Tuesday, April 21, 2009

And the Oscar goes to....

Good evening all!

Since this is my diary of sorts, I must include this. I really want to remember this, not for bragging rights or bravado, but just for me to savor this moment. I try to remember good things, not bad, and this is a once in a lifetime moment!

Above is a beautiful red rose. I was given this rose at a ceremony, the "Great One Hundred Nurse's" ceremony. I was honored and humbled to be chosen one of a hundred nurses, out of 19,000 eligible nurses, for exemplifyng the art and science of nursing! You could have knocked me over with a feather when I found out I had won, as I had no idea I had even been nominated. This is like a lifetime achievement award for nurses...an "Oscar" if you will. It is every bit as big a deal for a nurse as an Oscar is for an actor. I will remember this night forever, at the Meyerson Symphony center in Dallas, being presented on a stage, in front of my peers and family. The whole thing made me so proud to be a nurse and more dedicated than ever to the love and healing of my patients. I feel that so many of the nurses I work with are unsung heroes, loving their patients and steadfastly working to better their health and outcomes. It is truly a calling for many, many of us, not just a job. Thank you for allowing me to share the highest point of my nursing career with you.


Amelia said...

Nurse Julie, we are so proud for you and of you...if ever in your area and require hospital care - I want you by my side..because of your nursing skills and your unfaltering faith in God.


Kathy said...

Congratulations from another quilting RN! This is an amazing award....what an honor!

Lindah said...

How neat, Julie! Congratulations! Thank you for sharing this special event in your life.
God bless you and keep you.

Norma said...

Congratulations on your honor. I knew that you were skilled and had a great heart from the mention you have made in your posts about your charges.

Keep up the good work, the world needs more like our Julie!

Trisha said...

Congratulations! That is amazing!

Stephanie D said...

Attagirl, Julie! Quilting RNs are the best, and I'm glad you were recognized for what so often goes unnoticed.

Stina Blomgren said...

Ohh..glad you shared this... enjoy every moment of this glory..and I am sure you are worth it over and over again!! :o)

meggie said...

Recognition is always so lovely, & I am glad you have yours! Well Done!

antique quilter said...

oh thank you for telling us about this award
I have a deep appreciation for nurses having a child that spent 3 months in the nic unit when she was born...made me see first hand what special people are that chose to become nurses.

Anonymous said...

Dear Julie, congratulations on your Oscar.......your goodness/spirit shows through on your posts.....what an achievement and honour.......so proud for you....and I second what Amelia said.........Hugs Lyn

The Calico Cat said...

Congrats! (I had a couple lovely nurses care for me after Jacob's birth - some of my best memories!)

*karendianne. said...

Oh Julie,

What an honor. From the things you've shared, I have thought you to be a truly wonderful nurse with great skill and empathy ~ a true healer. Gifted. Rare. A treasure.

With Respect and Admiration, *karendianne.

Unknown said...

Congratulations Julie! That is truly an honor which you should be proud of... We all could use many more RN's like you.

Chookyblue...... said...

share, share away...........congrats well done..........not often you get recognised in your career........

Karen said...

A big congratulations! Those that choose nursing as a profession are special angels. My mother and mother-in-law went into nursing a bit later in life (in their early 40's). Now my daughter has been a nurse for about 24 years.

Darcie said...

Julie! What an honor!!! And to a very deserving recipient!!! Congratulations. That is just simply wonderful. I'm so happy for you!

Blessings to you. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Julie, how exciting for you, and how nice that someone nominated you for this honour.

Sue H said...

Wow! Can you hear the standing ovation all the way from Minnesota? That really speaks volumes not only about your nursing skills, but also about the respect of your peers and of your character. Congratulations, and thanks for sharing!

Pat said...

Congratulations Julie. What an honor.

Ruth said...

How wonderful for you to receive such an amazing award! I have been following your blog for a while, but had no idea you were from the Dallas area. I work in Dallas - live in Duncanville! Contratulations!

mckie2 said...

Congratulations on a well deserved honor. I enjoy reading about your quilting and nursing life.

You seem to be a very caring person.

Loris said...

Awesome news, Julie. I have similar thoughts about my co-workers when I see them constantly going the extra mile for our patients. Nurses often deserve the orchestra music and the film clip!

Pam said...

Congratulations Julie! It is so wonderful to find out how much your dedication and caring is appreciated. What a special honor.

Ali Honey said...

Bravo, bravo! What a lovely idea! What a lovely rose. What a memory to treasure.

So glad you shared this honour and very special achievemnet in your life with us.
Hugs from NZ.

Jenni said...

That's pretty impressive Julie - congratulations.

English Rose said...

how wonderful - many congratulations, and thank you for sharing this event with us.

Unknown said...

I don't get around to reading blogs like I would like to, but this has to be the best post for ages. It couldn't have happened to a better nurse. I have seen many nurses with all Hubby has been through and know how dedicated they are. Thanks for letting us know. The Rose is beautiful.

Teresa said...

Congratulations!!! I think the award is a definite recognition of your commitment and skill as a nurse, one of the hardest jobs I think there is. Between having a child with serious medical issues at birth, and now dealing with elderly parents, I have a great appreciation of skilled, caring nurses! Way to go!!!

Finn said...

Oh my goodness, yes, defintely, 100%.....the Rose goes to OUR angel of mercy, Julie K *VBS*. Very well deserved, earned and all that jazz...I am so very tickled for you. *VBS* What a wonderful event, congratulations, well done nurse Julie! Big hugs, Finnie

Libby said...

Congratulations and thank you for your hard work and dedication *s*

Mama Spark said...

Congratulations!! You have every right to be happy and proud. What a wonderful honor!!

Lisa said...

Congrants from one nurse to another!

Anne Heidi said...

Congratulations, that is wonderful! I am so happy you shared this with us.

AnnieO said...

There are a lot of good nurses out there and some that exemplify the field. Congratulations on being one of them.

KC Quilter said...

Wow, that is a great honor!!! Congratulations to you. Thanks for sharing with us blogpals!

Marilyn Robertson said...

Congratulations Julie! What a fantastic honor!

Unknown said...

Congratulations ! That really is an honour .

Nicole said...

Sincere congratulations to you! What an honor indeed. How proud your family must be of you!

Leanne said...

Congratulation Julie sit back and enjoy I'm sure you deserved it.

Jan said...

Congratulations on the Nursing Award! What a wonderful way to shine!!!!

Quilter Kathy said...

Congratulations! That is quite an honour to be recognized like that!

Kim said...

Cool beans! We know you have a special touch and dedication to your profession when you are honored in this way. Congratulations. :o)

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