said...

An empty spool must feel day I hope to be a finisher too :). Love the quilt!

Jeanne said...

I love your Kitchen Sink quilt! Great finish. Please add my name to the drawing for the honeybun. Happy Easter.

Rachel said...

all of your projects are so cute! Thanks for sharing your beauties. I know this sounds stalkerish, but I guess it's different in bloggy land, I've been following you for a while now!

Elaine Adair said...

Please add ME to this long list of commenters! Your original post on that "Kitchen Sink" is still marked as NEW on my bloglines -- I really want to to make that quilt, and I raelly want to win your goodies!

Contratulations onf 150 posts! 8-))

Diane H said...

Easter Blessings Julie, your quilts and blog are lovely. I'm now following your "officially".
Thank you for your generous draw.

LISA said...

Congrats to the winner! I will be at the hospitl too on Easter! Working a 16 hr shift! Happy Easter to all that celebrate.

imagrandma2five said...

I love your kitchen sink quilt. I'm also a handquilter and know that a lot of work and time has gone into that quilt. It is beautiful!
Please enter my name in your honeybun giveaway.

Terry said...

The fabric looks lovely! If I won it would be my first honeybun!Thanks for another giveaway! :0)

Finn said...

HI Julie, a very Happy Easter to you sweetie *VBS* Sorry you have to be at work, but so wonderful for those lucky patients!
The Kitchen Sink looks wonderful, all quilted and washed. COngratulations on finishing the whole spool! That's alot of stitches!
Pluese do include me in your drawing. Love the iris pics so much, I miss mine at the house that used to be.
All is well here, hugs, Finnie

Darcie said...

Your quilt looks divine, Julie! So homey and love-filled! Very *you.* ;-)

Happy Easter to you. We were in the hospital with my Dad last year on Easter...and it was nurses like you that *made* it for us. ;-)

Bless you, sweet friend!

LindaW said...

Your quilt is lovely. I admire anyone who has the patience to hand quilt! LindaW

LindaW said...

Your quilt is lovely. I admire anyone who has the patience to hand quilt! LindaW

Becky said...

Love your new quilt! Great job! Love looking at your quilts! Happy 150! I am close to 150, too! Planning a give-away, also. Happy Easter!

Amy in Edmond said...

The fabric is beautiful. I would love to win.

Unknown said...

Hello: I love your blog, wanted your you are perfect I congratulate you, I like me very much your blog .Vero

Anne Heidi said...

Oh the quilt is so pretty! A lot of work, but so worth it! I am so excited to have won the book :-) Thank you so much! Happy Easter

Anne said...

I'd LOVE to be in your new giveaway. Sew much fun!

Trisha said...

Gorgeous quilt! Love the colors.

Teresa said...

The quilt just says "snuggle with me" so warm and cozy looking. Great job!

Sue H said...

Oooh, a yummy honey bun! Count me in. Your quilt is gorgeous! It's always fun to stop by and see what you're up to.

Rose Marie said...

Darn, I didn't win the book, but count me in for the jelly roll. Love your quilt .... very scrappy!

Stina Blomgren said...

Back in time for another try at your giveaway.. missed the book...but congratulations to Anne Heidi..:o)
And yes..its pretty...the wonderland goodie..:o)
And I love your Kitchen Sink quilt... beautiful!! :o)

Anonymous said...

I absolutely, without a doubt, L-O-V-E anything (should have said everything) Moda does, has done, or probably will EVER do! Boy, do they have me pegged! LOL. Thanks for the chance to win!

Jan said...

Wow, that is a lot of thread quilted by hand into a quilt! Good Job!!! Thanks for entering me in the drawing! What fun!

Karen said...

The quilt shown in your header is beautiful!

meggie said...

I am too late for the giveaway but I had to come to tell you how gorgeous your Kitchen Sink is!! Beautiful!

Bunny said...

I am so impressed with your 52 comments way to go we should be giving you something.
I love your quilt and especially the one with the little rabbit.

Litamora's Quilt & Design said...

What a gorgeous quilt! It's so beautiful!

Mystery quilt and more

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